H11: section a through f - the information provided by bd represents all of the known information at this time.Despite good faith efforts to obtain additional information, the complainant / reporter was unable or unwilling to provide any further patient, product, or procedural details to bd.The date of event was not provided by the complainant/reporter, the date reflected in this report is the date bd became aware of the event.The following were reviewed as part of this investigation: patient severity, applicable previous investigation(s), sample (if available), applicable fmea documents, labeling and applicable manufacture records.Based on a review of the information, the following was concluded: the device was returned to service facility for evaluation.During evaluation, the reported issue of the unit will not stay charged was confirmed.The scanner was charged to 100% and shut off abruptly within a minute of being disconnected from ac power.The root cause is due to an internal failure within the lithium-ion battery.