It was reported that tray spn whit25g3.5 l/b-d/e plast drape had ineffective anesthesia.The following information was provided by the initial reporter: "it was reported that patient had to receive 2 spinals as the first spinal was with the bad marcaine, resulting with patient having a spinal headache.Pr 684960 related complaint.Issue: i know of 4 times in a one week period.After that we started not using the marcaine in the kits.I don¿t know the exact week, but i am thinking the first full week in july.We had one adverse event from a patient with a spinal headache.She had to have 2 spinals as the first one was the bad marcaine.I know of 4 times in a one week period.After that we started not using the marcaine in the kits.I don¿t know the exact week, but i am thinking the first full week in july.We had one adverse event from a patient with a spinal headache.She had to have 2 spinals as the first one was the bad marcaine.".