As reported by the certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna), when inserting the epidural catheter, the catheter went intra-thecal and the crna aspirated cerebrospinal fluid.The crna states this is the second wet tap the crna has had recently, and feels that the epidural catheter is stiffer than usual.Upon examining the catheter kits it was found that the packaging of the kits is different.The old kit has a clear plastic container and the new kit has blue non-see through container.The company was called and this was reported.The procedural note reads: "indications: labor analgesia as requested by patient and obstetrician.Complications: intrathecal catheter placement on first epidural placement.1st epidural placed l3-4, good lor at 4.5 cm depth, epidural space dilated with 2ml ns, catheter threaded easily.Clear fluid aspirated from epidural catheter.1 ml 1.5% lidocaine test administered.Some tingling in feet.Epidural removed and replaced at l2-3." the patient tolerated the l2-3 epidural well.The post-op anesthesia evaluation indicated the patient denied headache.