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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Z-2069-2023 - SurgiMend; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Sizes 1.0 5x6 cm, 1.0 6x12 cm, 1.0 10x10 cm, 1.0 10x15 cm, 1.0 10x20 cm, 1.0 16x20 cm, 1.0 13x25 cm, 1.0 4x16 cm, 1.0 3x3 cm, 1.0 4x... 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2085-2023 - TissueMend; Advanced Soft Tissue Repair Matrix; Rx Only; Sizes 5x6 cm, 6x10 cm, and 3x3 cm. 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2071-2023 - SurgiMend 1.0; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Sizes 18x12 cm Thin and 10x15 cm Thin. 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2072-2023 - SurgiMend 2.0; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Sizes 5x6 cm, 6x12 cm, 10x15 cm, 16x20 cm, 13x25 cm, 25x40 cm, 20x30 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x25cm, 10x15cm Semi-Oval, 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2073-2023 - SurgiMend MP; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Sizes 10x15 cm, 20x20 cm, 13x25 cm, 16x20 cm, 20x25 cm, 20x30 cm, and 25x40 cm. 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2074-2023 - SurgiMend 3.0; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Sizes 5x6 cm, 6x12 cm, 10x15 cm, 16x20 cm, 13x25 cm, 25x40 cm, 20x30 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x25 cm, 1x5 cm, 10x25 cm 4x7cm Fenestrated,... 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2075-2023 - SurgiMend 4.0; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Sizes 5x6 cm, 6x12 cm, 10x15 cm, 13x25 cm, 25x40 cm, 20x30 cm, 10x25 cm, 20x0.5 cm, and 10x25 cm Fenestrated. 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2076-2023 - SurgiMend PRS Meshed; Collagen Matrix for Soft Tissue Reconstruction; Rx Only; Size 10cm x 20cm 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2077-2023 - PriMatrix; Dermal Repair Scaffold; Rx Only; Sizes 0.2x26.5 cm (3 pack), 10x12cm, 10x25 cm, 20x25 cm, 4x4 cm, 6x6 cm, 8x12 cm, and 8x8 cm. 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.
Z-2078-2023 - PriMatrix Fenestrated; Dermal Repair Scaffold; Rx Only; Sizes 4x4 cm, 6x6 cm, 8x8 cm, 14mm Disc, 18mm Disc, 2x2 cm, and 10x25 cm (Meshed 2:1). 2 09/30/2024 TEI Biosciences, Inc.