On (b)(6) 2023: rn had tube feedings running and attempted to flush tubing and the feeding tube came apart in actual kangaroo pump area from the pressure.Rn attempted this three times with 4 different sets and all the same thing happened.Only 1 of the four sets saved.Sample returned to cardinal health for evaluation.On (b)(6) 2023: tube feeding tube cam apart where the tubing stretches in the pump.Was infusing in a ng tube.Lot: 22c013fhy the patient had the enfit salem sump, it had the y-extension on it with infusing and the nurse flushed it with 30cc water using the large enfit syringe within 30-60minutes of the tubing coming apart in the kangroo pump.Sample returned to cardinal health for evaluation.On(b)(6) 2023: [nurse] was giving patient medications with enfit ng which worked fine.Tube feeding running and [nurse] paused to give meds through the "y" connector.No issues with giving medications and seem to flow easily.While instilling meds, kangaroo pump began leaking tube feeding.Came apart at connection that we have been having issues with coming apart.All supplies used where enfit products.Lot unknown awaiting shipping label to return to cardinal health for evaluation.Reference report: mw5115310, mw5115312, mw5115313.