It was reported to gore that patient underwent endovascular treatment for a left arteriovenous humero-axillary bypass with a gore® acuseal vascular graft.It was stated that the prosthesis was implanted on (b)(6) 2020 in order to create an access for hemodialysis.It was reported that on (b)(6) 2020, after about 1 month, the prosthesis was explanted due to an infection to enterococcus faecalis.
H6 evaluation codes investigation findings 213 refers to the phr-review.Phr-review: a review of the manufacturing records indicated the lot met all pre-release specifications.A review of the sterilization records indicated the lot met all pre-release specifications.Explant investigation (ei): the following is a summary of the ei observations: tissue present: yes.Minimal, scattered plaques of red/brown material were present on the abluminal surface.A foci of red/brown tissue was observable in the lumen when viewed from extremity b.The lumen patency could not be determined with the images provided.Multiple forceps marks were present on the abluminal surface.One perforation (presumptive cannulation) was present.Partially circumferential blue running suture was present near extremity a, closing a clean-edge transection.Both extremities were transected, with extremity b presenting in an ovular shape.Material disruptions observed (i.E., forceps marks, perforation, transections) are consistent with those caused by surgical instrumentation (i.E., forceps, cannulation needle, scalpel/scissors) likely used during a surgical procedure.Request for additional analysis: no.Reason: based on the ei¿s review of the geprovas report and reason for explant (infection), no additional analysis is requested.