The lens was returned positioned incorrectly in the lens case upon return inside the opened lens carton.Solution was dried on the lens.One haptic was broken in the gusset area.The broken haptic portion was not returned.The other haptic was bent in the gusset area.The lens case was evaluated.The lens case opens and closes securely with no difficulty.No damage was observed to the base or lid.The viscoelastic information was not provided.It is unknown if a qualified viscoelastic was used.The root cause cannot be determined for the complaint as reported.The initial report description indicated that the doctor found iol casing was loosen upon open up, lens was not sitting at the correct position.It is not possible to determine the position of the lens upon customer receipt.Upon sample evaluation, there was no damage observed to the lens case.The lens case opened and closed securely.A broken haptic was observed.The damage was similar in appearance to customer related damage.Due to the presence of surgical solution, and the explanation that the lens was removed from the lens case, loaded into the cartridge, and delivered into the eye, then removed, we are unable to verify that the broken haptic damage was present when opened prior to loading.The manufacturer internal reference number is: (b)(4).