Import Alert 99-34

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 99-34
Published Date: 07/12/2024
Type: DWPE

Import Alert Name:


Reason for Alert:

Note: The revision of this Import Alert (IA) dated 10/18/2023 updates the IA name, reason for alert, guidance, agency contacts, charge code language, and product description. Changes to the import alert are bracketed by asterisks (***).

***Complete, accurate, and up-to-date registration and listing information is critical for FDA to achieve its mission to minimize the risk and exposure of the United States public to unsafe and ineffective drugs and medical devices.

According to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act or Act) (see section 510; 21 USC 360) and FDA regulations, an owner or operator of an establishment that is involved in the production and distribution of medical devices (21 CFR 807) and/or drugs (21 CFR 207) that are distributed in the United States (U.S.) or imported or offered for import to the U.S., must register annually with the FDA and provide product listing data to show the relationship between the product and the establishment. This obligation must be met prior to distribution in the U.S.

Importing or offering a drug or medical device for import without establishment registration and/or listing is illegal under the Act. Under section 510(i)(1) of the Act (21 U.S.C. § 360(i)(1)), registration is required for each foreign establishment that is engaged in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing ("manufacture") of a drug or a medical device that is imported or offered for import into the United States at the time that the establishment begins that activity and during the period beginning October 1 and ending on December 31 of each year thereafter. Under sections 510(i)(2) and 510(j) of the Act (21 U.S.C. §§ 360(i)(2) and 360(j)), registrants are required to report, among other information, a list of each drug and/or medical device they manufacture for commercial distribution, and to provide updates to that list (if any) at the time of annual registration and in June and December of each year for drugs, and between October 1 and December 31 for devices each year.

Under section 502(o) of the Act (21 U.S.C. § 352(o)), the failure to list a drug or medical device as required under section 510(j) or to supply certain notice or information about the drug or medical device required under section 510 renders a drug or medical device misbranded. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), amended the FD&C Act to make clear that drugs and medical devices manufactured at unregistered foreign firms are misbranded under section 502(o).

Additional information on registration and listing for establishments can be found here:

Device Establishments Information:

Drug Establishments: ***


***Divisions may detain, without physical examination, shipments of the indicated products from the firms identified on the Red List of this import alert.

Recommendations for additions to the Red List of this import alert, should be forwarded to the Division of Import Operations (DIO) and then referred to CDER or CDRH for additional evaluation. ***

***Release of Articles Subject to Detention Without Physical Examination Under This Import Alert:

In order to secure release of an individual shipment subject to detention without physical examination under this import alert, the owner or consignee should provide evidence indicating the subject firm is registered with FDA, and the drug or medical device is listed, as required. ***

*** Removal from Detention without Physical Examination (REMOVE FROM RED LIST):

In order to remove a firm's product from the Red List, information should be provided to the Agency to adequately demonstrate that the firm has resolved the conditions that gave rise to the appearance of the violation, so that the Agency will have confidence that future shipments/entries will be in compliance with the FD&C Act and its implementing regulations. This information may include a letter detailing its corrective actions, accompanied by documentation. Documentation should be sent to the appropriate FDA Division compliance office for consideration per the notice of detention.

For further guidance on removal from detention without physical examination, refer to FDA's Regulatory Procedures Manual, Chapter 9, "Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE)."

If a firm, and/or representative thereof would like to petition for removal from detention without physical examination under this import alert, all relevant information supporting their request should be forwarded to the following address: ***

Food and Drug Administration
Division of Import Operations
12420 Parklawn Drive, ELEM-3109
Rockville, MD 20857

Or via email:

***Questions or issues involving import operations should be addressed to ORA/DIO at (301) 796-0356, or

Questions concerning drug establishment registration and/or drug listing can be directed to the CDER Drug Registration and Listing Branch at EDRLS@FDA.HHS.GOV or to the CDER Imports Compliance Branch at or 301-796-3130.

Questions concerning device registration and/or device listing can be directed to the CDRH/OC Imports Branch at CDRH FURLS at

If divisions encounter devices from unregistered facilities, please contact CDRH FURLS by email at


Product Description:

All ***drugs*** and medical devices


***The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the FD&C Act in that it appears to be misbranded as defined in section 502(o) of the FD&C Act. Based on information available to the FDA, it appears that the drug or device is not included in a list required by Section 510(j), or a notice or other information respecting it was not provided as required by 510(j) or 510(k). [Misbranding, Section 502(o), 801(a)(3)]

OASIS charge code – NOT LISTED


The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be misbranded as defined in section 502(o) of the FD&C Act. Based on information available to FDA, it appears that it was manufactured, prepared, propagated, compounded, or processed in an establishment not duly registered under Section 510 of the Act. [Misbranding, Section 502(o), 801(a)(3)]

OASIS charge code – FRNMFGREG ***

List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)


Date Published : 10/11/2022
Bldg. 1 Qinchun Jiayuan , Beijing, CHINA
76 E - - FS Unit, Oral Irrigation
Date Published: 10/11/2022

Desc: Water Flosser

76 J - - EQ Toothbrush, Powered
Date Published: 10/11/2022

Desc: Water Flosser

Changzhou Jialing Medicine Industry Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 03/29/2013
Shui Bei Town Jin Tan City , Jiangsu, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Desc: Antibiotics

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

Changzhou Wujin Zhengping Shuangma Chemical Plant
Date Published : 03/29/2013
Qianhuang Town , Changzhou Jiangsu, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Desc: Antibiotics

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

Date Published : 02/02/2024
No 5 Kehai Road , Guangdong, CHINA
77 E - - SD Hearing-Aid, Air-Conduction
Date Published: 02/02/2024

Desc: Kapak Electric Disinfection Dryer

77 Q - - UF Hearing Aid, Air-Conduction, Over the Counter
Date Published: 02/02/2024

Desc: Kapak Electric Disinfection Dryer

80 K - - MH Sterilizer, Dry Heat
Date Published: 02/02/2024

Desc: Kapak Electric Disinfection Dryer

80 L - - RJ Disinfectant, Medical Devices
Date Published: 02/02/2024

Desc: Kapak Electric Disinfection Dryer

Guangzhou Jimy Facial
Date Published : 02/03/2015
64 Hengzhigang Rd , Guangzhou, CHINA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 02/03/2015

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 02/03/2015

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 02/03/2015

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 02/03/2015

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 02/03/2015

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 02/03/2015

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 02/03/2015

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 02/03/2015

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 02/03/2015

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 02/03/2015

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 02/03/2015

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 02/03/2015

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 02/03/2015

Date Published : 02/24/2022
Dsheng Industrial Zone , Taixing, CHINA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

Date Published : 02/24/2022
Taixing City Industrial , Jiangsu, CHINA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 02/24/2022

Notes: All Devices

Date Published : 07/05/2022
Building 15, No 889 , Shihu Dangzhen Songjiang , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
68 Z H G 99 Animal Medical Devices, NEC, Animal (Non-Food Producing), non-Rx, Non-Sterile
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Desc: Hyperbaric Chamber

73 B - - TI Compressor, Air, Portable
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Desc: Hyperbaric Chamber

73 C - - BF Chamber, Hyperbaric
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Desc: Hyperbaric Chamber

Shanghai Kindmax Sports Products Co.,Ltd
Date Published : 10/17/2014
Floor 3, No. 516 Wenchuan Road , Baoshan District , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 10/17/2014

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 10/17/2014

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 10/17/2014

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 10/17/2014

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 10/17/2014

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 10/17/2014

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 10/17/2014

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 10/17/2014

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 10/17/2014

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 10/17/2014

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 10/17/2014

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 10/17/2014

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 10/17/2014

Shenzhen Sibo Indl
Date Published : 05/04/2015
3a/F Bldg 27 Anle Indl Park Guankou No.2 , Shenzhen, CHINA
89 I - - SA Massager, Therapeutic, Electric
Date Published: 05/04/2015

Desc: Hand Held Electric Massager

Sunny Optoelectronic Tech Co.Ltd
Date Published : 02/19/2015
F 2 , No 1661 Jia Luo Highway; Jiading , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
79 G - - EX Powered laser surgical instruments
Date Published: 02/19/2015

Desc: Diode Laser Beauty Machine

Zhejiang Xianju Chemical Pharmaceutical Factory
Date Published : 03/29/2013
NO. 107 Hebu Drive , Chenguan , Xianju, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Desc: Antibiotics

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs


Union Medico
Date Published : 07/22/2022
Fruebjergvej 3 , Copenhagen, DENMARK
79 G - - DF Guide, Needle, Surgical
Date Published: 07/22/2022

Desc: Needle Guide

80 F - - MF Syringe, Piston
Date Published: 02/13/2023

Desc: Needle Guide

80 I - - QG Adaptor, Holder, Syringe
Date Published: 02/13/2023

Desc: Needle Guide

80 I - - ZQ Injector, contrast medium, automatic
Date Published: 02/13/2023

Desc: Needle Guide

80 K - - ZH Introducer, Syringe Needle
Date Published: 07/22/2022

Desc: Needle Guide

80 N - - SC Injector, Pen
Date Published: 07/22/2022

Desc: Needle Guide

80 Q - - LF On-body injector
Date Published: 07/22/2022

Desc: Needle Guide


Date Published : 08/02/2023
80 Rue Curial , Paris, Paris FRANCE
53 Y - - 99 Other Cosmetic and Cosmetic Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Desc: Skeen Patch

84 G - - XY Electrode, Cutaneous
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Desc: Skeen Patch

84 N - - FO Stimulator, Transcutaneous Electrical, for Cosmetic Use
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Desc: Skeen Patch

89 I - - SA Massager, Therapeutic, Electric
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Desc: Skeen Patch


Date Published : 08/08/2014
7/F , Kiu Kin Mansion; 566-568 Nathan Road , Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon HONG KONG SAR
84 N - - UH Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter
Date Published: 08/08/2014

Desc: Acu-Cupping Therapeutic Device; TENS device
Notes: Class 2 Medical Device

Date Published : 09/08/2022
No. 515 Shek Po Road , Tin Shui Wai, HONG KONG SAR
84 G - - ZJ Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, For Pain Relief
Date Published: 09/08/2022

Desc: Livia - The Off Switch for Menstrual Pain

84 N - - HI Nerve, Stimulator, Electrical, Percutaneous (PENS) for Pain Relief
Date Published: 09/08/2022

Desc: Livia - The Off Switch for Menstrual Pain

84 N - - UH Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter
Date Published: 09/08/2022

Desc: Livia - The Off Switch for Menstrual Pain

Peking Medicine Manufactory
Date Published : 03/29/2013
Unit B, 7/F, Phase 1 , Leader Industry Centre , Tsuen Wan, New Territories HONG KONG SAR
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Desc: Antibiotics

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs


Date Published : 08/21/2018
84 Electronics , Indore, INDIA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 08/21/2018

Notes: All Devices

Sewa Medicals Ltd
Date Published : 05/28/2014
Gut No. 229-232, Alandi Markal Road , Village Markal Taluka Khed, Taluka:Khed , Pune, Maharashtra INDIA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

94 - - - -- Ionizing Non-Medical Devices and Components
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

95 - - - -- Light Emitting Non-Device Products
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

96 - - - -- Radio Frequency Emitting Products
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

97 - - - -- Sound Emitting Products
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

Date Published : 05/28/2014
317 - 21 Prospect Chambers Annexe , Dr D N Road , Mumbai, Maharashtra INDIA
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

94 - - - -- Ionizing Non-Medical Devices and Components
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

95 - - - -- Light Emitting Non-Device Products
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

96 - - - -- Radio Frequency Emitting Products
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)

97 - - - -- Sound Emitting Products
Date Published: 05/28/2014

Notes: Manufacturer (Medical Devices)


Vupiesse Italia Srl
Date Published : 01/27/2015
49 Via Della Lontra , Rimini, Rimini ITALY
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices


Date Published : 12/15/2023
86 H - - PX Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 H - - QD Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PL Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PM Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - UW Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - VN Lens, Contact (Disposable)
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - WL Lens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable) - Extended Wear
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - CZ Lens, Contact, for Color Vision Deficiency
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - IC Lens, Contact, for Reading Discomfort
Date Published: 12/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses

Con Tech Korea Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 06/16/2014
Chunnan Techno College,Post Bi-A203 , Wolchul, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
86 H - - PX Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 H - - QD Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PL Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PM Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - UW Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - VN Lens, Contact (Disposable)
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - WL Lens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable) - Extended Wear
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - CZ Lens, Contact, for Color Vision Deficiency
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - IC Lens, Contact, for Reading Discomfort
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - UU Lens, Contact, Orthokeratology, Overnight
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

Contech Korea
Date Published : 06/16/2014
970-14 Wolchul-Dong , Gwangju, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
86 H - - PX Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 H - - QD Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PL Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PM Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - UW Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - VN Lens, Contact (Disposable)
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - WL Lens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable) - Extended Wear
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - CZ Lens, Contact, for Color Vision Deficiency
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - IC Lens, Contact, for Reading Discomfort
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - UU Lens, Contact, Orthokeratology, Overnight
Date Published: 06/16/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

Korea Pharma Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 03/29/2013
F8, Baeklim B/D , 823-33 Yoksam-Dong , Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: Antibiotics

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/29/2013

Notes: All Drugs

Polytouch Co Ltd
Date Published : 11/20/2014
108-1 Hyeopseok-Ri Namcheon-Myeon , Gyeongsan-si, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 11/20/2014

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 11/20/2014

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 11/20/2014

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 11/20/2014

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 11/20/2014

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 11/20/2014

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 11/20/2014

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 11/20/2014

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 11/20/2014

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 11/20/2014

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 11/20/2014

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 11/20/2014

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 11/20/2014


Ecobee Sdn. Bhd.
Date Published : 08/18/2023
No. 1, Jalan Sitar 33/6 , Seksyen 33 , Shah Alam, Selangor MALAYSIA
80 F - - MC Glove, Patient Examination
Date Published: 08/18/2023

Desc: Gloves; Examination; Latex

80 L - - YY Glove, Patient Examination, Latex
Date Published: 08/18/2023

Desc: Gloves; Examination; Latex

80 L - - ZC Glove, Patient Examination, Specialty
Date Published: 08/18/2023

Desc: Gloves; Examination; Latex

Maxvue Vision Sdn Bhd
Date Published : 02/15/2023
614 1 Jalan Haruan 4 8 , Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA
86 H - - PX Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 H - - QD Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 L - - PL Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 L - - PM Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 M - - UW Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 M - - VN Lens, Contact (Disposable)
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 M - - WL Lens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable) - Extended Wear
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 N - - CZ Lens, Contact, for Color Vision Deficiency
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014

86 N - - IC Lens, Contact, for Reading Discomfort
Date Published: 02/15/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: 11/3/2014


Date Published : 07/12/2024
De Deimten 7 , Groningen, Groningen NETHERLANDS
79 L - - RR Kit, First Aid
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

79 M - - YH System, Non-Coherent Light, Photodynamic Therapy
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

84 P - - WE Cognitive behavioral therapy device for psychiatric disorders
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

86 H - - LL Monitor, Eye Movement
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

86 H - - MC Monitor, Eye Movement, Diagnostic
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

86 M - - WD Electrosurgical, Radio Frequency, Refractive Correction
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

95 R - - HG Light, Spectrum, Broad (Non-Medical), General Optical Products, Non-Medical
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

Date Published : 07/12/2024
Zernikepark 12 , Groningen, Groningen NETHERLANDS
79 L - - RR Kit, First Aid
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

79 M - - YH System, Non-Coherent Light, Photodynamic Therapy
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

84 P - - WE Cognitive behavioral therapy device for psychiatric disorders
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

86 H - - LL Monitor, Eye Movement
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

86 H - - MC Monitor, Eye Movement, Diagnostic
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

86 M - - WD Electrosurgical, Radio Frequency, Refractive Correction
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

95 R - - HG Light, Spectrum, Broad (Non-Medical), General Optical Products, Non-Medical
Date Published: 07/12/2024

Desc: EMDR Kit

Vision Direct Bv
Date Published : 08/27/2014
Distelweg 80 G 1031 , Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All Devices


Date Published : 02/05/2021
Ul. Karola Chodkiewicza 13a , Gdansk, Pomorskie POLAND
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

Date Published : 02/05/2021
Ul. Swietojanska 44/36 , Gdynia, Pomorskie POLAND
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

Date Published : 02/05/2021
Ul. Swietojanska 43/18 , Gdynia, Pomorskie POLAND
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Juvederm Ultra 2 (Cosmetics Containing Hyaluronic Acid)


Morris Engineering Works Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2014
Kuan Tien Ind. District , No. 43 Kung Yeh Road , Tainan City, TAIWAN
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 09/16/2014

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 09/16/2014

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 09/16/2014

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 09/16/2014

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 09/16/2014

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 09/16/2014

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 09/16/2014

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 09/16/2014

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 09/16/2014

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 09/16/2014

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 09/16/2014

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 09/16/2014

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 09/16/2014


Date Published : 11/08/2023
DAMAC XL Tower Shop No. 2 Business Bay , Dubai, Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
86 H - - QD Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: This firm is not registered or listed as either manufacturer or foreign exporter of the product

86 L - - PL Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: This firm is not registered or listed as either manufacturer or foreign exporter of the product

86 M - - VN Lens, Contact (Disposable)
Date Published: 11/08/2023

Desc: Contact Lenses
Notes: This firm is not registered or listed as either manufacturer or foreign exporter of the product


Date Published : 08/27/2014
4 Opus Ave , York, UNITED KINGDOM
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

Go Pro Now
Date Published : 11/20/2014
12 Manor Way , Bagshot, Surrey UNITED KINGDOM
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 11/20/2014

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 11/20/2014

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 11/20/2014

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 11/20/2014

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 11/20/2014

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 11/20/2014

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 11/20/2014

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 11/20/2014

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 11/20/2014

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 11/20/2014

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 11/20/2014

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 11/20/2014

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 11/20/2014

Sclera Contact Lenses
Date Published : 10/31/2014
56 Games Road The Gatewaycockfosters , Cockfosterscockfosters, UNITED KINGDOM
86 H - - PX Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 H - - QD Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PL Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 L - - PM Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - UW Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - VN Lens, Contact (Disposable)
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 M - - WL Lens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable) - Extended Wear
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - CZ Lens, Contact, for Color Vision Deficiency
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

86 N - - IC Lens, Contact, for Reading Discomfort
Date Published: 10/31/2014

Desc: Contact Lenses

Vision Direct
Date Published : 08/27/2014
4 Opus Avenue Novus Business Park , Nether Poppleton, UNITED KINGDOM
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 08/27/2014

Notes: All devices


Block Scientific
Date Published : 06/06/2018
22 Sawgrass Dr , Bellport, NY 11713-1571 UNITED STATES
75 - - - -- Chemistry
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

81 - - - -- Hematology
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

82 - - - -- Immunology
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

83 - - - -- Microbiology
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

88 - - - -- Pathology
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

91 - - - -- Toxicology
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

92 - - - -- Molecular Genetics
Date Published: 06/06/2018

Notes: In vitro diagnostic products

Tua Usa Llc
Date Published : 01/27/2015
4560 Beltline Rd /# 400 , Addison, TX 75001 UNITED STATES
73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 01/27/2015

Notes: All devices