Device | Alto Abdominal Stent Graft System |
Applicant | Endologix, LLC 3910 Brickway Blvd Santa Rosa, CA 95403 |
PMA Number | P120006 |
Supplement Number | S031 |
Date Received | 03/13/2019 |
Decision Date | 03/13/2020 |
Product Code |
Docket Number | 20M-1126 |
Notice Date | 03/17/2020 |
Advisory Committee |
Cardiovascular |
Clinical Trials | NCT02949297
Supplement Type | Panel Track |
Supplement Reason | Labeling Change - Indications/instructions/shelf life/tradename |
Expedited Review Granted? | No |
Combination Product | No |
Approval Order Statement Approval for the Alto Abdominal Stent Graft System. The device is indicated for treatment of patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms having the vascular morphology suitable for endovascular repair with the device, which includes the following:1) Adequate iliac/femoral access compatible with vascular access techniques (femoral cutdown or percutaneous), devices, and/or accessories;2) A proximal aortic landing zone for the sealing ring 7mm below the inferior renal artery; 3) An aortic sealing zone comprised of healthy aorta defined as; a. Lack of significant thrombus > 8 mm in thickness; at any point along the aortic circumference at the level of 7mm below the inferior renal artery; b. Lack of significant calcification at the level of 7mm below the inferior renal artery; c. Conicity < 10% as measured from the inferior renal artery to the aorta 7mm below the inferior renal artery; d. An inner wall diameter of no less than 16 mm and no greater than 30 mm at 7 mm below the inferior renal artery; and e. An aortic angle of <= 60 degrees. 4) A distal iliac landing zone: a. With a length of at least 10 mm; and b. With an inner wall diameter of no less than 8 mm and no greater than 25 mm. |
Approval Order | Approval Order |
Summary | Summary of Safety and Effectiveness |
Labeling | Labeling Labeling Part 2 |
Post-Approval Study | Show Report Schedule and Study Progress |