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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Class 2 Device Recall 3D93v Compact and 3D93v Transducer

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 Class 2 Device Recall 3D93v Compact and 3D93v Transducersee related information
Date Initiated by FirmJune 30, 2023
Date PostedSeptember 06, 2023
Recall Status1 Open3, Classified
Recall NumberZ-2517-2023
Recall Event ID 92761
510(K)NumberK042540 K043535 K081661 K120321 K132304 K222648 
Product Classification Transducer, ultrasonic, diagnostic - Product Code ITX
Product3D9-3v Transducer, accessory to Philips Ultrasound Systems: EPIQ Elite; Affiniti 30, 50, and 70; ClearVue 850; HD15; iU22; and Compact 5000
Code Information UDI-DI:00884838061545, Serial Numbers: F07VBZ, F083JP, F086Z5, F088QC, F08JPF, F08K4H, F08VLP, F08VLY, F08W1C, F08W1D, F08W1J, F08W1K, F08W1L, F08W1M, F08W1Q, F08WXP, F08WXY, F08WZY, F08X01, F08X02, F08X03, F08X04, F08Y2T, F08ZR3, F08ZR4, F08ZR5, F092BQ, F092BR, F092BV, F097QQ, F097QV, F097QW, F09BTB, F09BTC, F09BTD, F09BTG, F09BTH, F09BTN, F09BTP, F09C1G, F09C1H, F09C1L, F09C1M, F09F3R, F09F3T, F09F3V, F09F3X, F09F3Y, F09F3Z, F09F40, F09F41, F09F42, F09F43, F09F45, F09F48, F09F49, F09F4C, F09F4D, F09F4F, F09F4G, F09F4H, F09JT0, F09JT2, F09JT3, F09MH4, F09MH5, F09MH6, F09MH7, F09MH8, F09MH9, F09MHB, F09MHC, F09MHG, F09MHH, F09MHK, F09MHL, F09MHM, F09MHN, F09MHP, F09N4J, F09N4K, F09N4M, F09N4N, F09N4P, F09NLM, F09NLN, F09NLP, F09NLT, F09V25, F09V26, F09V27, F09V28, F09V29, F09V2C, F09V2D, F09V2F, F09V2G, F09V2H, F09V2J, F09VH6, F09VH7, F09VH9, F09VHB, F09VWL, F09VWM, F09VWN, F09VWP, F09VWQ, F09XY4, F09XY5, F09XY6, F09XY7, F09XY8, F09XYB, F09XYD, F09XYF, F09XYG, F09XYH, F09YQ7, F09YQ8, F09YQ9, F09YQB, F0B16J, F0B16K, F0B16M, F0B16P, F0B1K5, F0B1K6, F0B1K7, F0B1K8, F0B1K9, F0B5KP, F0B5KQ, F0B5KR, F0B5KT, F0B5KV, F0B5KW, F0B6K9, F0B6KB, F0B6KC, F0B6KD, F0B6KF, F0B6KG, F0B7ND, F0B7NF, F0B7NG, F0B7NH, F0B7NJ, F0B7NK, F0B7NM, F0B7NN, F0B7NQ, F0B7NT, F0B7NX, F0B7NY, F0B7P0, F0B7P4, F0B7P5, F0B7X9, F0B7XC, F0B7XD, F0B7XG, F0B8G7, F0B8G8, F0B8G9, F0B8GB, F0B95D, F0B95G, F0BB01, F0BB02, F0BB03, F0BBGT, F0BBGX, F0BBGY, F0BBGZ, F0BCFQ, F0BCFR, F0BDMQ, F0BDMR, F0BDMT, F0BDMV, F0BFK8, F0BFKB, F0BFKC, F0BFXH, F0BFXJ, F0BFXK, F0BFXM, F0BFXN, F0BFXQ, F0BFXV, F0BHWP, F0BHWQ, F0BHWR, F0BHWT, F0BHWV, F0BHWW, F0BHZP, F0BHZR, F0BHZT, F0BHZV, F0BHZW, F0BHZZ, F0BJ00, F0BJ01, F0BJ9X, F0BJ9Y, F0BJB0, F0BJB1, F0BJB2, F0BJYQ, F0BJYR, F0BL03, F0BL06, F0BMC1, F0BMC4, F0BMC5, F0BMC6, F0BN4N, F0BN4T, F0BN4V, F0BR78, F0BR79, F0BR7B, F0BR7D, F0BRMH, F0BRMJ, F0BT87, F0BT88, F0BT8B, F0BT8C, F0BVPB, F0BVPC, F0BVPF, F0BW00, F0BW01, F0BW02, F0BW03, F0BW04, F0BW05, F0BXCT, F0BXCV, F0BXCW, F0BXCX, F0BXCY, F0BXT4, F0BXT5, F0BXT7, F0C3W1, F0C4DJ, B3TBRW, F01W12, F01ZG6, F01ZZ5, F024G2, F03Q35, F04DX8, F04DXC, F04DXD, F04F28, F04F29, F04F2G, F04F2H, F04F2L, F07GY0, F07XRT, F07XRV, F07XRX, F07Y4Q, F09NLQ, F09NLR, F0B95H, F0BBGW, B3PZBK, F03561, F03JJ7, F054CP, F08Y2Z, F05VJ4, F07QBQ, F021MP, F02WLR, F01GWF, B2ZHFB, B3PYF8, F00MC6, F01QCD, F03Z3Q, F05Q7Q, F09BTL, B2ZHX2, F04655, B3HX01, F09N4L, F026YN, F05Y8M, F045L3, B2ZVMB, F09BTM, F0BCFM, F0BB04, F0BFK9, F097QP, F061X4, F09F4B, F03K58, F08ZR1, F011M1, F01MPH, F02MX4, F01QCL, F06TCC, B35BYY, F09F3W, F0295R, F05DHN, F00XH9, F09XYC, B3Q08H, B1MKLW, B3HMKL, F009V6, F045L6, F06WH0, B3L4N2, F04F24, F01MV2, F0BT89, F0BVP9, B3FT4V, F04F26, F09F47, B3FH7X, F05J7K, F09JT4, B0WH4P, B3HY5P, B35JQ4, B3HLN6, F05PR5, F09MHD, F00Q08, F027TG, F049Y9, F09YQ6, F00MCQ, F00Z9K, F04Y32, F09F44, F0152T, F03LBN, B32MKY, B2JFNX, B3Q5WZ, B3L5BB, F0568H, B3FTPN, F00NQB, B2RVM9, B3LFRX, F009V5, B3LFT2, B3TCCV, F03MCP, B3L4FD, B1YQC1, F081WX, F05PR8, B3L4LZ, F033JD, F0B16N, B3LFJF, F02Y1L, F0BR7F, F0723Y, B2867Q, B3HX2C, F0152P, F07D6G, B3L4QJ, B2ZHB2, F009V0, B18NV8, F04444, B23M55, B3HWZT, B2ZR05, B32MK3, F02RND, F09C1J, F0B7NZ, F0B7P1, F0B7P3, F0BJ02, F0BL05, F0BL07, B25331, B3LDH7, F0603X, F097QR, F097QT, F09BTF, F09BTJ, F09BTK, F09C1K, F09F46, F09JT1, F09VH8, F0B7NL, F0B7NP, F0B7NR, F0B7NW, F0B7P2, F0B9ZZ, F0BB00, F0BBGV, F0BCFL, F0BCFN, F0BCFP, F0BDMW, F0BDMX, F0BFKD, F0BFXL, F0BFXP, F0BFXT, F0BFXW, F0BHZQ, F0BHZY, F0BJ9Z, F0BJYV, F0BMC3, B0T4K4, B2JDYH, B2PWBT, B2RL1T, B35JLT, B3TCYD, F01X0Z, F04TQ8, F05QVR, F06WH6, F07D6C, F09V2B, F0B7XB, F0B7XF, F0B8G6, F0B95B, F0B95C, F0BFK7
Recalling Firm/
Philips Ultrasound, Inc.
22100 Bothell Everett Hwy
Bothell WA 98021-8431
For Additional Information ContactPhilips Customer Care Solutions Center
Manufacturer Reason
for Recall
Transducer, an ultrasound system accessory, consists of two parts that are bonded together that may come apart due to chassis bonding issue, which may pose risk to users and patients of tissue damage, and electric shock if the built-in safety measures to prevent electric were to also fail.
FDA Determined
Cause 2
Process control
ActionOn 6/30/23, recall notices were sent to customers who were advised to do the following: 1) Stop usage and/or distribution of affected transducers and secure them in a location where they cannot inadvertently be used. 2) Circulate the notice to all users of this device so that they are aware of the issue. Retain this notice with your system(s) and ensure the letter is in a place likely to be seen/viewed. 3) Complete and return the response form via email to: ultrasound.corrections@philips.com Field Service Engineers will visit your site to provide a replacement device, and collect the affected product. Contact Customer Care Solutions Center if you need further information or support concerning this issue at 1-800-722-9377. On 7/24/23 additional recall notices were distributed to customers informing them that additional devices were found to be affected.
Quantity in Commerce449
DistributionWorldwide - US Nationwide distribution including in the states of FL, MN, AZ, NC, CA, MO, OH, WV, AL, NH, IN, IL, VT, PA, NY, NE, TX, WI, MI, KY, NV, MA, SD, LA, CO, TN, AK, GA, WA, UT, NM, ME, AR, SC and the countries of Italy, China, Netherlands, New Zealand, Hungary, Australia, France, Thailand, C¿te D'Ivoire, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Greece, Yemen.
Total Product Life CycleTPLC Device Report

1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls.
2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall.
3 The manufacturer has initiated the recall and not all products have been corrected or removed. This record will be updated as the status changes.
510(K) Database510(K)s with Product Code = ITX
510(K)s with Product Code = ITX
510(K)s with Product Code = ITX