This report has been identified as b.Braun medical inc.Internal report (b)(4).The actual device involved in the reported incident was not returned for evaluation.However, the facility did return photos of the involved catheter.Based on the photos, the catheter tip appeared intact, but was knotted near the tip.The catheter appeared fractured several inches from the knotted area, with the inner coil unwound and stretched out.However, no specific conclusions can be drawn from the photos.Without the actual sample or lot number, a thorough evaluation could not be performed and no specific conclusions can be drawn.While no specific conclusion can be drawn, incidents of this nature can occur when a catheter becomes lodged between rigid body structures and is stretched beyond its design capabilities; or if the catheter is withdrawn or partially withdrawn through the needle, thereby shearing the catheter.Per the instructions for use (ifu) for the reported product catalog number, "warning: pulling the catheter back into the needle increases the risk of catheter breakage and should be avoided if possible.If resistance is felt, do not attempt to pull back catheter, but remove catheter and needle as a single unit." no adverse quality trends of this nature were identified during the complaint review process for the reported catalog number or involved catheter material number.If additional pertinent information becomes available, a follow-up report will be filed.