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Catalog Number IRTH068080 |
Device Problem
Contamination (1120)
Patient Problem
Bacterial Infection (1735)
Event Date 09/14/2020 |
Event Type
Manufacturer Narrative
Device evaluated by manufacturer: the medical device returned to a third party for investigation.The analysis report was shared with gore and evaluated appropriately.The investigation is still ongoing.The results will be included in the final report.Cbas® heparin surface incorporates cbas-heparin manufactured from heparin sodium api, which is covalently bound to the device surface and is essentially non-eluting.
Event Description
It was reported to gore that patient underwent endovascular treatment for a critical ischemia with trophic disorders (deep calcaneal ulcer) with a gore® propaten® vascular graft - thin-walled, integrated rings.It was stated that the prosthesis was implanted on (b)(6) 2015 as a femoro-tibio-peroneal trunk bypass.It was reported that the patient presented several septic episodes and liquid was observed around the bypass.On (b)(6) 2020, after about 5 years, prosthesis was therefore explanted due to the suspicion of infection and a new bypass was performed.It was stated that bacterial cultures performed on a short segment of the prosthetic segment identified to pseudomonas aeruginosa species.
Manufacturer Narrative
Product history review: a review of the manufacturing records indicated the lot met all pre-release specifications. a review of the sterilization records indicated the lot met all pre-release specifications.Explant investigation (ei): the following is a summary of the ei observations of the gore® propaten® vascular graft.Tissue present: yes.The device fragment was generally devoid of tissue.The fragment was encased by a large tissue mass (mix of native vessel/tissue; dark brown, tan, and yellow in appearance) at extremity a.The fragment could not be observed inside of the mass of tissue at extremity a.The tissue extremity was occluded by tan/white tissue with some blue running suture being visible.Extremity b was transected and ovular in shape with a blue suture ligaturing the extremity.The luminal patency could not be determined with the information provided.Material disruptions (i.E.Transections, blue suture) are consistent with those caused by surgical instrumentation (i.E., scalpel/scissors, suturing), likely used during a surgical procedure.Request for additional analysis: no.Reason: based on the ei¿s review of the third party report and reason for removal (infection), no additional analysis is requested.
Manufacturer Narrative
After consultation with the physician it was revealed that the patient has a history of pre-existing infection in the field of treatment, therefore this incident no longer meets the criteria of a reportable serious incident, and is considered non-reportable.The report is retracted.
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