On (b)(6) 2023, apifix was notified that patient (b)(6) , index procedure (b)(6) 2019, has been hearing a metallic sound [from the implant] which, according to the distributor, may suggest ratchet malfunction.The surgeon plants to remove the implant.
Investigation: a review of the device history record confirmed that the device was manufactured and tested according to relevant procedures,and shipped according to manufacturer's specifications.Surgeon, x-ray, information analysis: on 07-mar-2023, apifix was notified that patient (b)(6) , index procedure (b)(6) 2019, has been hearing a metallic sound [from the implant] which may suggest ratchet malfunction.The surgeon wants to remove the implant.On 07-mar-2023 apifix clinical affairs followed up with the distributor for additional information.A ratchet issue is not seen in the x-rays, but cannot be ruled out.Apifix requested the explanted device for investigation and post removal x-rays as the patient's correction (appears) excellent.Corrective action: ratchet malfunction (resulting in a backup of the distraction) can result from physical trauma, practicing high-demand sports, and tissue growth inside the ratchet mechanism.Ratchet malfunction may be a coincidental finding and may also be reported together with pain/curve progression/noise.The company took several actions to mitigate ratchet malfunction: eco-13, the ratchet flat spring component was changed to a thicker spring (from 0.15 to 0.25mm).Eco-59, addition of a stopper pin to prevent the pole from dislocating from the base and inherit from the design to prevent the collapse of the ratchet.In march 2020, a highlight of the risk associated with practicing high-demand sports was added to the mid-c training presentation.The company continues to monitor the effectiveness of the mitigations.Risk assessment: reoperation events are a known risk that was assessed and recorded by the product risk assessment dms-777 rev r this complaint does not change the occurrences rate.The risk of the ratchet malfunction has been assessed and found to be acceptable (dms#777 rev q1 hazard id 1.4 and 1.6).This event does not increase the probability rating.The total rate of ratchet malfunction for any reason is 1.41% the risks have been quantified, characterized, and documented as acceptable within full risk assessment apifix has requested that following the removal procedure, the device be returned to manufacture for evaluation and if possible to provide post-removal x-rays.Upon return of the implant a failure analysis will be conducted.When further relevant information is identified with which to determine a cause, a supplemental report will be filed.