Prior to the reported event, user facility personnel stated there was a burning smell emitting from their reliance vision single chamber washer/disinfector however, the source of the burning smell could not be identified.Steris was not contacted regarding the burning smell and user facility personnel continued to utilize the washer/disinfector.A few days following the reported burning smell, the reported event occurred.A steris equipment service specialist inspected the washer/disinfector following the reported event and found evidence of charring on the chamber light and lamp socket.The components that had become damaged during the reported event had been removed by the user facility.The steris equipment service specialist discussed the reported event with user facility personnel and the contributing factors that may have caused the reported event to occur.The reliance vision single chamber washer/disinfector was installed in 2013 and is serviced and maintained by the user facility.The user facility stated that all necessary repairs and replacements will be performed by their service provider.