ALERT Training: Introduction: Objectives (text version)
[Flash version] February 21, 2007
Introduction: Objectives
The overall objective of the program is to raise awareness of the ALERT initiative and to give stakeholders a means to begin thinking about ways to protect food industries and businesses from intentional food contamination.
At the end of the program, users will be able to:
- Describe the five parts of the ALERT initiative
- List examples of preventive measures that can be taken to protect business and industry from intentional food contamination
- Identify several elements that can become part of a continuous improvement plan
- Increase awareness among personnel in the food industry and encourage them to adopt practices that help protect the food supply.
This program also offers guidance for regulators on how to stimulate thought and implementation of ALERT practices. If you are a regulator, look for the ‘Inspector Guidance’ icon (magnifying glass) and click on it for more information.
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