The customer's spouse reported via phone call that the customer had been experiencing low blood glucose.She stated that a month back his blood glucose would not come back up and she had to call the ambulance.Blood glucose was 47 mg/dl; he was treated with glucose liquid and was not taken to the hospital.She also reported that during the current week there had been 5 times that his blood glucose level would drop and she almost had to take him to the hospital.Blood glucose on monday (b)(6) 2016 was 51 mg/dl; 49 mg/dl on tuesday (b)(6) 2016 and 40 mg/dl the morning of the call.Spouse stated that it seemed like the insulin pump had been over delivering insulin.Troubleshooting was performed and found the daily totals, basal history, bolus history and settings were accurate and the customer was not connected during prime.It was advised to discontinue the use of the insulin pump and revert to a back-up plan.The device was returned for analysis.
The insulin pump passed functional testing including displacement test, rewind, basic occlusion, occlusion, prime and excessive no delivery alarm test.No delivery anomaly noted during testing.The insulin pump functioned properly.The insulin pump passed the displacement accuracy test.The insulin pump was received with cracked reservoir tube lip.