Updated fields: d4, d9, g3, g6, h2, h3, h4, h6, h10.The perforator was not returned for evaluation (discarded by customer); therefore, an evaluation of the device could not be performed.Lot number information has been provided; therefore, manufacturing records were reviewed and found no anomalies.The cause(s) of the difficulty reported by the customer could not be determined.If additional relevant information becomes available in the future, this complaint will be reopened, and the respective evaluation performed.Trends will be monitored for this and similar issues.At present, we consider this complaint to be closed.Additional information received: - was the perforator inspected prior to use as is instructed? yes - did they perform the spring test? before and between each burr hole? only before the test - which drill type was used (brand and model)? bienair, osseo duo.- how fast it was used? 80.000 rounds.- was the drill electric or pneumatic? electric.- did the perforator click in place in the drill? yes.