Date Initiated by Firm | March 17, 2006 |
Date Posted | June 02, 2006 |
Recall Status1 |
Terminated 3 on August 01, 2006 |
Recall Number | Z-0929-06 |
Recall Event ID |
35059 |
510(K)Number | K001988 |
Product Classification |
Gas-Machine, Anesthesia - Product Code BSZ
Product | Anestar and Anestar Plus Anesthesia System. |
Code Information |
Serial Numbers starting with 4600: A51083; C51104; C51116; C51117; C51120; C51121; C51125; E41025; G30143; L41062; L41063; L41064; L41065; L41071; L41075; 010001; 010002; 010008; 010010; A20024; A51076; A51077; A51078; A51081; A51084; B20027; B30076; B30077; B30078; B30081; B30082; B30083; B41005; B51087; B51088; B51089; B51092; B51096; C30087; C30092; C30093; C30094; C30095; C30096; C30097; C30098; C30099; C30102; C41014; C41015; C41017; C41020; C51114; C51118; D20035; D20036; D20037; D20038; D20042; D20043; D20044; D30100; D30101; D30103; D30104; D30105; D30106; D30107; D30108; D30109; E30112; E30113; E30115; E30116; E30117; E30118; E41029; F30120; F30128; F30129; F30131; F30132; F30133; F30134; F30135; G30136; G30137; G30138; G30139; G30140; G30142; H20045; H20047; H20051; H20052; I10010; I41031; I41035; I41036; I41038; I41041; I41042; I41043; I41044; I41045; I41046; I41047; I41048; I41049; I41050; J20055; J20056; J20057; J20059; J20060; J20061; J20063; J20064; K41057; L41066; L41073; A20018; A20023; A30069; A30070; B20026; B20028; B20030; B30084; B30086; C41031; C41018; D20014; I41034; I41037; K41060; L30162; L41068; C51101; C51103; C51111; C51113; D51131; F30122US; F30127; H30149; I41033; I41039; I41040; 010007; E30114; H30144; H30145; H30146; H30147; H30148; H30150; H30151; H30152; H30153; H30155; A30066; A30067; A30071; A51080; A51082; A51085; B41002; B51086; B51090; B51097; C41011; C41061; C41091; C51105; C51108; C51115; C51123; D51127; D51129; D51132; D51135; E41022; E41023; E41024; E41026; F30130; H20048; I41032; K41051; K41052; K41053; K41054; K41059; L41069; A51079; B41004; B41009; A30072; A30073; A30074; A30075; D20039; D20040; E30119; H30154; 010012; A20020; A20034; K41055; K41056; K41058; L30156; L30157; L30159; L30160; L30161; L41067; L41070; L41074; A30068; B51091; B51093; B51094; B51095; C30088; C30089; C30090; C30091; D10005; E41021; E41027; E41028; E41030; L30163; L30167; B51098; C51112; B20032; D51126; D51130; D51133; D51134; L30164; L30166; F30121; F30123; A20015; A20016; A20022; B10001; B20029; B20031; B20033; B30079; B30080; B41001; B41003; B41006; B41007; B41008; B41010; C51102; C51107; C51109; C51110; F30124; F30125; F30126; G30141; H20046; H20049; H20050; H20053; H20054; I10008; I10013; J20058; J20062; L30158; L40161; A20021; L41072. Serial Numbers starting with AF0: 1040-L5; 1045-A6; 1043-L5; 1029-K5; 1037-L5; 1005-I5; 1032-K5; 1036-L5; 1035-L5; 1034-L5; 1033-L5; 1032-L5; 1031-K5; 1030-K5; 1028-K5; 1027-K5; 1026-K5; 1025-K5; 1024-K5; 1023-K5; 1022-K5; 1021-K5; 1020-K5; 1019-K5; 1018-K5; 1017-K5; 1016-K5; 1015-K5; 1014-J5; 1013-J5; 1012-J5; 1011-J5; 1009-I5; 1008-I5; 1007-I5; 1004-I5; 1003-I5; 1001-I5; 1055-A6; 1051-A6; 1048-A6; 1046-A6; 1042-L5; 1010-I5; 1044-A6; 1041-L5; 1038-L5; 1006-I5; 1053-A6; 1052-A6; 1049-A6; 1047-A6; 1039-L5. |
Recalling Firm/ Manufacturer |
Datascope Corp 800 MacArthur Blvd Mahwah NJ 07430-2001
For Additional Information Contact | Susan Mandy 201-995-8025 |
Manufacturer Reason for Recall | The Anestar and Anestar Plus Anesthesia System may produce periods of high Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), in both manual and mechanical ventilation mode due to an issue with the Applied Pressure Limit (APL) valve. |
FDA Determined Cause 2 | Other |
Action | Field correction communications were sent 3/17/2006 to all accounts via certified mail, return receipt requested, signature required. |
Quantity in Commerce | 337 UNITS |
Distribution | The units have been distributed to distributors and end-users such as hospitals and clinics nationwide. There are 3 foreign accounts in Australia, El Salvador, and Venezuela. |
Total Product Life Cycle | TPLC Device Report |
1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls. 2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall. 3 For details about termination of a recall see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 §7.55.
510(K) Database | 510(K)s with Product Code = BSZ