Catalog Number 39304 |
Device Problems
Patient-Device Incompatibility (2682); Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem (2993)
Patient Problem
Unspecified Infection (1930)
Event Type
Manufacturer Narrative
The investigation is still in progress.Once the investigation is complete a supplemental report will be filed.The device was not returned.
Event Description
It was reported that the patient has had two bladder infections while using the external catheters.It is unknown if medication was prescribed, but infections would be treated with antibiotics.
Event Description
It was reported that the patient has had two bladder infections while using the external catheters.It is unknown if medication was prescribed, but infections would be treated with antibiotics.
Manufacturer Narrative
The device was not returned for evaluation.A potential failure mode could be ¿biocompatibility¿.A potential root cause for this failure could be ¿materials not biocompatible¿.The lot number is unknown; therefore, the device history record could not be reviewed.The instructions for use were found adequate and state the following: "contraindication do not use on irritated or compromised skin.Precaution do not use if allergic reaction occurs.For good hygiene, change catheter daily.Use of a single device for longer periods than 24 hours may increase the risk of complications.".
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