General |
Study Status |
Ongoing |
Application Number / Requirement Number |
P200046 / PAS002 |
Date Original Protocol Accepted |
Date Current Protocol Accepted |
Study Name |
Harmony TPV New Enrollment Study
Device Name |
Harmony™ TPV System
Clinical Trial Number(s) |
General Study Protocol Parameters |
Study Design |
Prospective Cohort Study
Data Source |
New Data Collection
Comparison Group |
No Control
Analysis Type |
Study Population |
Child: 2-12 yrs,
Adolescent: 13-18 yrs,
Transit. Adolescent A (distinctively) : 18-21 yrs,
Transit. Adolescent B (as adults) : 18-21 yrs,
Adult: >21
Detailed Study Protocol Parameters |
Study Objectives |
A prospective, single-arm, multi-center study. The objective of the study is to characterize the real-world performance of the Harmony TPV through 10 years post implant.
Study Population |
Patients with severe pulmonary regurgitation (i.e., severe pulmonary regurgitation as determined by echocardiography and/or pulmonary regurgitant fraction greater than or equal to 30% as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) who have a native or surgically-repaired right ventricular outflow tract and are clinically indicated for surgical pulmonary valve replacement.
Sample Size |
Key Study Endpoints |
Proportion of patients without valve intervention and with acceptable hemodynamic function at 6 months, procedure success at 30 days, as well as freedom from all-cause mortality, freedom from reoperation, freedom from catheter reintervention, freedom from TPV dysfunction, and serious procedure- and device-related adverse events at 6 months and annually through 10 years.
Follow-up Visits and Length of Follow-up |
10 years
Interim or Final Data Summary |
Interim Results |
Safety Results Number of Subjects with CEC Adjudicated Adverse Events: Fever (2); Heart block, 3rd degree: (1); Hemorrhage: major (1); Ventricular premature beats (1); Ventricular tachycardia (1)
Effectiveness Results There have been no surgical or catheter reinterventions reported. There has been 1 event of Type I Stent Fracture without loss of stent integrity.
Actual Number of Patients Enrolled |
64 (implanted)
Actual Number of Sites Enrolled |
Patient Follow-up Rate |
100% at discharge