Date Initiated by Firm | May 10, 2011 |
Date Posted | July 06, 2011 |
Recall Status1 |
Terminated 3 on October 06, 2011 |
Recall Number | Z-2740-2011 |
Recall Event ID |
58792 |
510(K)Number | K093383 |
Product Classification |
Real Time Nucleic Acid Amplification System - Product Code OOI
Product | NucliSens EasyQ Enterovirus serotype 68 v1.1: Catalog number: 200300
In Vitro Diagnostic Test |
Code Information |
Catalog number: 200300, Lot number: 10042001, 9081001, 9112403, 9030902 and 9030901. |
Recalling Firm/ Manufacturer |
bioMerieux, Inc. 100 Rodolphe St Durham NC 27712-9402
For Additional Information Contact | Mr. Benjamin Smith 314-731-8537 |
Manufacturer Reason for Recall | The NucliSENS EasyQ Enterovirus Reagents are unable to detect Enterovirus serotype 68, in respiratory samples. |
FDA Determined Cause 2 | Device Design |
Action | BioMerieux Vitek, Inc. sent an "Urgent Product Correction Notice" letter on/about May 10, 2011.
The letter included; a description of the product, problem, possible impact to the patient and recommendations. Recommendations included instructing customers to discontinue the use of the kit for the detection of Enterovirus 68 and Rhinovirus 87 serotypes and noted the corrected IFU will be available the first week of April 2011. An Acknowledgement form was attached to be returned via fax.
For additional questions please contact your local BioMerieux Clinical Customer representative at (800) 682-2666, option 3, option 2. |
Quantity in Commerce | 42 kits |
Distribution | (USA) Nationwide distribution including the states of MD, MI, MN, MT, NY and PA |
Total Product Life Cycle | TPLC Device Report |
1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls. 2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall. 3 For details about termination of a recall see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 §7.55.
510(K) Database | 510(K)s with Product Code = OOI