It was reported that an ngage nitinol stone extractor's basket did not open when tested prior to patient contact, during an unknown procedure.The device was tested in an uncoiled position.No visible damage noticed on the device.A section of the device did not remain inside the patient¿s body.The patient did not require any additional procedures due to this occurrence.According to the initial reporter, the patient did not experience any adverse effects due to this occurrence.
Blank fields on this form indicate the information is unknown or unavailable.E3 - occupation: (b)(6).G4 - pma/510(k)#: exempt.This report includes information known at this time.A follow-up report will be submitted should additional relevant information become available.This report is required by the fda under 21 cfr part 803 and is based on unconfirmed information submitted by others.Neither the submission of this report nor any statement contained herein is intended to be an admission that any cook device is defective or malfunctioned or that a death or serious injury occurred; nor is it admission that any cook device caused, contributed to, or is likely to cause or contribute to a death or serious injury if a malfunction occurred.
Investigation ¿ evaluation: it was reported that an ngage nitinol stone extractor's basket did not open when tested prior to patient contact, during an unknown procedure.The device was tested in an uncoiled position.No visible damage noticed on the device.The procedure was completed with another same-like device.A section of the device did not remain inside the patient¿s body.The patient did not require any additional procedures due to this occurrence.According to the initial reporter, the patient did not experience any adverse effects due to this occurrence.Reviews of documentation including the complaint history, device history record (dhr), quality control, manufacturing instructions (mi), and instructions for use (ifu), as well as a visual inspection and functional test of the returned device, were conducted during the investigation.One ngage nitinol stone extractor was returned in an open package with label.The returned device was found to have a basket that was closed and could not be opened.The basket sheath and yellow support sheath were found to be bent at the handle.No damage was found by the user, and the device was returned loose in original pouch without the shipping tray; making it likely the bent sheaths occurred during return shipping and was not the cause of the issue.A document-based investigation evaluation was performed.A review of the device master record (dmr) concluded that sufficient inspection activities are in place to identify this failure mode prior to distribution.A review of the dhr for the reported complaint device lot revealed no recorded non-conformances relevant to the failure mode.A database search did not identify any other complaints associated with the reported device lot.The information provided upon review of complaint file, device history record, complaint history, and quality control documents did not provide evidence to support that the device was manufactured out of specification or to suggest items in the lot or similar devices in the field or in house were nonconforming.Cook also reviewed product labeling.The product ifu, t _ ntse_ rev1, provides the following information to the user: precaution: do not use excessive force to manipulate this device.Damage to the device may occur.Based on the information provided, inspection of the returned device, and the results of the investigation, no cause for the failure of the basket to open was established.The appropriate personnel have been notified.Cook will continue to monitor for similar complaints.Per the risk assessment no further action is required.This report is required by the fda under 21 cfr part 803 and is based on unconfirmed information submitted by others.Neither the submission of this report nor any statement contained herein is intended to be an admission that any cook device is defective or malfunctioned, that a death or serious injury occurred, nor that any cook device caused, contributed to, or is likely to cause or contribute to a death or serious injury if a malfunction occurred.