Import Alert 55-03

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 55-03
Published Date: 09/05/2024
Type: DWPE

Import Alert Name:


Reason for Alert:

Note: The revision of this Import Alert (IA) dated 08/2/2024 updates the reason for alert, guidance, agency contacts, product description section, charge code section, PAF, PAC. Changes to the import alert are bracketed by asterisks (***).

***On July 21, 2014 the charge code was revised within the Alert to include authority set forth in section 501(j) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) making a drug adulterated if it has been manufactured, processed, packed, or held in any factory, warehouse, or establishment and the owner, operator, or agent of such factory, warehouse, or establishment delays, denies, or limits an inspection, or refuses to permit entry or inspection. Articles of drug falling within this new section are subject to refusal under 801(a)(3) of the FD&C Act. To date firms in violation of 501(j) are now placed on Import Alert 66-79,"Detention Without Physical Examination of Drugs From Foreign Establishments Refusing FDA Inspection.”***

Heparin is a widely used anti-coagulant and is commonly used during surgical procedures and for those undergoing dialysis. ***Since 2018, approximately 265 million doses of heparin products have been used in the United States each year.*** In 2008, a number of deaths in the United States were associated with either contaminated or adulterated heparin. The adverse events have included allergic or hypersensitivity-type reactions, with symptoms such as low blood pressure, angioedema, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

The vast majority of crude heparin, heparin intermediates, and heparin active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) used in finished drug product in the United States is imported from other countries. The phrase "different forms of heparin and heparin-related products" is used for brevity to refer to articles such as crude heparin, heparin intermediates, heparin API, heparin products, and heparin-containing products. ***The phrase also includes low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) products (e.g., dalteparin, enoxaparin, etc.).***

As part of FDA's activities intended to protect the health and safety of U.S. consumers, FDA often conducts inspections of foreign establishments that produce FDA-regulated articles intended for use in the United States. The basis for detention without physical examination under this Import Alert is that the firm's quality system is inadequate for the prevention of contamination or otherwise does not conform to current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements. Heparin contaminated with oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) clearly indicates that the "methods used in" or the "controls used for" the "manufacture, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to or are not operated or administered in conformity" with CGMP. OSCS is not part of the manufacturing process for heparin and its presence suggests that somewhere in the supply chain OSCS has been added intentionally to heparin for financial reasons because it is a very cheap material prepared by a simple synthetic process. In addition, it mimics certain heparin properties so that it would pass then-current United States Pharmacopeia (USP) specifications for Heparin Sodium USP. ***In 2009, the USP revised its monograph for Heparin Sodium USP to incorporate tests that can detect the presence of OSCS.***

Manufacturers must have adequate traceability, qualification, and testing systems in place in order to satisfy applicable CGMP requirements. ***When inspections are performed that are unable to adequately demonstrate that a firm meets the applicable CGMP requirements or the firm appears to have been responsible for introducing contaminated forms of heparin or heparin-related products into the supply chain then the firm's drug(s) or other products are subject to imports refusal under 801(a)(3) of the FD&C Act for the appearance of adulteration, and the firm's quality system is inadequate or otherwise does not conform to CGMP requirements. Where there is an inspection that identifies an inadequate system in this regard, the firm's drug(s) or other products appear to be adulterated and are subject to imports refusal 801(a)(3).***

Furthermore, if the firm appears to have been responsible for introducing contaminated forms of heparin or heparin-related products into the supply chain, then there is an appearance that the firm's quality system is inadequate or otherwise does not conform to CGMP. If the firm demonstrates that they have appropriate controls in place, the firm's drugs or other products may no longer appear to be adulterated.

***The Red List of this alert identifies firms for which we have information indicating that the different forms of heparin or heparin-related products appear to be adulterated as described above. It appears under section 801(a) of the FD&C Act that the methods used in and controls used for the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of the drugs or other products from the firms listed on the Red List do not appear to conform to current good manufacturing practices within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act; therefore, such articles are subject to refusal of admission into the United States.***


***Divisions may detain, without physical examination, all forms of heparin and heparin-related products from the firm(s) identified on the Red List of this Import Alert.

Since the article appears to be adulterated due to inadequate CGMPs, and is subject to refusal of admission under section 801(a)(3) of the FD&C Act, FDA considers reconditioning or submission of analytical results to be insufficient to overcome the appearance of the violation.

Recommendations for additions to the Red List of this import alert, should be forwarded to the Division of Import Operations (DIO) and FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) will evaluate regulatory packages on a case-by-case basis.

Removal from Detention without Physical Examination (REMOVE FROM RED LIST):
In order to remove a firm's product from the Red List, information should be provided to the Agency to adequately demonstrate that the firm has resolved the conditions that gave rise to the appearance of the violation, either by inspection, reinspection, submission of documentation, and/or other actions requested by the FDA.

The purpose of this is so that the Agency will have confidence that future shipments/entries will be in compliance with the FD&C Act and applicable regulations.

If a firm and/or a representative thereof would like to petition for removal from detention without physical examination under this Import Alert, a firm or representative thereof may schedule an inspection or reinspection or provide copies of inspection reports for inspections performed by third parties to assist FDA in prioritizing inspection requests. The request and all relevant documentation supporting the request should be sent to the following address:

Food and Drug Administration
Division of Import Operations
12420 Parklawn Drive, ELEM-3109
Rockville, MD 20857

Or via email:

Questions or issues involving import operations should be addressed to ORA/DIO (301) 796-0356 or

Questions or issues involving science policy, analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology, should be addressed to ORA/Office of Regulatory Science at

Questions or issues on policy or any other additional questions not directly related to a detained entry, should be addressed to CDER/OC/ODSIR/DGDDP/Imports Compliance Branch at


Product Description:

Different Forms of Heparin and Heparin-Related Products (e.g., Crude Heparin, Heparin Intermediates, Heparin Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API),
Heparin Products, and Heparin-Containing Products) from the firms ***on the Red List.***

***61L[][]45 Crude Heparin
61L[][][] Heparin Sodium, Heparin Calcium, and
Heparin-Containing Product, including Ardeparin
Sodium, Calciparine, Dalteparin Sodium, Enoxaparin
Sodium, and Tinzaparin Sodium***


***"The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that the methods used
in and controls used for the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of drugs and other products do not
appear to conform to current good manufacturing practices within the meaning of Section 501(a)(2)(B)."

OASIS Charge Code: DRUG GMPs***

List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)


Beijing Qianxihe
Date Published : 07/31/2012
Qianxihe Road , Pinggu District , Beijing, CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/07/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Alias Beijing Pinggu Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

Beijing Shunxin Meihua Bio-technical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 07/22/2014
No 7 Fuqiandongjie , Shunyizhen , Shunyi, Beijing CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 07/22/2014

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; Firm refused FDA inspection

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 07/22/2014

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; Firm refused FDA inspection

Casing Factory Jintan City
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Jin Chen , 7 Beihuan West Rd; Jintan , Changzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Aliases;Jintan Yongmao Casing Co. LtdJintan Caliber Casing Co. Ltd;Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Aliases; Jintan Yongmao Casing Co. Ltd Jintan Caliber Casing Co. Ltd;Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Changsha Wulipai Food Stuff Factory
Date Published : 02/22/2012
"No 8 Bayi East Rd , Changsha, Hunan CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Changzhou SPL Company, Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
West Rd. , Hutang Township, Wujin City , Changzhou City, Jiangsusheng CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Chongqing Baijie Changhong Casing Co., Ltd
Date Published : 04/04/2012
Baijie, , Chongqing, CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

Chongqing Imperial Bio Chem Co
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Citic Bank 19-7 , 5 Yanghesancun , Jiangbei, Chongqing CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Chongqing Paiquiang Agribyproduct Co., Ltd
Date Published : 02/22/2012
158 Gonglongpo , Yudong , Chongqing, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Heilongjiang Yuanguang Casing Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
7 Bohai East Road Jizhong District, Haping Road , Economic-Technology Development District , Harbin, Heilongjiang CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Alias;Heilongjiang Yuanguang Caliber Casing Co.; LtdAlternate Address;No.7 Bohai East Road;Jizhong District Heilongjiang China; Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Alias; Heilongjiang Yuanguang Caliber Casing Co.; Ltd Alternate Address; No.7 Bohai East Road; Jizhong District Heilongjiang China ;Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Henan Zhengping Huixin
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Fuzhuang Yangying Town , "Zhengping, , Henan, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Aliases;Henan Zhengping Huixin;Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Aliases; Henan Zhengping Huixin ;Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Hubei Anlu Food Stuff Factory
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Xinli Village, Zhuzhan Town , Xiaogan City, , Hubei, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 04/26/2023

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

Jiangsu Long Life Group
Date Published : 02/22/2012
No. 216 Renshou Rd , Town, Rugao , Rucheng, Jiangsu CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Jianyang Jiajia Livestock Processing Plant
Date Published : 08/06/2012
Dunjinmaio , Jiajia Township , Jianyang, Sichuan CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/6/2012

Junan Hengxing Foodstuff Co., Ltd
Date Published : 02/22/2012
No. 126 Meishan Rd , Ju'nan County, , Shandong, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Lianyungang Furun Food Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 07/31/2012
8 Yurun Road , Donghai County , Liangyngang City, CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products Notes; Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

Lianyungang Furun Food Co., LTD
Date Published : 07/31/2012
8 West Xuhai Road , Donghai, Jiangsu CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Jiangsu Furun Meat Process Co.; Ltd.; Lianyungang Donghai Workshop; Donghai Workshop; Donghai Crude Heparin Workshop; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

Nanjing Maohai Biotech Co.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
8 Developing Zone , Yaxi Town, Gaochun County , Nanjing Jiangsu Province, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Nantong Jianhua Casing Co. Ltd
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Linjiang Village/Langshan Town, , Nantong, , Jiangsu, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Nantong Tianlong Animal By-products Co., Ltd
Date Published : 07/31/2012
Dingyan , 9 Ding Xinlu; Rugao , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

Nantong Tianlong Livestock Products
Date Published : 07/31/2012
9 Ding Xin Road , Rugao , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Nantong; Nantong Kelong Biological Products Co. Ltd.; Nantong Tianlong Animal By Products Co.; Ltd FEI #3008975772; Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

Qingdao Hualu Foods Co., Ltd
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Industrial Park of Jiaodong Town , Jiaozhou, , Qingdao, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 04/26/2023

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Shandong Union Food Stuff Qingzhou Branch*
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Mojiacun Subu Town , Qingzhou, , Shandong, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Aliases;Qingzhou United;Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Aliases; Qingzhou United; Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Shanghai Biochemial And Pharmaceutical Co Ltd
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Room A403, No. 494 Zhongxing Road , Shanghai, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Shanghai Henchang Grease & Casing Factory
Date Published : 07/31/2012
227 Xuguo , Ducun Village , Qingpu District, Shanghai CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm aliases; Shanghai Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai Qingpu; Hangzhou Ruihua Qingpu Crude Heparin Workshop; Qingpu Workshop;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Plant
Date Published : 07/31/2012
Jiading , Jiading, Shanghai CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

75 J - - KA Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

80 N - - ZW Heparin Vascular access flush
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - FO Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GP Test, Qualitative and Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 G - - GW Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - BP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - OX Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 J - - PA System, Multipurpose for in Vitro Coagulation Studies
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 K - - FF Assay, Heparin
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

81 L - - CO Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Date Published: 10/20/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Firm Alias- Shanghai Nanxiang Crude Heparin Workshop; Shanghai; Nanxian; China;Notes; Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 8/1/2012

Shanghai No. 1 Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
1317 Jianchuanlu , Minhang District , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Shanghai No. 1 Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
387 Shangqiulu , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Sichuan Shuangliu Food Stuff Factory
Date Published : 02/22/2012
61 Wujiaba Nort Street , Shuangliu, , Sichuan, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Sichuan Zhongjiang Xiongjian Casing Co.
Date Published : 04/04/2012
"Kanjiang, , Zhongjiang, , Sichuan, CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

Weifang Legang Food Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
No. 1 Honghe Street , Honghe Town, Changle County , Weifang Shandong, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Xinjiang Lanshanbinggong Food Factory
Date Published : 02/22/2012
No31 QinjianRoad , Gumudi Town, Miquan City, , Xinjiang, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Xuzhou City Mianshang Fengxian Shengda Casing Factory
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Zhangshicheng Village , Zhaozhuang Town , Xuzhou Jiangsu, CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Yibin Lihao Bio-technical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 01/15/2020
Luolong Industrial Central Park , No. 5 Bin Jiang Road; Nanxixian , Yibin, Sichuan CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 01/15/2020

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use Charge Code: DRUG GMPS

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 01/15/2020

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use Charge Code: DRUG GMPS

Zhejiang Casing Animal By-Products Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2012
Tonglu Economic , 369 Dongxing Road; Tongluxian , Hangzhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 02/22/2012

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-related products
Notes: Notes: Use charge code: DRUG GMPs

Zhengzhou Yuanlong Casing Co., Ltd
Date Published : 04/04/2012
"Renmin Road, , Zhengzhou, , Henan, CHINA
55 R - - 99 Pharmaceutic Necessities, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 08 Heparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 22 Anti-Coagulant Heparin Sol
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 26 Ardeparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 27 Dalteparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 29 Enoxaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 30 Heparin Calcium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 35 Tinzaparin Sodium (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 45 Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant), Heparin Crude (Anti-Coagulant)
Date Published: 09/05/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012

61 L - - 99 Anti-Coagulant, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code; DRUG GMPs; 4/4/2012


Mei Lan (Thailand) Company, Ltd.
Date Published : 01/18/2024
35/252-253 Moo 2 , Muang Samut Sakhon, Samut Sakhon THAILAND
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code DRG REF EI as firm refused FDA inspection.

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code DRG REF EI as firm refused FDA inspection.