The investigation was performed on the user synced glucose data on data management system (dms), which is an eversense cloud platform.Based on the investigation analysis, the customer reported blood glucose (bg) values could not be confirmed as the bg values were not entered into the system by the user.At 10:25 am, the sensor glucose (sg) reading was 174 mg/dl and at 12:10 pm, the sg reading was 136 mg/dl.Hence, the customer reported sg values could not be confirmed as well.An overall review of the system performance showed some degradation in the system channel (as sensor was approaching it's end of life) , but mean absolute relative difference (mard) was within specifications.The system eventually retired the sensor on day 167 of sensor life, on (b)(6) 2023.No further investigation was found necessary for this complaint as sensor retirement happened past replacement period.B4.Date of report updated to (b)(6) 2024.G3.Date received by the manufacturer updated to 22 nov 2023.H3.Device evaluated by manufacturer? yes h6.Investigation findings updated to 114 h6.Investigation conclusions updated to 4315.