The device was not returned to edwards for evaluation as it remains implanted.Attempts to retrieve additional information are in process.The investigation is still in progress; therefore, a conclusion has yet to be established.A supplemental report will be submitted accordingly upon investigation completion.Edwards will continue to review and monitor all events.Trends are monitored on a monthly basis and if action is required, appropriate investigation will be performed.
Updated sections: a1, a2, a3, a4, b5, d4 serial number and expiration date, d6a, g3, g6, h4, h6 health effect - clinical code, device code(s), type of investigation, type of investigation, and investigation conclusions.The device history record was reviewed and shows that this device met all manufacturing specifications for product release prior to distribution.No issues were identified that would have impacted this event.Tissue degeneration-related structural deterioration, either calcific or non-calcific, are common chronic failure modes for this type of bioprosthetic heart valve.Operational mechanical stress and biological factors are generally believed to be the major contributors to the non-calcific bioprosthetic tissue degeneration.Structural valve deterioration (svd) can, and typically does, lead to chronic central leaks over a period of time.Svd is the most common reason for bioprosthesis explant and encompasses multiple failure modes, including calcification, noncalcific degeneration, dehiscence, cusp thickening or fibrosis, or a combination of these.Such failure modes may occur singularly or concomitantly.A definitive root cause cannot be conclusively determined; however, patient factors likely caused or contributed.
It was reported that a patient with a 23mm 11500aj aortic pericardial valve has been placed under consideration for a valve-in-valve procedure after an implant duration of four (4) years and two (2) months due to aortic stenosis and regurgitation secondary to structural valve deterioration.The patient presented with pressure gradient increase, heart failure, and dyspnea.The device was not returned for evaluation as it remained implanted.
It was reported that a patient with a 23mm 11500aj aortic pericardial valve underwent a valve-in-valve procedure after an implant duration of four (4) years, five (5) months due to aortic stenosis and regurgitation secondary to structural valve deterioration.The patient presented with pressure gradient increase, heart failure, and dyspnea.The procedure was performed with a 26mm 9755rsl transcatheter valve.The device was not returned for evaluation as it remained implanted.