Date Initiated by Firm | December 09, 2003 |
Date Posted | August 17, 2004 |
Recall Status1 |
Terminated 3 on September 15, 2004 |
Recall Number | Z-1375-04 |
Recall Event ID |
29680 |
510(K)Number | K955157 |
Product Classification |
Giardia Spp. - Product Code MHI
Product | ProSpecT Giardia/Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay. Catalog #: 2458496. |
Code Information |
944755 |
Recalling Firm/ Manufacturer |
Remel, Inc. 12076 Santa Fe Trail Dr (PO Box 14478, zip 66285-4478) Lenexa KS 66215-3519
Manufacturer Reason for Recall | The conjugate may cause the negative control to produce high OD readings, therefore invalidating the run. |
FDA Determined Cause 2 | Other |
Action | Remel contacted each customer with a letter, by mail, requesting a count of the affected lots to be returned. Product would be replaced upon customer request. |
Quantity in Commerce | 127 kits |
Distribution | US and OUS customers. |
Total Product Life Cycle | TPLC Device Report |
1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls. 2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall. 3 For details about termination of a recall see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 §7.55.
510(K) Database | 510(K)s with Product Code = MHI