General |
Study Status |
Completed |
Application Number / Requirement Number |
P200030 / PAS001 |
Date Original Protocol Accepted |
Date Current Protocol Accepted |
Study Name |
Cont f/u of the IDE Study Subjects
Device Name |
Gore Excluder Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis (CEXC)
Clinical Trial Number(s) |
General Study Protocol Parameters |
Study Design |
Prospective Cohort Study
Data Source |
New Data Collection
Comparison Group |
No Control
Analysis Type |
Study Population |
Adult: >21
Detailed Study Protocol Parameters |
Study Objectives |
The purpose of the post approval study is to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of the Gore Excluder Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis (EXCC). It is a prospective, multi-center, single-arm clinical study. It involves the long-term follow-up of the premarket cohort.
Study Population |
The study population is patients with an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm who met the study selection criteria.
Sample Size |
A total of 80 subjects were enrolled in the study and remaining subjects will be followed.
Key Study Endpoints |
Serious adverse events, all-cause mortality, aneurysm-related mortality, aneurysm rupture, secondary interventions, conversion to open surgery, losses of device integrity, device occlusions, stenosis or kink, aneurysm enlargement (greater than or equal to 5 mm), stent graft migration (greater than or equal to 10 mm), all types of endoleaks, and other device-related events.
Follow-up Visits and Length of Follow-up |
Subjects will be followed for 5 years.
Interim or Final Data Summary |
Actual Number of Patients Enrolled |
Actual Number of Sites Enrolled |
Patient Follow-up Rate |
Any data | Imaging Data 60 Months: 88.7% (47/53) | 84.9% (45/53) 48 Months: 82.3% (51/62) | 82.3% (51/62) 36 Months: 85.1% (57/67) | 82.1% (55/67) 24 Months: 78.7% (59/75) | 77.3% (58/75) 12 Months: 94.9% (75/79) | 93.7% (74/79) 6 Months: 97.5% (77/79) | 94.9% (75/79) 1 Month: 98.8% (79/80) | 98.8% (79/80)
Final Safety Findings |
Serious Adverse Events: • There were two subjects with device-related SAEs. • There were four subjects with procedure-related SAEs. All-Cause Mortality: • There were 15 subjects who experienced this endpoint event. Aneurysm-Related Mortality: • No subjects experienced this endpoint event. Aneurysm Rupture: • One subject experienced a core lab reported AAA rupture, however, that was not confirmed with assessments from both site and CEC. Secondary Interventions: • Nine (11.3%) subjects required reintervention as adjudicated by the CEC. Five of these subjects required reinterventions on more than one occasion. Conversion to Open Surgery: • No subjects experienced this endpoint event. Loss of Device Integrity: • No subjects experienced this endpoint event. Device Occlusions: • No subjects experienced this endpoint event. Stenosis or Kink: • No subjects experienced this endpoint event. Aneurysm Enlargement (greater than or equal to 5 mm): • Eight (10.3%) subjects experienced this endpoint event as evaluated by core lab. Stent Graft Migration (greater than or equal to 10 mm): • No subjects experienced this endpoint event. All Types of Endoleaks: • There were no site-reported Type III, Type IV or indeterminate endoleaks. Forty-seven (58.8%) subjects were free from any type of site-reported endoleak. One subject (1.3%) experienced a site-reported Type IA endoleak. Thirty-three subjects (41.3%) experienced a site-reported Type II endoleak. As evaluated by the core lab, there were no subjects with Type I endoleaks, there were 36 subjects (45%) who experienced Type II endoleaks, there were no subjects who experienced Type III or Type IV endoleaks and there were nine subjects (56.3%) who experienced indeterminate endoleaks. Other Device-Related Events: • No subjects experienced this endpoint event.
Final Effect Findings |
Study Strengths & Weaknesses |
Strengths: The Short Neck Substudy was successful in meeting its performance goal. The follow-up compliance, including for imaging data, was very high. Follow-up assessments through five years post-procedure have shown continued treatment and device durability. Patients also benefitted from complete freedom from aneurysm-related mortality with reasonable rates of endoleak reintervention and rupture in the total absence of device integrity events. Low rates of long-term device complications, coupled with the immediate benefits of endovascular therapy, confirms the value of CEXC device treatment for AAA. Weaknesses: The patient population treated was heavily represented by males (88.8%) and Caucasians (93.8%). Female and African American population representation was very low (11.3% and 3.8% respectively). Limited data was available for other races and ethnicities.
Recommendations for Labeling Changes |
Labeling changes are recommended to present the long-term outcomes of this device.