Lutheran medical center returned this kilt front and back style protective apron with velcro closure (model kilt, manufactured 3/13/2017, serial number (b)(4)) to burlington medical on 5/14/2019 because there were two 1 x 2 inch holes in the protection material.These aprons have a 2-yr manufacturer's warranty.The apron was repaired and returned to the customer.This apron was determined to have the same condition as previously returned aprons, and was manufactured with ve25 from lot # 4703.It was noted that this lot of lead didn't feel the same as previous component material; however, the material met all inspection requirements, so it was used in the manufacture of devices designed to protect against radiation exposure.The other returned devices are referenced in the following mdrs: 1222742-2019-00001, 1222742-2019-00002, 1222742-2019-00003, 1222742-2019-00005, 1222742-2019-00006, 1222742-2019-00007, and 1222742-2019-00008.These aprons are inspected at least annually by the user-facility, and much more often by the technicians who use them.Despite this, burlington medical has decided to take a very conservative stance and recall all protective devices made with material that was noted to have slightly different properties (didn't feel the same as previous material).The total number of products to be recalled is 4,201 and the majority are thyroid shields.A 5-day mdr has been filed to capture this remedial action (mdr 1222742-2019-00009).