This report is a response to mdr report # (b)(4) which was received by amt from the fda on 02/20/2024.Based on the provided information, the complaint is not a reportable event per 21 cfr section 803.There was no death.There was no serious injury as defined by the fda.This was not life-threatening, nor did this result in permanent impairment or necessitate medical or surgical intervention to preclude permanent impairment.Amt reached out to the reporter to gather additional information regarding the complaint and to see if the device is available for return.At the time of this report there has been no response to the availability of the device.Due to this, a visual and functional evaluation could not be performed, and device failure could not be confirmed.Based on the provided information, the reported complaint is not believed to have been caused by a manufacturing defect.A complaint has been logged in our system to track this record in complaint #: (b)(4) and will be used for trend analysis.