Import Alert 80-04

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 80-04
Published Date: 08/13/2024
Type: DWPE with Surveillance

Import Alert Name:

"Surveillance and Detention Without Physical Examination of Surgeon's and Patient Examination Gloves"

Reason for Alert:

Revision of this Import Alert dated 10/20/2010 updates the Guidance section to reflect current terminology and also updates the contact information. Changes are bracketed by asterisks (***).

CDRH has determined that many foreign manufacturers and shippers of medical gloves have failed to consistently provide medical gloves of adequate quality for distribution in the U. S. surgeon's and examination gloves are widely used by health care professionals and others as a barrier to blood-borne diseases and pathogens. Defective medical gloves present a potential hazard to health for users as well as patients. Therefore, continuous monitoring of these medical gloves is needed.


Districts may detain without physical examination, all shipments of surgeon's and patient Examination Gloves from the manufacturers/shippers listed on this alert.

Surveillance sampling of other manufacturers/shipper's surgeon's and patient Examination Gloves per the most recent guidance is indicated.

Because the presence of defects in medical gloves represents a potential hazard to health, only one (1) violative sample is needed to submit a recommendation for detention without physical examination to the Division of Import Operations & Policy (DIOP). DIOP has direct reference authority for detention without physical examination of these medical gloves. Violative medical gloves are subject to RPM Chapter 9, Detention Without Physical Examination, subchapter Recommendations Based on One Sample.

The following strategy has been established to address those manufacturers/shippers who are found to repeatedly ship violative medical gloves to the U.S. (recidivist firms.)

*** Level 1 Detention (INDICATED BY * on the Red List) ***

When a district encounters a shipment of medical gloves which is found violative for defects by FDA analysis, the shipment should be detained and a recommendation for detention without physical examination should be forwarded to DIOP, HFC-170.

If the recommendation meets current guidance, the manufacturer/shipper will be placed on the Red List with a single asterisk (*) in the notes field, and subsequent medical glove shipments from that manufacturer/shipper may be detained without physical examination under this import alert. This is referred to as Level 1 detention. The manufacturer/shipper may obtain admission of subsequently detained shipments of medical gloves by presenting evidence that the individual shipments are not adulterated, such as sample analyses performed by an independent testing laboratory, following sampling plan and test method contained in FDA guidance.

*** In order for the responsible manufacturer's/shipper's name to be removed from the Red List, documentation should be provided with sufficient evidence that their medical gloves are not adulterated (for example, five consecutive non-violative shipments analyzed as described in the preceding paragraph may be considered adequate evidence for manufacturers/shippers to be removed from Level 1 detention). ***

*** Level 2 Detention -- (Recidivist firms which are currently on Level 1 detention, or which have been removed from Level 1 detention) (INDICATED BY ** on the Red List) ***

*** If a manufacturer/shipper, while on Level 1 detention, has a violative sample analyzed by a private laboratory, the district should notify DIOP and submit supporting documentation. DIOP will place the firm on Level 2 detention and identify the manufacturer/shipper on the Red List with two asterisks (**) in the notes field. ***

*** Similarly, if a manufacturer/shipper that has been removed from Level 1 detention has a violative sample analyzed by FDA within 24 months from the date they were removed from Level 1 detention, the district should notify DIOP and submit supporting documentation. DIOP will verify the manufacturer/shipper was listed under Level 1 detention during the past 24 months and if confirmed will place the manufacturer/shipper on Level 2 detention and identify the manufacturer/shipper on the Red List with two asterisks (**) in the notes field. ***

DIOP will bring this action to the attention of CDRH.

Based on this second listing within 24 months, CDRH has agreed to notify the foreign firm in writing of FDA's about potential deficiencies in the manufacturing practices and process controls which may be affecting the quality of the medical gloves shipped to the U.S. A copy of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Regulations will be provided with the letter for their information.

Once a manufacturer/shipper is placed on Level 2 detention, FDA may need greater assurance that the medical gloves are not adulterated before removing the manufacturer/shipper from detention without physical examination status. For example, 10 consecutive non-violative shipments, analyzed by an independent testing laboratory, may be considered adequate evidence that the manufacturer/shipper is shipping medical gloves to the U.S. which are not adulterated. Other types of evidence to remove the appearance of a violation will be evaluated by CDRH on a case-by-case basis.

*** Level 3 Detention -- (Recidivist firms which are currently on Level 2 detention, or which have been removed from Level 2 detention) (*** IN THE NOTES FIELD OF THE RED LIST DENOTES A WARNING LETTER IS BEING CONSIDERED BY CDRH). ***

If a manufacturer/shipper, while on Level 2 detention, has another violative sample analyzed by an independent testing laboratory, the district should notify DIOP and submit supporting documentation.

Similarly, if a manufacturer/shipper removed from Level 2 detention has another violative sample analyzed by FDA within 24 months from the date they were removed from Level 1 detention, or the date they were placed on Level 2 detention, DIOP will bring these instances to the attention of CDRH.

Based on the failure of the manufacturer's/shipper's medical gloves to pass FDA analysis [Section 501(c)] after being listed on Level 2 detention, or having failed an independent testing laboratory examination while under Level 2 detention, CDRH may then issue a Warning Letter to the firm. Additionally, after reviewing the manufacturer/shipper's export and inspectional history, CDRH may elect to charge the firm for failure to conform with GMPs [Section 501(h)], based on the recurring GMP deficiencies as revealed by the repeated failures of analyses. If CDRH determines a warning letter should issue to the foreign manufacturer/shipper, DIOP will place the manufacturer/shipper on Level 3 detention.

*** Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers on the Red List. Manufacturers/shippers will remain on Level 3 detention until evidence is provided to CDRH which demonstrates that the medical gloves are being manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (for example, an acceptable FDA inspection or a written certification from the manufacturer/shipper together with the results of an independent audit performed by a qualified third party). ***

*** Once a foreign manufacturer/shipper satisfactorily demonstrates that the apparent GMP deviations have been corrected, the manufacturer/shipper will be placed on the Red List under the Level 1 detention for individual shipment analysis to confirm their medical gloves do not contain defects until they provide adequate evidence to be removed from Level 1 detention (see above). ***

Questions or issues involving import operations should be addressed to ORA/DIO (301) 796-0356 or
Questions or issues involving OASIS or PREDICT screening should be addressed to ORA/DSS/Import Systems Branch at
Questions or issues involving science policy, analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology, should be addressed to ORA/Office of Regulatory Science at
For questions concerning 21 CFR 800.20, CPG 7124.31, medical glove labeling, or other compliance issues, email the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), Imports and Registration & Listing Team (IRLT) at CDRH OC Import Mailbox (

See 21 CFR 800.20(c) for sample plans.

All sizes should be represented as closely as feasible to the proportion which they exist in the shipment; however, exact statistical representation is not necessary. If the sample is found violative, all sizes should be detained.

When an entry consists of only one size, attempt to collect as many lot numbers as possible. For example, if during a random sample collection three lot numbers are observed, represent them all as subs within one sample. If the sample is found violative, all lots should be detained.

If a shipment is detained based on the analysis of one lot and subsequently it is learned that there were 10 lot numbers present, the detention stands.

John E. Verbeten, DIOP, 6/1/2010
LCDR Christopher T. Smith, DIOP, 6/1/2010
*** LCDR Christopher T. Smith, DIOP, 10/20/2010
Theresa Thompson, DIOP, 10/20/2010 ***

Product Description:

Surgeon's and patient examination gloves.


"The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to contain defects/holes [Adulteration, section 501(c)]."

OASIS charge code - HOLES

When FDA has documented repeated violations, and the manufacturer/shipper has been issued a Warning Letter and listed in Attachment B of the Recidivist Policy describe below, future shipments ma be detained charging the following:

"The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(1) in that it appears that the methods used in, or the facilities and controls used for, the manufacture, packaging, storage, or installation of the device do not conform with Good Manufacturing Practices [Adulteration, section 501(h), Good Manufacturing Practices, Section 520(f)]."

OASIS charge code - DEVICE GMP

List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)


Hedy Canada
Date Published : 09/16/2009
#r1350 42 Ave Se , Calgary, CANADA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 17/8/1996

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 17/8/1996

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 17/8/1996

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 17/8/1996

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 17/8/1996

Date Published : 07/06/2012
36 Vimy St , Acton, Ontario CANADA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/06/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/06/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/06/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/06/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/06/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

W W Medicalsupplies
Date Published : 09/16/2009
219 Connie Crescent Unit 4 , Concord, ON CANADA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 5/19/1993

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 5/19/1993

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 5/19/1993

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 5/19/1993

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 5/19/1993


Date Published : 07/26/2024
Qijia Road, Xincai Industrial Park No.5 , Lieshan District , Huaibei, Anhui CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Advanced Medical Devices Factory
Date Published : 01/15/2014
No 8-1 Xingan Road East, Linqu County , Weifang, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/15/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/15/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/15/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/15/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/15/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Aide Plastic Co., Ltd
Date Published : 09/20/2016
No.88, Huai An West Rd. , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/20/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/20/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/20/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/20/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/20/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Anhui Import & Export Corporation
Date Published : 09/16/2009
I/E Building, 162 Jinzhai Road , Hefei, Anhui CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/8/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/8/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/8/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/8/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/8/1994)

Baoding Guanzhong Glove Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 06/28/2010
No. 7 Tangyao Road , Tang County , Baoding City Hebei, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/28/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/28/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/28/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/28/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/28/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 07/31/2012
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/31/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/31/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/31/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/31/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/31/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Chain Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
rm. 606, fl 6, sunlake plaza no. 312, 64 , renmin rd., jiangbei direct, , Ningbo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/2008)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/2008)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/2008)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/2008)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/2008)

Changzhou Foreign Trade Corporation
Date Published : 09/16/2009
15 Xian Xue St , Changzhou, Guangdong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(9/20/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(9/20/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(9/20/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(9/20/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(9/20/1995)

Date Published : 08/01/2022
No. 6 Xinxi Road , Xinbei District , Changzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/01/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/01/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/01/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/01/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/01/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 08/01/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

China Jiangsu Medicines & Health Products Import
Date Published : 09/16/2009
215 , 6 North Zhongshan Rd. , Nanjing, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(2/20/1996)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(2/20/1996)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(2/20/1996)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(2/20/1996)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(2/20/1996)

China Meheco Qingdao Import & Export Corp
Date Published : 09/16/2009
48 Zhan Shan Da Road , Qingdao, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/28/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/28/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/28/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1(4/28/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(4/28/1994)

Date Published : 02/22/2024
No. 36 Nanzhuang Road , High-Tech Industrial Development Zone Of , Dongtai, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Dalian Anbao Latex Factory
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Qiange Village,Xinzhaizi County , Dalian, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 4/3/2000

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 4/3/2000

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 4/3/2000

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 4/3/2000

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 4/3/2000

Decent Plastic Co Ltd
Date Published : 06/11/2014
No. 44 Da Jing Street , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

E-Full Industrial Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 1 Industrial Zone , Linqing Shandong, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(3/11/2004)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1(3/11/2004)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(3/11/2004)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1(3/11/2004)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(3/11/2004)

Evergreen Medical Products (Jiangxing) Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No.1 Evergreen Rd , Jingxing County , Shijiazhuang City, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/22/2004)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/22/2004)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/22/2004)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/22/2004)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/22/2004)

Evergreen Medical Products (Jiangxing) Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No.1 Evergreen Rd , Jingxing County , Shijiazhuang City, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1(2/16/2005)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/16/2005)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/16/2005)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(2/16/2005)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1(2/16/2005)

Date Published : 10/25/2023
Yueliangwan Road , Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1.                                                                                                                                     

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1.                                                                                                                                     

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1.                                                                                                                                     

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1.                                                                                                                                     

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1.                                                                                                                                     

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 10/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1.                                                                                                                                     

Fujian Ming Seng Ind Gloves (aka Sanming Foreign Trade Corp)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
187 Xin Shi Nan Road , Sanming, Fujian CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(12/24/1992 - 7/23/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(12/24/1992 - 7/23/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1(12/24/1992 - 7/23/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(12/24/1992 - 7/23/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1(12/24/1992 - 7/23/1993)

Guangdong Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 01/03/2024
Qingcheng District , 28 Delong Avenue; Shijiao Town , Qingyuan, Guangdong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Guilin Zizhu Latex Co., Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 6 Wushan Road , Guilin, Guangxizhuangzuzizhiqu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

Date Published : 08/18/2012
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/18/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/18/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/18/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/18/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/18/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Date Published : 04/05/2016
No. 1 Deshang Road , Jinzhuang Zone , Caoxian, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/05/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/05/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/05/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/05/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/05/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

Date Published : 11/08/2023
Yonghe Village, Hukou County , Jiujiang, Jiangxi CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

Date Published : 04/23/2010
Jingwu Road , No. 168 Hankou Alley , Wuhan, Hubei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Hebei Excellent Plastic Co Ltd
Date Published : 06/22/2011
Room 602 Unit 2 , # 43 Building Longquan Gartown , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/22/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/22/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/22/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/22/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/22/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Hebei Favor Plastic Co., Ltd
Date Published : 08/28/2013
No. 79 Shengli North Street , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

Hebei Leader Plastic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 08/08/2016
77 Zhongshan West Rd , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Hebei Manful Inport & Export Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 06/02/2010
No. 58 Tongda Road , Jinzhou , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; Placed on Level 2 8/10/10

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; Placed on level 2 8/10/10

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; Placed on level 2 8/10/10

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; Placed on level 2 8/10/10

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; Placed on level 2 8/10/10

Hope Plastic Co., Ltd
Date Published : 06/09/2014
# 22 Ti Yu St , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/09/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/09/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/09/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/09/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/09/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Hubei Providencial Medicine & Health Products I & E Corp
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No 196 Jingwu Rd , Hankou, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/1994)

Ideal Medical Industries
Date Published : 09/16/2009
7a 762 Baizhang East Road , Ningbo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/2/2007)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/2/2007)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/2/2007)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/2/2007)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/2/2007

Date Published : 05/04/2018
Room Flat 502 , 10 Tianxing Garden , Suqian, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Jewel Plastic Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 06/21/2017
No.11 Jianshe Street , Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/21/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/21/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/21/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/21/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/21/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Jiangsu Jaysun Glove Co Ltd
Date Published : 01/02/2019
No 199 Jianling Avesuqian , Economic Zone , Suzian City Jiangsu, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/02/2019

Desc: Examination Glove
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/02/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/02/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/02/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/02/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Jiayuan Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 11/16/2023
Luannan , West Ring Rd; Luannanxian , Tangshan, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/16/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/16/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/16/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/16/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/16/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 11/16/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Jinzhou City Xinrui Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 12/26/2023
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 12/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

Date Published : 10/02/2018
1101 Tanggang Road,Luannan County , Tangshan, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/02/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/02/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/02/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/02/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/02/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 07/13/2016
Factory 6, Daxiaotang Village , Luoyang; Boluoxian , Huizhou, Guangdong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/13/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/13/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/13/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/13/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/13/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Langfang Huilong Plastic Product Co., Ltd
Date Published : 11/15/2012
Rm1606, Bldg.1 Jianxiang Yuan No.209 Bei , Beijing, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/15/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/15/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/15/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/15/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/15/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Letcom Medical Products Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 10/12/2023
No. 66 Zhen Dong Road , Dongli , Tianjin, Tianjin CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

80 O - - PJ Medical gloves with chemotherapy labeling claims - test for use with chemotherapy drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nitrile Examination Gloves

Date Published : 04/05/2024
Qufeng, Qu'E , Town, Daning County , Linfen, Shanxi CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves Notes;
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Made Plastic Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 12/21/2018
Xibaipo Industrial Park , Pingshan County , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/21/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/21/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/21/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/21/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/21/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 12/08/2016
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/08/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 06/02/2010
No 26 Laoshan Road , Ningbo, Zhejiang CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Nantong Ruchang Latex Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Huan Zhen Rudong County , South of the Hanzhen Bridge , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (9/13/2005) (Level 1 - 2/16/2005)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (9/13/2005) (Level 1 - 2/16/2005)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (9/13/2005) (Level 1 - 2/16/2005)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (9/13/2005) (Level 1 - 2/16/2005)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (9/13/2005) (Level 1 - 2/16/2005)

Ningbo Tianshun Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Yushan Industrial Zone , Sanqishi, Yuyao , Ningbo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/2006)

Date Published : 11/27/2023
Lot 2, No. 21 Qingtian Road , Qilu Chemical Industrial Park, Linzi , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Practical Protective Plastic Manufactory, Ltd.
Date Published : 09/21/2010
Xinlian Village , Anzhen Town , Wuxi, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 02/14/2014
Lot 3 No 21 Liqingnanlu , QILU CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL PARK , Ziboshi, Shandongsheng CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/14/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/14/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/14/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/14/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/14/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

Qingdao Shuang Die Latex Production Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No.103 Taidong 1st Road , Qingdao, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Rayen Safety Products Limited
Date Published : 09/10/2012
West Round Rd Bencheng Luannan , Hebei, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Rongyao Plastic Produce Co., Ltd
Date Published : 04/01/2019
#58 Binhu , Hengshui, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/01/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/01/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/01/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/01/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/01/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 09/16/2009
18 Baodinglu , Shinan , Qingdao, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

Date Published : 09/06/2023
Hongrun Industry Park , 15 East Road , Qingzhou, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: **Level 2

Date Published : 04/23/2010
27 ZHONGSHAN ROAD (E.1) , Shanghai, Cn-31 CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 07/23/2010
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 08/16/2010
Rm 1101 Unit 3 , # 2 Building , Shijiazhuang, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/16/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 DWPE 8/16/10; Placed on level 2 DWPE 2/1/11

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/16/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 DWPE 8/16/10;Placed on level 2 DWPE 2/1/11

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/16/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 DWPE 8/16/10;Placed on level 2 DWPE 2/1/11

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/16/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 DWPE 8/16/10;Placed on level 2 DWPE 2/1/11

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/16/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 DWPE 8/16/10;Placed on level 2 DWPE 2/1/11

Date Published : 03/26/2010
Building, Zhongyuan Room 201 Unit 2 , # 88 Huaian West Rd , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/26/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/26/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/26/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/26/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/26/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 10/19/2016
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/19/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/19/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/19/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/19/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/19/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 09/21/2010
Xibaipo Industry Park , Pingshan County , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/21/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 04/26/2018
Xibaipo Industry Park , Pingshan County , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/26/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/26/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/26/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/26/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/26/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 10/08/2013
Huaxian Road , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/08/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level III, 08/04/2014

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/08/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level III, 08/04/2014

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/08/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level III, 08/04/2014

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/08/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level III, 08/04/2014

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/08/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level III, 08/04/2014

Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 6 Tongda Road , Jinzhou , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2008)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2008)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2008)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2008)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2008)

Date Published : 05/28/2013
North Of Gao Xing Tong Road , Xinghua , Taizhou, Jiangsu CHINA
80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/28/2013

Desc: Vinyl Exam Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Shandong Hengchang Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Date Published : 03/06/2019
Science/Tech. Park In Zhangdian , No 12 Sanying Road; Fangzhenzhen Zhangdian , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/06/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 3

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/06/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 3

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/06/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/06/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 3

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/06/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 3

Shandong Yuanhang Medical Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 04/15/2024
Naoshan Industrial Park , 42666 Yaowang West Road , Qingzhou, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/15/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/15/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/15/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/15/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/15/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Shangdong Medicines Health Prod
Date Published : 04/23/2010
6 Dong Chang An Street , Bejing, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Shanghai Champion Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 8, New District, Zhu Hang Chen , Jinshan District , Shanghai, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/12/2007)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/12/2007)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (1/12/2007)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/12/2007)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/12/2007)

Shanghai Changzheng Latex Factory
Date Published : 09/16/2009
251- 253 Lannidu Road , Pudong New Area , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/6/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/6/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/6/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/6/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (7/6/1995)

Shanghai ChinaStar Corporation
Date Published : 06/02/2010
283 Che Xing Road , Che Dun Zhen , Songjiang District, Shanghai CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

Shanghai Lanfan Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
2002 Huaxia Bank Tower , 256 Pudong Road South , Shanghai, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2009)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2009)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2009)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (7/9/2009)

Shanghai Poseidon Plastic Product Co Ltd
Date Published : 07/19/2011
Room 1305 Singular Bldg Xianxia Road , Shanghai, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/19/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/19/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/19/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/19/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/19/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Shanghai Strong Plastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Donging Town Songliang County , Shanghai, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Shanghai Walnut Latex Products Co., Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
1700 Huangxing Road , Shanghai, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (8/10/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (8/10/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (8/10/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (8/10/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (8/10/1998)

Shanghai-Foxboro Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
161 Cao Bao Road , Shanghai, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

Shen Wei (Yangzhong) Hygienical Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/02/2010
Huang Shan Tao , Xing Ba Town , Yangzhong Jiangsu Prov, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/02/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Shijiazhuang Brethern Plastic Co., Ltd. (Factory)
Date Published : 07/10/2012
No. 205 Zhonghua South Street , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; Note;                                                                                    ;

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; Note;                                                                                    

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; Note;                                                                                    

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; Note;                                                                                    

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/10/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2; Note;                                                                                    

Shijiazhuang Brethern Plastic Co.,Ltd
Date Published : 04/20/2011
Building 1 Room 301 Unit 5 , No. 39 Xin Shi South Rd , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2 9/28/11; Note:                                                                                                 

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2 9/28/11; Note:                                                                                                  

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2 9/28/11; Note:                                                                                                  

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2 9/28/11; Note:                                                                                                  

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2 9/28/11; Note:                                                                                                  

Shijiazhuang Brilliant Ocean Plastic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Century Industry Garden , Shangzhuang Town , Luquan City Hebei, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: Level 1

Shijiazhuang Dilly Plastics Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 5 Zhuang Yuan Road , Luquan , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/26/2004); placed on ** Level 2 1/4/2011

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/26/2004)** Level 2 1/4/2011

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/26/2004)** Level 2 1/4/2011

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/26/2004)** Level 2 1/4/2011

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/26/2004)** Level 2 1/4/2011

Shijiazhuang Holy Plastics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 5 Zhuang Yuan Road , Luquan , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (11/27/2007)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (11/27/2007)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (11/27/2007)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (11/27/2007)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (11/27/2007)

Shijiazhuang Hyland Plastic Co.Ltd.
Date Published : 08/19/2014
Nanzuo , Town, Yuanshi Countyhebei , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/19/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/19/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/19/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/19/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/19/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Shijiazhuang Manful Light Industrial Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/17/2019
No. 78 Cang Shi Road , Jinzhou , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/17/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/17/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/17/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/17/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/17/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Shijiazhuang Sail Plastic Co Ltd
Date Published : 12/17/2010
Room 201 Unit 7 , # 136 Shifan Street , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/17/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/17/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/17/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/17/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/17/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Shijiazhuang Star Plastic Co., Ltd
Date Published : 11/08/2010
Building, Rose Garden Room 101 Unit 3 , # 88 Huaian West Rd , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; placed on level 2 3/18/11

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1;placed on level 2 3/18/11

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1;placed on level 2 3/18/11

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1;placed on level 2 3/18/11

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1;placed on level 2 3/18/11

Shijiazhuang Wally Plastic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 03/12/2019
No. 78 Tongda Road , Jinzhou , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/12/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/12/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/12/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/12/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/12/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Shijiazhuang Winful Plastic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 08/01/2014
No. 6 Cang Shi Road , Jinzhou , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/01/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/01/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/01/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/01/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/01/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Sinochem Hebei Imp/Exp Corp
Date Published : 09/16/2009
228, 2nd Section, Heping W. Road , Shijiazhuang, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/25/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/25/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/25/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/25/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/25/1998)

Sinochem Liaoning Import & Export Corporation
Date Published : 09/16/2009
50 Youhao Street , Jinzhou , Dalian, Liaoning CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 14/3/2000

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 14/3/2000

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 14/3/2000

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 14/3/2000

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 14/3/2000

Suqian Green Glove Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Suyu Development , Of No 1 Xiangwanglu; East Area , Sqiansh, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/11/2009)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/11/2009)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/11/2009)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/11/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/11/2009)

Surefine Ningbo Medcare Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
168 Baizhang Road , Ningbo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/23/2005)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/23/2005)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/23/2005)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/23/2005)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/23/2005)

Suzhou Hengliang Imp.&Exp. Co., Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
The International Trade Mansion F 6 , NO. 6 Xihuan Lu; Wujiang , Suzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/20/2005)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/20/2005)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/20/2005)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/20/2005)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/20/2005)

Syntex Healthcare Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/13/2024
No. 1 Fangjiazhuang Industrial Zone , Xinji City , Hebei Province, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

Date Published : 09/28/2017
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 05/30/2023
No. 209 Beisihuan Middle Rd , Beijing, Beijing CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 12/27/2011
Xiyan Road, Tanghai County , Tahgshan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/27/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/27/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/27/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/27/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/27/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Date Published : 06/13/2018
Pachigang , Luannan County , Tangshan, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

Date Published : 12/10/2009
Sigezhuang, Luan Nan , Tangshan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/10/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; 3/9/2010

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/10/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2;3/9/2010

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/10/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; 3/9/2010

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/10/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; 3/9/2010

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/10/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2; 3/9/2010

Date Published : 02/17/2016
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/17/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/17/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/17/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/17/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/17/2016

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 02/28/2017
Luan Nan County , Li Pingtuo; Bachigangzhen Luannanxian , Tangshan, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/28/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 02/25/2010
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/25/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2, 4/13/10

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/25/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2, 4/13/10

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/25/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2, 4/13/10

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/25/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2, 4/13/10

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/25/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2, 4/13/10

Tangshan Hengtong Plastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 08/28/2013
The West Round Road, Luan Nan County , Tangshan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/28/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves

Tangshan Hong Yuan Woollen Mill,
Date Published : 11/29/2010
Mao Jia Wa ,Xian An County Cheng , Tang Shan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Tangshan Hongda Plastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 05/30/2023
Luan Nan County , Dianchang Road; Luannanxian , Tangshan, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 05/30/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Tangshan Hongxing Plastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 11/29/2010
South Of Ningtuo Village , Luannan County , Tangshan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Tangshan Jiaxing P Lastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 01/14/2013
West Of Guanzhai, Luan Nan County , Tangshan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/14/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/14/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/14/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/14/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/14/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Tangshan Pufa Plastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 06/18/2018
Pa Chi Gang, Luan Nan County , Tangshan, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1                                                

Tangshan Yongkang Glove Co Ltd
Date Published : 05/04/2018
Angezhuang, Luannan County , Tangshanshi, Hebeisheng CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/04/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Tianjin Tang Gu Latex Factory
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Tianjin Tang Gu , Tianjin, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/27/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (9/27/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/27/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/27/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/27/1995)

Tongruhn Medical Products Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
88,Tongxing,Zhen'An District , Dandong Liaoning, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/2005)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/2005)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/2005)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/2005)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/23/2005)

United Plastic Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 03/05/2024
No.4 Xingang Road , Tanggu District , Tianjin, Tianjin CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 01/21/2014
NO 366 Yuehebei , Weifang, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/21/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/21/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/21/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/21/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/21/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 02/01/2024
North Of Shenhua Port, Hukou County , Jiujiang, Jiangxi CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/01/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/01/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/01/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/01/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/01/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 03/09/2010
Xinliancun Caomutang , Xishan , Wuxi, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/09/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; PLACED ON LEVEL 2 6/14/10

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/09/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; PLACED ON LEVEL 2 6/14/10

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/09/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; PLACED ON LEVEL 2 6/14/10

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/09/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; PLACED ON LEVEL 2 6/14/10

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/09/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; PLACED ON LEVEL 2 6/14/10

Wangda Plastic Co Ltd
Date Published : 11/24/2017
#129, BINHE EAST RD , Kaifeng City, HENAN CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/24/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/24/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/24/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/24/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/24/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Wei Fang Jiuzhou Gloves Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/28/2009
No. 11 Yangshan Industrial Road , Lin , Weifang, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 8/31/2009 (Level 1 - 7/21/09)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 8/31/2009 (Level 1 - 7/21/09)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 8/31/2009 (Level 1 - 7/21/09)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 8/31/2009 (Level 1 - 7/21/09)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 8/31/2009 (Level 1 - 7/21/09)

Wuxi Resin Gloves Factory
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Xinhouqiaocun , Xishan , Wuxi, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Date Published : 02/05/2024
Shazhou Village, Hukou County , Jiujiang, Jiangxi CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 02/05/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 10/20/2017
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/20/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/20/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/20/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/20/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/20/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Date Published : 07/02/2012
New Industrial Park , Xinxiang, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/02/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/02/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/02/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/02/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/02/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Yangzhong Yunyang Hygienical Products Co., Ltd
Date Published : 06/11/2014
Yangzhong Industry Zone , Yangzhong, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/11/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 2

Date Published : 10/26/2023
Jiangshan Village, Hukou County , Jiujiang, Jiangxi CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 2

Date Published : 01/30/2019
No. 35 Zhangshi Road , Fenghuang Town , Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/30/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: * Level 1 - 7/8/1996

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/30/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: * Level 1 - 7/8/1996

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/30/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: * Level 1 - 7/8/1996

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/30/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: * Level 1 - 7/8/1996

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/30/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: * Level 1 - 7/8/1996

Date Published : 09/27/2018
Jialinzi , Sigezhuang , Town, Luannan , Tangshan, Hebei CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/27/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/27/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/27/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/27/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/27/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 09/16/2009
The Developing Technical , District in , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009) (Level 1 - 9/3/2008)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009) (Level 1 - 9/3/2008)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009) (Level 1 - 9/3/2008)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009) (Level 1 - 9/3/2008)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009) (Level 1 - 9/3/2008)

Date Published : 12/11/2023
Entreperneurship Incurbator Centre Room 1120 2 , No. 7886 Linzi Avenue; Qilingzhen Linzi , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/11/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/11/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/11/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/11/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/11/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 12/11/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 10/26/2023
No. 21 Qingtian Road, Xindian Street, , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - PJ Medical gloves with chemotherapy labeling claims - test for use with chemotherapy drugs
Date Published: 10/26/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 12/20/2011
32 Yuming Road , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/20/2011

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Date Published : 05/21/2019
LI Wang Village , Zhoujia District , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/21/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/21/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/21/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/21/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/21/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 09/16/2009
Is in the Cross , The Develolping , Shangdong, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/25/2007)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/25/2007)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/25/2007)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/25/2007)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/25/2007)

Zhangjiagang Green Plastic Products
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Xizhang Town , Zhangjiagang, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/8/1996)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/8/1996)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/8/1996)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/8/1996)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/8/1996)

Zhangjiagang Rechle Plastics Rubber Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/28/2009
Fengtian Road Fenghuang , Zhangjiagang, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: * Level 1 on 7/21/09.

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: * Level 2 on 7/21/09.

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: * Level 1 on 7/21/09.

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: * Level 1 on 7/21/09.

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Notes: * Level 1 on 7/21/09.

Zhenjiang Heyu Plastic and Rubber Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 08/26/2012
Huangsangtao , Yangzhong Jiangsu, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/26/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/26/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/26/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/26/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/26/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Zhenjiang Kangda Emulsion Co,Ltd
Date Published : 01/04/2012
Huang Shan Tao , Yangzhong, Jinagsu CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/04/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/04/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/04/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/04/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/05/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Zi Bo Hong Wang Plastic & Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Zhoujia Town , Liwang Village; City Shandong Prov , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2003)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2003)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2003)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2003)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2003)

Zi Bo Yuxiang Gloves Co Ltd
Date Published : 05/24/2010
Zhangdian Yihaishijia 26 Hao Dong 1001 , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Zibo Blue Intco Plastic & Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 08/19/2013
Qilu Chemical , Industrial Area , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/19/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 - DWPE DATE -- 5/31/11

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/19/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 - DWPE DATE -- 5/31/11

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/19/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 - DWPE DATE -- 5/31/11

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/19/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 - DWPE DATE -- 5/31/11

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/19/2013

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1 - DWPE DATE -- 5/31/11

Zibo Bouri Plastic & Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 08/14/2017
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/14/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/14/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/14/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/14/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/14/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Boxiang Plastic And Rubber Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 11/08/2010
43 Zhangdian Road , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/08/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Zibo Hongye Shangqin Plastic & Rubber Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/14/2009
The Industrial Zone , Fangzhen Town , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/14/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 3/18/10

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/14/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 3/18/10

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/14/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 3/18/10

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/14/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 3/18/10

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/14/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 3/18/10

Zibo Huiying Medical Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 03/11/2024
No. 3 Da Wu Road , Linzi , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/11/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/11/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/11/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/11/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/11/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Intco Medical Products Company Limited
Date Published : 01/26/2024
18 Qingtian Road, Qilu Chem. Ind. Park, Linzi , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 01/26/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Litong Plastic Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 02/13/2018
Long Chang Road , Zhoujia District , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/13/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Tengyue Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 03/03/2017
77 Center of Zhangdian Ave , Zhangdian Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/03/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2 DWPE

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/03/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2 DWPE

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/03/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2 DWPE

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/03/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2 DWPE

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/03/2017

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2 DWPE

Zibo Yahao Supplies Co., Ltd
Date Published : 07/25/2023
The 6th Floor,No.8, Niushan Road , Linzi , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Yingbo Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2024
No.18 , Qingtian Road, Qilu Chemical Industries Park , Zhangdian District , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Yinghao Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 05/31/2018
Technology Industry Park , NO. 6 Yifan Road , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/31/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/31/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/31/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/31/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/31/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Zibo Yuqun New Material Science And Technology Co
Date Published : 04/23/2014
Zhujiang Road , Economic Development Zone , Zibo, CHINA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/23/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Problem -- HolesLevel 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/23/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Problem -- Holes Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/23/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Problem -- Holes Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/23/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Problem -- Holes Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/23/2014

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Problem -- Holes Level 1


Date Published : 11/29/2010
Mamonal Km. 9 Zona Franca , Cartagena, COLOMBIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/29/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 2


Danpren Gloris As
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Roholmsvej 15 , Albertslund, Hovedstaden DENMARK
80 K - - GO Surgeon's Gloves
Date Published: 11/09/2018

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994) ;

80 N - - PD Surgeon's Gloves, Powder Free
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994)


Date Published : 09/16/2009
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/20/1994)

CICO Engineering Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
63 Mody Road , Tusa Sha Tsui, Kowloon HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Chun Yip Plastics Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
603-609 Castle Peak Rd , Tseun Wan, N.T., HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

Chung Yee Industries Limited
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Island Centre , No 1 Great George Street , Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/10/1993)

David Trading Co
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Aubin House , 171-172 Gloucester Road , Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

David Trading Co
Date Published : 09/16/2009
17 D Verdant Court , Discovery Bay, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/21/1992)

E-Full Industrial Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
20 Wang Hoi Road, 1/F. , Yeung Yiu Chung No. 8 Indus. , Kowloon Bay, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: *Level 1 (5/4/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: *Level 1 (5/4/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/4/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/4/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/4/2006)

General Merchandise Company (Factory)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Units 1-7, 17-20 , 3/F Kar Wah Industrial Bldg, Hei Yip St. , Yuen Long, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/18/2000)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/18/2000)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/18/2000)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/18/2000)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/18/2000)

Guangshou Rubber Goods Factory
Date Published : 09/16/2009
E-Full Industrial Limited1/F Young Yiu , Kowloon, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/8/1999)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/8/1999)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/8/1999)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/8/1999)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: * Level 1 (9/8/1999)

Hale Sun Industries, Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Abba Commercial Building , 223 Aberdeen Main Road , Aberdeen, Hong Kong Island HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993) Shipper for Trans Ancient Trading Co.; Taiwan

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993) Shipper for Trans Ancient Trading Co.; Taiwan

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993) Shipper for Trans Ancient Trading Co.; Taiwan

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993) Shipper for Trans Ancient Trading Co.; Taiwan

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993) Shipper for Trans Ancient Trading Co.; Taiwan

Date Published : 06/23/2023
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Protective Industrial Products Manufactory Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Flat 1-11 6th Floor, Kar Wah Ind. Bldg. , Hong Kong, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/4/1999)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/4/1999)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/4/1999)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/4/1999)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/4/1999)

Ricehill Enterprises Ltd
Date Published : 04/23/2010
173 Des Voeux Road , 703 Sincere Building , Central, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 04/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Sonley Glove Manufacture
Date Published : 09/16/2009
178/Fl Best-O Best Commercial Centre , 32/36 Ferry Street PO Box 74281 , Kowloon, HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Sonley Glove Manufacturer (Factory)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Units Nos. 1-7, 17-20 3Fl Kar Wah , Industrial Bldg Hei Yip Street , Tuen Long, N T HONG KONG SAR
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)


Asian Latex Pvt. Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
M-2 Yogeshwar , New Delhi, INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/27/1996)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/27/1996)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/27/1996)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/27/1996)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/27/1996)

Beekay Hygiene Prod Ut Bakhtawar Singh Balkrishan (Bldr) Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
446 , Raipur, Chhattisgarh INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Bright Rubber Industries (P) Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
B 80-84, Sector 8 , Noida, Ghaziabad INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 12/3/1993

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

Digiflex India Pvt. Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
55 Noida Export Processing Zone , Ghaziabad, INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/24/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/24/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/24/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/24/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/24/1997)

Fitco India
Date Published : 09/16/2009
1 Skyline Habitat , Kochi, INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/3/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/3/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/3/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/3/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/3/1998)

Goodluck Marketing Private Limited
Date Published : 09/16/2009
106 Harikrupa Chambers Blvd, Ashram Road , Ahmedabad, INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/12/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/12/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/12/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/12/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/12/1997)

Gujarat Health Care Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Village Masma Tal Olpad , Surat, Gujarat INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/7/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/7/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/7/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/7/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/7/1995)

M/S Glove India Private Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
C 7 M E P Z , Tambaram , Chennai, Tamil Nadu INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/29/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/29/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/29/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/29/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/29/1992)

M/s Kerala Rubbers & Reclaims (P) Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
21 Cochin Export Processing Zone , Kochi, Kerala INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Overseas Latex Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Plot No 5 , Kochi Export Processing Zone , Kochi, INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/5/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/5/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/5/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/5/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/5/1993)

Perfect Latex Private Limited (Office)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
A - 1 , Delhi, Delhi INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

Perfect Latex Pvt Ltd (Factory)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
23 Nepz , Noida, UP INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/3/1993)

RFB Gloves
Date Published : 09/16/2009
78-80 Noida Special Economic Zone , Sdf No. C-08(C) , Noida, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1992)

Sai Latex Private Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Plot A-5,6,7 Madras Exp. Processing Zon , Tambaram, , Chennai, Tamil Nadu INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

Date Published : 12/15/2023
Sp7-52, Riico Industrial Area , Ghiloth , Alwar, Rajasthan INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Techni Bharathi Exports
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Palackal Bldg Premier Junction , Kalamassery 683 , Kochi, Kerala INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/16/1994)

Zoetic Polymers Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Plot 18 Cochin Export Processing Zone , Kakkanad , Kochi, Kerala INDIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exa gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)


Indoraya Everlatex
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 25 , Jakarta, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/28/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/28/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/28/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/28/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/28/1998)

Date Published : 09/16/2009
unknown , Jarkata, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/9/1993)

P.T. Latexindo Tobaperkasa
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Km. 11 , Jln. Baja Raya; BINJAL , Medan, Sumatera Utara INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/24/2009)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/24/2009)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/24/2009)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/24/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/24/2009)

P.T. Saptindo Surgica
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Parman Kav 12slipi , Jakarta, INDONESIA
80 K - - GO Surgeon's Gloves
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Surgeon's Gloves
Notes: * Level 1 - 11/18/1997

PT Abbergummi Medical
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Jalan Manduro Manggung Gajah Km. 0.6 , Ngoro , Mojokerto, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam glvoes
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/13/2009)

PT Daifatex Indah
Date Published : 09/16/2009
188 Cirangrang Barat , Bandung, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

PT Eka Wira Asia - Corporate Office
Date Published : 09/16/2009
J1. Prof Hm Yamin No. 40-40a , Medan, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

PT Indolex Karya Jakarta
Date Published : 09/16/2009
J1 Industgry Raya IV , Blok Ad No 218 , Jatake tangerang, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloevs
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/8/1994)

PT Indotama Magah Indah Rubber
Date Published : 09/16/2009
36-E, Indrapura Street , Surabaya, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

PT Kareisindo Marga Nirmala
Date Published : 09/16/2009
J1 Raya Pandaan Km No 43 , Surabaya, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

PT Surya Milani Plastic Utama
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Gedung Perkantoran Central Bungur , Jln. Mangga Besar No 38 , Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/26/1996)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/26/1996)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/26/1996)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/26/1996)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/26/1996)

PT Trihasta Loka Persada
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Jalan Kasir 2 No 11 , Pasar Kemis Tancerang, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/21/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/21/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/21/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/21/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/21/1994)

PT Wrp Buana Multicorp
Date Published : 11/19/2009
Jl. Jermal No 20-B Kelurahan , Medan, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 11/19/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: 9/25/09 - Placed on Level 1 2/25/10 - Removed from Level 1 and placed on Level 2

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 11/19/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: 9/25/09 - Placed on Level 1 2/25/10 - Removed from Level 1 and placed on Level 2

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 11/19/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: 9/25/09 - Placed on Level 1 2/25/10 - Removed from Level 1 and placed on Level 2

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 11/19/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: 9/25/09 - Placed on Level 1 2/25/10 - Removed from Level 1 and placed on Level 2

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 11/19/2009

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: 9/25/09 - Placed on Level 1 2/25/10 - Removed from Level 1 and placed on Level 2

PT. Eka Wira Asia
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Jln. Zainal Arifin , 128 B-C , Medan, Sumatera Utara INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

PT. Eka Wira Asia
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Jln. Zainal Arifin , 128 B-C , Medan, Sumatera Utara INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999) Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (3/10/1999)Note

PT. Tata Rubberindo Industries
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Km. 13.8 , Jl. Raya Serang , Cikupa, Tangerang, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/6/2006)

Pt. Indorub Nusaraya
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Jl. Batang Kuis Psr 9 Harapan 88 , Ji. Semarang No. 105/16 Medan , Sumatera Utara, INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 - 10/3/2006 (Level 1 6/30/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 - 10/3/2006 (Level 1 6/30/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 - 10/3/2006 (Level 1 6/30/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 - 10/3/2006 (Level 1 6/30/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 - 10/3/2006 (Level 1 6/30/2006)

Pt. Mandiri Inti Buana
Date Published : 06/23/2010
Jln. Listrik No. 6 , Medan, Sumatera Utara INDONESIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 06/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 06/23/2010

Desc: Examination
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 06/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 06/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 06/23/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1


Sung Il Industrial Co Ltd aka Chung & Yong Co
Date Published : 09/16/2009
8578 Seoul Road , P.O. Box 8587 , Seoul, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/92)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/92)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/92)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/92)


Date Published : 05/18/2018
Lot 8961 & 8964 , Batu 19 , Ayer Tawar, Perak MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/18/2018

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

AEK Rubber Product SDN BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 1919 Jalan Bukit Kemuning , Klang, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

Asiatic Burnet Dipped Products Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 6, Jalan P/2a,Bangi Ind. Est. Sel. , Darul Ehsan, Bangi MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 3342, 7 1/2 Mi Off Jalan Kapar , Jalan Keretapi Lama , Kapar, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/5/2009)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/28/2009

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/28/2009

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/5/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/28/2009

Balak Rubber (Malaysia) Sdn. Berhad
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 478 & 479, Jalan Simpang Balakoff , Kajang, Selangor, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/11/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/11/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/11/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/11/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/11/1998)

Boston & Pacific (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
P O Box 38 , 71 Kulim Industrial Estate , Kulim, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/7/1990)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/5/2009)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/5/2009)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/5/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/5/2009)

Clydesdale Industries Sdn.Bhd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
478 Jalan Simpang Balak , Kajang, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/4/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/4/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/4/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/4/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/4/1997)

Consolex Corporation, SDN BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
40000 Shah Alam , Selangor Darui Ehsan, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

Cymun Development SND. BHD.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 32674 , 3 Jalan Jelapang , Chemor, Perak MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/10/2003)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/10/2003)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/10/2003)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/10/2003)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/10/2003)

Dash Medical Gloves SDN BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 16 Lengkongan Hishamuddin, Kaw 20 , Selat Klang Utara, Pelabuhan Klang , Selangor Darul Eshan, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (9/7/1999)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (9/7/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (9/7/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (9/7/1999)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (9/7/1999)Note

Dispotex Industries Sendirian Berhad
Date Published : 09/16/2009
13 Jalan Tandang , Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/18/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/18/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/18/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/18/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/18/1995)

Eac Rubber Industries (M) Sdn Bh
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No 1a Jalan 205 , Petaling, Fn MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/14/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/14/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/14/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/14/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/14/1994)

Evergrade Healthcare Products Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 2783 , 7 Jalan Bakri , Muar, Johor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (12/21/1999)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (12/21/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (12/21/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (12/21/1999)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (12/21/1999)Note

Formtex Medical Sdn
Date Published : 09/16/2009
7 Lebott Hishamuddin Satu Kawasan , Ehsan, Pelabuhan MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

Formtex Medical Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 760 , Jalan Haji Sirat , Klang, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1997)

Ganda Yakin SDN, BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Suite 18B 18th Floor, Office Tower , Kompleks Nagaria 12 , Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Ganz Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
46-B, Jalan Desa Baktitaman Desa , Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/11/1999)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/11/1999)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/11/1999)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/11/1999)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/11/1999)

Glovco (M) Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 760, Jalan Haji Sirat , 42100 Klang , Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (10/29/2007) (Level 1 - 11/9/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (10/29/2007) (Level 1 - 11/9/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (10/29/2007) (Level 1 - 11/9/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (10/29/2007) (Level 1 - 11/9/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (10/29/2007) (Level 1 - 11/9/2006)

Glovesworld Ind Head Office (frmrly- Perusahaan Intan Emas)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
6th Fl, Wisma Chinese Chamber , 258 Jalan Ampang , Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

Glovesworld Ind (Fctry) Sdn. Bhd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot P.T. 153,Kawasan Perusahaan Beranang , Darul Ehsan, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (8/1/2000)Note

Handsafe Products Sdn. Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 6021, Kawasan Perindustrian , Bukit Bakri , Muar, Johor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/2004)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/2004)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/2004)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/2004)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/2004)

Highactive Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 12-B, Industrial Area, 6/12 Miles , Jalan Kepong , Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/17/2000)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/17/2000)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/17/2000)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/17/2000)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/17/2000)

Date Published : 09/07/2021
No. 1 Jalan Shamelin Niaga 1 , Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/07/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/07/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/07/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/07/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/07/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Influx Pacific Sdn Bdh
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 61 Air Keroh Industrial Estate , Malacca, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 2/3/1999 (Level 1 - 3/22/1994

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 2/3/1999 (Level 1 - 3/22/1994

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 2/3/1999 (Level 1 - 3/22/1994

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 2/3/1999 (Level 1 - 3/22/1994

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Notes: ** Level 2 - 2/3/1999 (Level 1 - 3/22/1994

Jk Rubber Products Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 2247d Jalan Sengkang Sengkang 81000 , Johore, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/3/2001)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/3/2001)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/3/2001)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/3/2001)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/3/2001)

KI-Kepong Rubber Products Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Ladang Pinji, Bahagian Sengat , Ipoh, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/19/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/19/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/19/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/19/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/19/2006)

Malaysian Healthcare SDN BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
34 Jalan Pjs 11/7 , Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (12/6/2000)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (12/6/2000)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (12/6/2000)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (12/6/2000)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (12/6/2000)

Marcon Rubber Industry
Date Published : 03/24/2010
#27-29, Kawasan Perindustrian Alor Gajah , Peringkat III , Alor Gajah, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/24/2010

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

Maxter Glove Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 03/13/2024
Lot 6070, Jalan Haji Abdul Manan, , 6th Miles Off Jalan, Meru , Klang, Selangor, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 03/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 03/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 03/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 03/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 03/13/2024

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Poly Arena Sdn. Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 24, Jalan Jasmine 5, Taman Jasmine , Kajang Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/7/2000)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/7/2000)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/7/2000)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/7/2000)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/7/2000)

Powercrest (M) SDN BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 975, 3rd Mile, Jalan Kapar , Po. Box 75 , Klang, Selangor D.E., Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Protection Gloves Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot No. 236, Batu 2 1/2, , Jalan Yong Peng, Chaah , Johor, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/6/2003)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/6/2003)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/6/2003)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/6/2003)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/6/2003)

Pwa Industries Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Batu 15-1/2 , Sungai Pelong , Selangor, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (5/7/1999)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (5/7/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (5/7/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (5/7/1999)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (5/7/1999)Note

Quality Latex Corp. Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
18 Jalan Kilang 2 , Ipoh, Perak MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/2007)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/2007)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/2007)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/2007)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/2007)

Rj Medical Products (M) Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 723 , Batu 5 1/2, Jalan Kapar , Klang, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (2/25/1999)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (2/25/1999)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (2/25/1999) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (2/25/1999)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (2/25/1999)Note

Seltom Pacific Sdn. Bhd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot Pt, 153 Kawasan Perusahaan , Jalan Besar Beranang , Beranang, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/27/2002)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/27/2002)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/27/2002)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/27/2002)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/27/2002)

Shiraishi (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
17-3 Jalan 14/22 , The Right Angle, 46100 Petaling Jaya , Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

Sinetimed Latex SDN. BHD.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 57 & 58 , Lorong Kilang 15 , Taiping, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/6/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/28/2003)

South Pacific Chemical Industries Sdn Berhad
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No 64-66 2nd Floor Bangunan Jurukur , Jalan 52/4 46200 Petalling Jaya , Darul Ehsan, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/3/1993)

Stermed Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 4209 Jalan Bakariah , Muar, Johor, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (7/21/1995)

Taiping Naga Rubber
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 6706 , Jalan Rantau Panjang; 3 3/4 Miles Jalan Kapar , Klang, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/8/1992)

Tower Rubber Inds.Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Lot 18 , Jalan Kubu , Port Klang, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (1/5/2000)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (1/5/2000)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (1/5/2000) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (1/5/2000)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (1/5/2000)Note

Wescorp Industries SDN BHD
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Unknown , Unknown, MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/28/1992)


Derivados De Gasa, Sa De Cv
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Calle Henry Ford No 366 , Col. Bondojito, Gustavo A. Madero , Ciudad De Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico MEXICO
80 K - - GO Surgeon's Gloves
Date Published: 11/09/2018

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/10/1994) Derivados De Gasa is recommended for detention without physical examintion under Import Alert #89-04 for failure to meet GMP's. The firm is listed here only to preclude inadvertent release of entries. GMP charges should be used for detentions.

80 N - - PD Surgeon's Gloves, Powder Free
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/10/1994) Derivados De Gasa is recommended for detention without physical examination under Import Alert #89-04 for failure to meet GMP's. The firm is listed here only to preclude inadvertent release of entries. GMP charges should be used for detentions.

Guantes Quirurgicos S A de C V
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Av Centenario No 15 , 62500 Civac Jiutepec , Cuernavaca, Moreles MEXICO
80 K - - GO Surgeon's Gloves
Date Published: 11/09/2018

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 Guantes Quirurgicos S.A. is recommended for detention without physical examination under Import Alert #89-04 for failure to meet GMP's. The firm is listed here only to preclude inadvertent release of entries. GMP charges should be used for detentions.

80 N - - PD Surgeon's Gloves, Powder Free
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1Guantes Quirurgicos S.A. is recommended for detention without physical examination under Import Alert #89-04 for failure to meet GMP's. The firm is listed here only to preclude inadvertent release of entries. GMP charges should be used for detentions.

Supertex Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Carretera A Bosques De San Isidro , #1136 , Zapopan, Jalisco, MEXICO
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/14/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/14/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/14/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/14/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/14/1998)


Midas International Development corp
Date Published : 09/16/2009
103 E. Rodriguez Avenue , Pasig, PHILIPPINES
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/23/1994)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/23/1994)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/23/1994)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/23/1994)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (2/23/1994)


G Premjee Trading Pte Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
24 Raffles Place , #25-04 Clifford Centre , Singapore, SINGAPORE
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1


Latexam Gloves
Date Published : 09/16/2009
344, Grandpass Road , Colombo, SRI LANKA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)


1st. Trust Industrial Corp
Date Published : 09/16/2009
10th Floor #172 , Hsin Yi Rd., Sec. 4 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Atico, Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
85 - 12th Fl Tfit Tower , Sec 4, Jen Ai Road , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

CHC Hardware Co., Inc.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Unknown Street , Unknown, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Chinese Products Promotion Center
Date Published : 09/16/2009
6 F , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Date Published : 09/16/2009
unknown , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Dan Co Ltd a/k/a Dantex Glove Co
Date Published : 09/16/2009
148 Sec 4 Chung Hsiao East Rd Ste 1005 , PO BOX 68-1032 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/3/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/3/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/3/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/3/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (9/3/1992)

Daw Shin Industrial Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
11 F. , Qianjin Dist.Hsiung , Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Excellence Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 13, Chu Tsun Li , Puh Tzu City , Chia Yi Hsien, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/18/2001)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/18/2001)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/18/2001)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/18/2001)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/18/2001)

Formosa Glove Industrial Co
Date Published : 09/16/2009
10-8 Ma Kuo-Lj , Matou, Tainan Hsien, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/5/2009)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/5/2009)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/5/2009)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/5/2009)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (6/5/2009)

Gain Honour Development Limited
Date Published : 09/16/2009
5th Fl., No. 76, Flushing Rd. , Rm 3; Sec. , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/12/1999)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/12/1999)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/12/1999)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/12/1999)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/12/1999)

General Gloves Corp.
Date Published : 01/25/2019
No.25, Pei Ma, 16 Lin Tung Chun Village , Tung Shan Hsiang , Tainan Hsien, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; 8/10/2009

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; 8/10/2009

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; 8/10/2009

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; 8/10/2009

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 01/25/2019

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1; 8/10/2009

Goldeneyes Corp
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Unknown Street , Unknown, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Hiyi Export Company
Date Published : 09/16/2009
5F-13, No. 1, Lane 126 , Fu-Hsing s. Road Sec. 1 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (4/17/2001)Note

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (4/17/2001)Note

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (4/17/2001) Note

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (4/17/2001)Note

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: A Warning Letter has been issued to this firm citing adulteration within the meaning of Section 501(h) of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic Act as documented by recurring violations. Future glove shipments are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(1). Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers Level 3 Detention.
Notes: *** Level 3 (4/17/2001)Note

Hsing Yi Plastics Processing Co. Ltd (Office)
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 108-1 Der Jia Li , Put-Zu City, Chia-Yi Shien TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/4/2000)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/4/2000)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/4/2000)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/4/2000)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: ** Level 2 (5/4/2000)

LCL Taiwan & Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 166-20 Riao-Pu-Li Matou Chen , Tainan Hsien, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/11/1995)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/11/1995)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/11/1995)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/11/1995)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/11/1995)

Leader Well Company, Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
63, Secl Chang-East Rd. , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Neo Sigma Inc
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Unknown Street , Unkown, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Sincere Medical Industrial Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
20 Lane 64 Sec 2 Chien-Kuo N Road , Box 67-1407 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/22/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/22/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/22/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/22/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/22/1997)

Sunny-Mart Merchandise Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
2 flr 39-1 An-Ho Road , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Taiwan Disposable Products Corp.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
4 Fl., 5-8, Lane 27 , Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 2 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Terng Nan Industrial Corp.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
112 Chung Hsiao East Road , 9th Fl. - 9, Sec. 4 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 K - - GO Surgeon's Gloves
Date Published: 11/09/2018

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

80 N - - PD Surgeon's Gloves, Powder Free
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Surgeon's gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (3/25/1993)

Toplas Industrial Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
No. 23, Wu Hiun Street , Ta Wu Luen Park , Keelung, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

Tse Fong International Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
341 Jen Al Road Sec 4 , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/15/1992)

Unitech Kingdom Ent. Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
3f,. No. 8, Alley 18, Lane 295, Sec.4 , Pateh Road , Taipei, TAIWAN
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1


A.P. Rubber Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
26/2 Rajyindee Road , Hatyai, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/5/1992)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/5/1992)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/5/1992)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/5/1992)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (10/5/1992)

Date Published : 12/08/2021
52/43 Watkodhin-Kaophai Rd. , T.Tubma , A.Muang Rayong, RAYONG THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 12/08/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 12/08/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 12/08/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 12/08/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 12/08/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

C. Rubber Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
162/2 Noo 4, Petchkasane Road, Omnon , Kratumban, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/17/1999)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/17/1999)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/17/1999)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/17/1999)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (5/17/1999)

Covco Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Ab House Building 200/3501 Ranikhamhaeng , Bangkok, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/15/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/15/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/15/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/15/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (12/15/1998)

DAH Lee Rubber Industries, Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
1 , 5; Soi Polpichai Rd Rd Niphutsongkraw , Hat Yai, Songkhla THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/29/1996)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/29/1996)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/29/1996)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/29/1996)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/29/1996)

Date Published : 09/16/2009
662/1-4 Moo 3, Panomsar , Chonburi, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/4/1997)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/4/1997)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/4/1997)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/4/1997)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/4/1997)

Famont Company Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
1466 Soi Chantratip Sapan , 1 1/2 Chan Rd Yannawa , Bangkok, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/1993)

Date Published : 08/26/2022
199 Moo 11, Tambon Banpru Amphur , Hatyai, Songkhla THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/26/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/26/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/26/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/26/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/26/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 08/26/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 08/15/2022
89/1, Moo 4, Tambon Chalung , Hatyai, SONGKHLA THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Innovative Gloves Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/10/2023
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 02/10/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 02/10/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 02/10/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 02/10/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 02/10/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 O - - IG Rubber examination gloves, powder-free
Date Published: 02/10/2023

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Medical Glove Company Limited
Date Published : 10/26/2021
268. Moo 7. Tampom Lam Thap. , Amphur Lam Tham , Krabi, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 10/26/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 10/26/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 10/26/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 10/26/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 10/26/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Medtexx Industries Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
200 MU-4 Tambol Tachang , Songkhla, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/2002)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/2002)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Eaxm gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/2002)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/2002)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (8/5/2002)

Date Published : 08/04/2021
92 13 Moo 5 Lamluk , Bao, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 08/04/2021
Prakanong , 1112/25 Sukhumvit Rd , Khlong Toei, Bangkok THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 08/04/2021
88/103 Moo 5 Lamlukka R , Pathumthani, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Phutex Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
1-3-5 Krabi Road, Muang Phuket , Phuket, Thailand, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/26/1998)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/26/1998)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/26/1998)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/26/1998)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (1/26/1998)

SAS Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 05/17/2012
20/3 Bangkok Bazar Road , Lumpinee, Prathumwan , Bangkok, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 05/17/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 05/17/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 05/17/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 05/17/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 05/17/2012

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: level 1

Date Published : 08/04/2021
9/9 Moo 2 Bung Cham O , Pathum Thani, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 08/04/2021
86 Ratchadaphisek Road , Bangkok, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 08/04/2021
2 , Soi 9 Mu 9 Alley , Nong Suea, Pathum Thani THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Date Published : 08/04/2021
152 Moo 12 , Thai Kwian , Watthana Nakhon, SA KAEO THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

80 Q - - DO Fentanyl and other opioid protection glove
Date Published: 08/04/2021

Desc: Examination Gloves
Notes: *Level 1

Safe Shield Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Phun Phin, Suratthani , 43; 2 KM 28, Surat-Takuapa Rd. , Phunphin, Surat Thani THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/7/2006)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/7/2006)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/7/2006)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/7/2006)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/7/2006)

T K Glove Products Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/16/2009
104 Moo 1 Banlum , Vihandeang Saraburi, THAILAND
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/30/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/30/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/30/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/30/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (11/30/1993)


Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited
Date Published : 09/16/2009
Coronation Rd , Ascot, UNITED KINGDOM
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - YZ Glove, Patient Examination, Vinyl
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - ZA Glove, Patient Examination, Poly
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 09/16/2009

Desc: Exam gloves
Notes: * Level 1 (4/16/1993)