History of parkinson's disease.To surgery (b)(6) 2022 for bilateral dbs lead placement (dual arrays), electrode 'plcmt,' with mers (first array) - 61867, electrode 'plcmt,' with mers (each additional array) - 61868.During drilling of the burr holes with a perforator drill bit, the drill bit was supposed to stop drilling before it hit/cut the dura, however it didn't stop like it was supposed to and it hit/cut the dura.The surgery was going to have the dura and the brain entered anyway so there was no harm in this case with no additional care.It entered the dura too quickly; wasn't under control.Occurred in benign area of the brain.The surgery team retrieved another perforator drill bit before proceeding with drilling the other burr hole.No harm in this case but per surgeon if this would have occurred in a critical part of the brain it could have been disastrous.Fda safety report id# (b)(4).