The genomic dna sample was sent to (b)(4) for sequencing.Next generation sequencing interrogated rh gene exons 1 to 10 and the allele genotype rhce*ce, rhce*ce(281c,282t) was identified.Rhce*ce(281c,282t) variant allele is unreported.Therefore, the predicted phenotype for antigens c and e is unknown.However, the customer's c-,e- serology indicates that the single amino acid change associated with those two variants (leu94pro) alters the expression of c and e antigens.Id core xt reported a predicted c+, e+ phenotype, but null rhce*ce(281c,282t) variant allele, not interrogated by id core xt, is associated with c-, e- negative phenotype.The false positive results obtained by id core xt are considered a discrepant result and then a malfunction.This case report is covered by limitations number 1 and 8 of id core xt package insert.