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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Search Orphan Drug Designations and Approvals

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This page searches the Orphan Drug Product designation database. Searches may be run by entering the product name, orphan designation, and dates. Results can be displayed as a condensed list, detailed list, or an Excel spreadsheet. Click for detailed instructions.

Search Criteria

Due to a system limitation, if your search text for “Product Name” or “Orphan Designation” includes non-English keyboard characters (e.g., ß), the search results will not display. To perform your search, use a wildcard character (% or *) before the search text or at the end of the search text. For example, to search for “ß-thalassemia,” enter “%-thalassemia” or “thalassemia%” in the search box.




     (default is all dates)

(Note:The information contained in the downloadable Excel file for the "CF Grid Key" column is for FDA purposes only.)
