General |
Study Status |
Redesigned/Replaced Study |
Application Number / Requirement Number |
P100034 / PAS001 |
Date Original Protocol Accepted |
Date Current Protocol Accepted |
Study Name |
New Enrollment Study for NovoTTF-100A
Device Name |
Clinical Trial Number(s) |
General Study Protocol Parameters |
Study Design |
Prospective Cohort Study
Data Source |
New Data Collection
Comparison Group |
Concurrent Control
Analysis Type |
Study Population |
Adult: >21
Detailed Study Protocol Parameters |
Study Objectives |
The study is a prospective, non-randomized open-label concurrent control study of NovoTTF-100A in recurrent GBM patients. A prospective, international, multi-center study, will include 30 centers in the US, EU and Israel, at least 15 centers in the US.
The study will include 2 groups: an Investigational Group composed of patients treated with the NovoTTF-100A and a Control Group of concurrent best standard of care chemotherapy. Patients in the NovoTTF-100A group will be treated continuously until disease progression and then followed by telephone interview until death. Minimal recommended treatment duration is 4 weeks and minimal recommended treatment compliance is 18h/day (monthly average).
Study Population |
The NovoTTF-100A System is intended as a treatment for adult patients (22 years of age or older) with histologically-confirmed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), following histologically- or radiologically-confirmed recurrence in the supra-tentorial region of the brain after receiving chemotherapy.
NovoTTF-100A Group ¿ Patients treated with the NovoTTF-100A ¿ Patients will be treated continuously until disease progression ¿ Minimal recommended treatment duration ¿ 4 weeks ¿ Minimal recommended treatment compliance ¿ 18h a day (monthly average)
Control Group ¿ Concurrent best standard of care chemotherapy (control) group
Sample Size |
30 centers in the US, EU and Israel. At least 15 centers in the US.
Test arm: N1=243 NovoTTF-100A patients Comparator arm: N2=243 Concurrent best standard of care control patients
Definitions: λ1 = hazard of death in the test arm λ2 = hazard of death in the comparator arm Primary Statistical Hypothesis: H0: λ1 / λ2 > 1.375 H1: λ1 / λ2 ≤ 1.375 Assumptions: Type I error: 0.05 Power: 0.80 Test statistics: Log-rank test Lost to follow-up: 10%
Key Study Endpoints |
Primary ¿ Overall survival (months)
Secondary ¿ Change in neuro-cognitive function from baseline based on the MMSE ¿ Genetic profiling of tumors and correlation with response to NovoTTF-100A treatment, specifically: o MGMT promoter methylation status o EGFR amplification, over expression or rearrangement o Chromosomes 1p/19q deletion status o IDH1 mutation ¿ Adverse event incidence by body system and term, including: o Incidence of seizures and headaches o Anticonvulsant use
Follow-up Visits and Length of Follow-up |
¿ Recruitment: 48 months ¿ Follow-up: 12 months from recruitment of last patient ¿ NovoTTF-100A treatment until clinical disease progression. ¿ Patients will continue to be followed until death Baseline: ¿ Eligibility assessment ¿ MMSE ¿ Genetic profiling of tumor tissue ¿ Adverse event symptoms ¿ Concomitant medication Monthly until clinical disease progression: ¿ Vital status ¿ MMSE ¿ Adverse event record ¿ Concomitant medication (including steroid and anticonvulsant dosing) ¿ Evaluation of progression Monthly after disease progression: ¿ Vital status