Import Alert 99-45

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 99-45
Published Date: 01/29/2025
Type: DWPE

Import Alert Name:

Detention Without Physical Examination of Food Products That Are or Contain an Unsafe Food Additive

Reason for Alert:

This import alert has been developed for food products, including dietary supplements, that have been imported or offered for import into the United States that are adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) [21 U.S.C. § 342(a)(2)(C)(i)] in that they are or contain any food additive that is unsafe within the meaning of section 409 of the FD&C Act [21 U.S.C. § 348].

A food additive is defined in section 201(s) of the FD&C Act as any substance the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its' becoming a component of a food or otherwise affecting the characteristics of a food. This includes any substance intended for use in the producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding of food; and including any source of radiation for such use. The definition of "food additive" excludes substances whose use is generally recognized as safe among qualified experts, pesticide chemical residue in or on a raw agricultural commodity or processed food, pesticide chemicals, color additives, those ingredients sanctioned for use by FDA or the U.S. Department of Agriculture prior to Jan. 1, 1958, new animal drugs, and dietary ingredients as described in section 201(ff)(1) of the FD&C Act that are in or intended for use in a dietary supplement.

Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.


Divisions may detain, without physical examination, shipments of identified products from firms on the Red List of this Import Alert.

Recommendations for addition to the Red List should be forwarded to the Division of Import Operations (DIO). DIO, and FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) when necessary, will evaluate regulatory evidence on a case-by-case basis.

Firm listings contained on the Red List of this Import Alert will identify the unsafe food additive(s) in the product in the notes section.

Release of Articles Subject to Detention Without Physical Examination under this Import Alert:

In order to secure release of an individual shipment subject to detention without physical examination under this import alert, the owner, consignee and/or other responsible party to the shipment should provide evidence to FDA that the shipment does not contain the ingredient that FDA has identified as an unsafe food additive, such as analytical results and/or other supplemental information, as needed.

CFSAN, Dietary Supplement and Labeling Assessment Branch (HFS-608) will coordinate Center review of the provided evidence.

Removal from Detention without Physical Examination (REMOVE FROM RED LIST):

In order to remove a firm's product from the Red List, information should be provided to the Agency to adequately demonstrates that the firm has resolved the conditions that gave rise to the appearance of the violation. The purpose of this is so that the Agency will have confidence that future shipments/entries will be in compliance with the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). For further guidance on removal from detention without physical examination, refer to FDAs Regulatory Procedures Manual (RPM), Chapter 9-8, "Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE)."

If a firm and/or a representative thereof would like to petition for removal from detention without physical examination under this Import Alert, all relevant information supporting the request should be forwarded to the following address:

Food and Drug Administration
Division of Import Operations
12420 Parklawn Drive, ELEM-3109
Rockville, MD 20857

Or, be sent via email to:

Questions or issues involving import operations should be addressed to ORA Division of Import Operations (DIO) at (301) 796-0356 or

Questions or issues involving science policy, analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology, should be addressed to

Questions or issues with regard to human food, including dietary supplements and dietary ingredients, on policy, sample collection recommendations, or any additional questions not directly related to a detained entry, should be addressed to CFSAN/Division of Enforcement's Dietary Supplements and Labeling Assessment Branch at


Product Description:

Food/Food Products


The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]


List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)


Date Published : 03/24/2022
5th District Comapny Square Baghedawood Road , Kabul, AFGHANISTAN
52 A - - 54 Soup Pan/Pot, Roasting Pan, etc (Deep item capable of holding liquid w/ or w/o lid) Food/Cook/Table
Date Published: 01/26/2023

Desc: Pressure cooker
Problems: LEAD;

52 A - - 99 Kitchen and Tableware, n.e.c., (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 03/24/2022

Desc: Pressure cooker
Problems: LEAD;

Date Published : 03/24/2022
Eno D 21353 , Jalalabad, AFGHANISTAN
52 A - - 54 Soup Pan/Pot, Roasting Pan, etc (Deep item capable of holding liquid w/ or w/o lid) Food/Cook/Table
Date Published: 01/26/2023

Desc: Pressure cooker
Problems: LEAD;

52 A - - 99 Kitchen and Tableware, n.e.c., (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 03/24/2022

Desc: Pressure cooker
Problems: LEAD;


Kempico C.V.
Date Published : 03/28/2022
Melkerijstraat 1 , Gierle, Antwerp BELGIUM
12 A - - 52 Cheese, Semisoft
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Fontal Fiorella Cheese
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);


Nolan Pewter Company Ltda
Date Published : 08/16/2022
Rua Almir De Assis, 98 , Sao Joao Del Rei, Minas Gerais BRAZIL
52 A K R -- Foodware, Cookware & Tableware, (52A only) Tableware for Infant/Child Use, (52A only) Pewter
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Desc: Infant Pewterware Cups
Notes: Original DWPE date; 10/31/2001
Problems: LEAD;

52 A L R -- Foodware, Cookware & Tableware, (52A only) Tableware for Infant/Child Use - SET, (52A only) Pewter
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Desc: Infant Pewterware Cups
Notes: Original DWPE date; 10/31/2001
Problems: LEAD;


Brasserie Maltco Inc.
Date Published : 12/12/2023
1750 Rue Du Perigord , Quebec, Quebec CANADA
29 B - - 06 Soft Drink, Imitation Fruit Flavored, Carbonated
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Pink Lemonade
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

29 B - - 60 Soda Water, Carbonated
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Pink Lemonade
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

29 B - - 60 Soda Water, Carbonated
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Original Flavor
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

29 B - - 99 Carbonated Soft Drink, N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Original Flavor
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

29 B - - 99 Carbonated Soft Drink, N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Pink Lemonade
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

29 S - - 99 Carbonated Water (Nonmedicinal), N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Original Flavor
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

29 S - - 99 Carbonated Water (Nonmedicinal), N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Pink Lemonade
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Pink Lemonade
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Original Flavor
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

66 V - - -- Patent Medicines, Etc
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Pink Lemonade
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

66 V - - -- Patent Medicines, Etc
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Desc: Mind Blow Energy Drink Original Flavor
Notes: The product is labeled as containing 50 mg of Mucuna pruriens seed extract, which itself is characterized as 98% L-DOPA. L-DOPA is an endogenous precursor to dopamine, but when given exogenously, it is associated with a number of adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, effects on blood pressure and heart rhythm, and neurological and psychiatric side effects. The product is labeled as containing added folate [specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF)] at two-times the total daily recommended intake for adults. For much of the U.S. population, background dietary exposure to folates is near or above the tolerable upper intake limit set by the National Academy of Medicine. FDA has no basis to conclude as GRAS uses of folates that further increase cumulative dietary exposure to folates. FDA is not aware of any applicable listed exception for the use of L-5-methyl-THF in this product. These uses of L-DOPA and L-5-methyl-THF are food additives, and food additives are deemed unsafe unless they are used in conformity with a regulation authorizing their use. No food additive regulation authorizes the use of L-DOPA or L-5-methyl-THF as ingredients in an energy drink. Any food additive is deemed unsafe unless it conforms to the terms of a food additive regulation prescribing its use, to the terms of an effective food contact notification for a food contact substance as provided under Section 409(h), or to an exemption for investigational use as provided under Section 409(j). Otherwise, in accordance with section 409 of the FD&C Act, the substance is deemed an unsafe food additive. Any food that is or contains an unsafe food additive is adulterated under section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the FD&C Act.

English Bay Blending
Date Published : 02/29/2024
1066 Cliveden Ave , Delta, British Columbia CANADA
34 G - - 01 Chocolate Candy Bar, with Nuts and Fruit
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Sleep Essentials Chocolate Cherry Bites
Notes: GABA

34 Y - - 99 Chocolate and Cocoa Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Sleep Essentials Chocolate Cherry Bites
Notes: GABA

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Sleep Essentials Chocolate Cherry Bites
Notes: GABA

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Daily Essentials Citrus Ginger Bites
Notes: Methyl Folate [(6S)-5-Methylfolate] VITAMIN D3

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Daily Essentials Citrus Ginger Bites
Notes: Methyl Folate [(6S)-5-Methylfolate] VITAMIN D3

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Sleep Essentials Chocolate Cherry Bites
Notes: GABA

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Daily Essentials Citrus Ginger Bites
Notes: Methyl Folate [(6S)-5-Methylfolate] VITAMIN D3

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: GEM Sleep Essentials Chocolate Cherry Bites
Notes: GABA


Dongguan Jaunlet Brass Wares, Ltd.
Date Published : 08/17/2022
Jiao Zhou Jiu Qu , Industrial Area , Dongguan, Guangdong CHINA
52 A - - 32 Coffee/tea pots (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 08/17/2022

Desc: silver plated coffee pots
Problems: LEAD;

52 A - - 51 Coffee Maker (percolator, drip, espresso, cappuccino) (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 08/17/2022

Desc: silver plated coffee pots
Problems: LEAD;

Date Published : 12/28/2022
East Side Of Middle Lianhua Avenue, Meidou Community, Rongcheng District5632 , Guangdong, CHINA
52 A - - 99 Kitchen and Tableware, n.e.c., (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 12/28/2022

Desc: Crushed Popsicle (Muddler)
Notes: Problem(s): 2,4,6- tribromophenol (TBP; CAS Reg. No.: 118-79-6) and 3,3',5,5'-tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA; CAS Reg. No.: 79-94-7).

Guangzhou Bengaoshawu Food Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 05/08/2024
No. 51-103, Chadong Road, Chadong Village, Dalong Street, Panyu District , Guangzhou, Guangzhou CHINA
07 A - - 06 Potato Chips,Baked
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Desc: Bengaoshawu Melon Salad Potato Chips
Notes: The Bengaoshawu Melon Salad Potato Chips is labeled to contain aspartame, and the label does not appear to meet the requirements for the safe use of aspartame set out in 21 CFR 172.804. While the label does mention that the ingredient contains phenylalanine, the full required warning is “PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE.” As labeled, the product appears to be adulterated because the use of aspartame does not conform with an authorizing food additive regulation and is, therefore, deemed an unsafe food additive.

07 B - - 06 Potato Chips,Fried
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Desc: Bengaoshawu Melon Salad Potato Chips
Notes: The Bengaoshawu Melon Salad Potato Chips is labeled to contain aspartame, and the label does not appear to meet the requirements for the safe use of aspartame set out in 21 CFR 172.804. While the label does mention that the ingredient contains phenylalanine, the full required warning is “PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE.” As labeled, the product appears to be adulterated because the use of aspartame does not conform with an authorizing food additive regulation and is, therefore, deemed an unsafe food additive.

Guangzhou WANG Lao JI Great Health Industry Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/22/2024
Unit 1305, No. 162, Gangqian Avenue South, Nansha Street, Nansha District , Nansha District, Guangzhou CHINA
29 C - - 99 Nonalcoholic Beverages, n.e.c.
Date Published: 04/22/2024

Notes: The Wong Lo Kat Plant Beverage articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that they appear to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. § 348) of the Act. {Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) [21 U.S.C. § 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]} Specifically: Wong Lo Kat Plant Beverage is labeled to contain cloth residue leaf which is Plumeria rubra in traditional recipes for Wong Lo Kat.

Hongkong Vansand Co Ltd
Date Published : 12/13/2022
Room 1502 Mingzhou Business Building , NO.289, JIANGNAN ROAD , Yinzhou Area, Ningbo, Zhejiang province CHINA
52 A - - 99 Kitchen and Tableware, n.e.c., (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 12/13/2022

Desc: Juicer
Notes: 2,4,6- tribromophenol (TBP; CAS Reg. No.: 118-79-6); 3,3',5,5'-tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA; CAS Reg. No.: 79-94-7)

Kaiping Lishi Industrial Development Co.,Ltd
Date Published : 04/22/2024
Of Huanshan Road,Shagang Kaiping Industry Park No.38 , No. 36 Huanshan Road; Shuikouzhen Kaiping , Jiangmen, Guangdong CHINA
29 C - - 99 Nonalcoholic Beverages, n.e.c.
Date Published: 04/22/2024

Desc: Mr. Sunshine Bamboo; Cane and Thatch Rootplant Drink
Notes: Mr. Sunshine Bamboo, Cane And Thatch Root plant Drink articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that they appear to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. § 348) of the Act. {Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) [21 U.S.C. § 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]} Specifically: Mr. Sunshine Bamboo, Cane And Thatch Root plant Drink is labeled to contain horse chestnut juice and white grass root.

Date Published : 12/28/2022
Yinzhou 700 No.1501 , Tiantong South Rd; Jiangshanzhen Yinzhou , Ningbo, Zhejiang CHINA
52 A - - 99 Kitchen and Tableware, n.e.c., (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 12/28/2022

Desc: Crushed Popsicle (Muddler)
Notes: Problem(s): 2,4,6- tribromophenol (TBP; CAS Reg. No.: 118-79-6) and 3,3',5,5'-tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA; CAS Reg. No.: 79-94-7).

Shanghai Light Industrial Products I/E Corp
Date Published : 06/23/2022
209 Yuanmingyuanlu , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
52 A - H -- Foodware, Cookware & Tableware, (52A only) Enamel on Metal
Date Published: 06/23/2022

Desc: Bumper Harvest Pattern
Problems: CADMIUM;

Suzhou Vitajoy Bio-Tech Co Ltd
Date Published : 09/21/2022
B13-102 , No 192 Tinglan Alley; Zhongxin Gongyeyuan , Suzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
54 K - - 18 Hordenine (Herbal and Botanicals, not Teas II)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Hordenine HCl

Tianying Biotechnology(Jiangsu)Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 05/09/2023
No. 8 Jujin Rd., , Zhangpu Town , Kunshan City, Jiangsu CHINA
30 G - - 99 Beverage Base of Non-Fruit Origin, Liquid, N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/09/2023

Desc: 6 Times Beverage Syrup (Tamarind Flavor)
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

30 G - - 99 Beverage Base of Non-Fruit Origin, Liquid, N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/09/2023

Desc: 6 Times Beverage Syrup (Red Bull Flavor)
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

Zhongshan Qiquyuan Food Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 01/07/2025
One Of The Fifth Floors, No. 62 Shengyu Road, Xiaolan Town , Zhongshan, Guangdong CHINA
07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 01/07/2025

Desc: Soy Milk Meal Buns
Notes: E266; Sodium Dehydroacetate

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 01/07/2025

Desc: Thick Milk Toast
Notes: E266; Sodium Dehydroacetate

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 01/07/2025

Desc: Whole Wheat Chocolate European Bag
Notes: E266; Sodium Dehydroacetate

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 01/07/2025

Desc: Butter Cranberry European Bun
Notes: E266; Sodium Dehydroacetate

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 01/07/2025

Desc: Fresh Milk Bread
Notes: E266; Sodium Dehydroacetate

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 01/07/2025

Desc: Taro Meal Bun
Notes: E266; Sodium Dehydroacetate


Centro Dominicano De Promocion De
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Plaza De La Independenciaapartado 199-2 , Santo Domingo De Guzman, Distrito Nacional DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (THE)
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Quisquella Vanilla
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 03/17/1997
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Julio A. Nunez - ESI/Almacaribe, Inc.
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Calle Proyecto No. 10, Urb. Moises , Santo Domingo, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (THE)
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 05/16/2000
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Procesadora Vizcaya, C por A
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Barrio San Miguel , Calle Hatillo Sampana No. 364 , Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional (Santo Domin DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (THE)
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla Extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 04/19/2007
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Serrana Agroindustrial S.R.L
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Juan de Morfa No. 93 , Santo Domingo, D.N., Distrito Nacional DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (THE)
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: vanilla extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 05/14/2002
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);


Halayeb For Dairy Product & Juice S.a.e
Date Published : 03/28/2022
Industrial Zone , New Damietta, EGYPT
12 A - - 16 Cheese, Gouda
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Roomy Cheese (hard Buffalo & Cow's Milk Cheese)
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);

12 C - - 99 Cheese Products, Non-Standardized, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Roomy Cheese (hard Buffalo & Cow's Milk Cheese)
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);

12 Y - - 99 Cheese And Cheese Products, Not Elsewhere Mentioned, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Roomy Cheese (hard Buffalo & Cow's Milk Cheese)
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);


Exportaciones San Miguell
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Av. Las Camelias N2 Col. San Francisco , San Salvador, San Salvador EL SALVADOR
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla Extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 08/19/2009
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

san miguell corporation
Date Published : 03/02/2023
av las camelias#2col. san francisco , el salvador, SV-SS EL SALVADOR
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla Extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 08/19/2009
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);


Morris Hedstrom
Date Published : 03/20/2023
unknown , unknown, FIJI
16 A E E 22 Mackerel (only Scomberomorus spp eg. Spanish or King), Metal, Commercially Sterile
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Canned Mackerel
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor/Possible shipper for manufacturer Vo-Ko Industries (FEI 3001724298); DWPE date; 06/08/1998
Problems: LEAD;

Ram Karan Dealers Ltd
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Tamavua , 103 Bureta Street , Suva, Fj-C FIJI
16 A E E 22 Mackerel (only Scomberomorus spp eg. Spanish or King), Metal, Commercially Sterile
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Canned Mackerel
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; SHPR for Vo-Ko Industries (FEI 3001724298); DWPE date; 06/08/1998
Problems: LEAD;

Vo-Ko Industries Limited
Date Published : 03/20/2023
20-21 Wailada St , Suva, FIJI
16 A E E 22 Mackerel (only Scomberomorus spp eg. Spanish or King), Metal, Commercially Sterile
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Canned Mackerel
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 06/08/1998
Problems: LEAD;


Capital O2 Natural Health Company Ltd
Date Published : 05/22/2023
6 Carcass Road , South Odorkor , South Odorkor, Greater Accra GHANA
54 J - - 08 Aloe (Herbal and Botanical Teas II, (continued))
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Desc: Living Bitters Tonic
Notes: Ingredient; Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is considered an unsafe food additive.

54 K - - 08 Aloe (Herbal and Botanical (not teas) II (continued))
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Desc: Living Bitters Tonic
Notes: Ingredient; Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is considered an unsafe food additive.

Date Published : 05/22/2023
D.T.S#64 Off Spintex Road , Accra, GHANA
32 C - - 01 Bitters (Liquors)
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Desc: Alomo Bitters
Notes: Ingredients; Khaya senegalensis, Mondia whitei, and Capparis erythrocaparus are considered unsafe food additives.


New GPC Inc.
Date Published : 04/29/2022
Lot A1 Farm , East Bank Demerara, GUYANA
41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

54 A - - 90 Multiple Vitamins (MVI-12 vitamin combo) (Vitamin)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

54 A - - 99 Vitamin, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/01/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

54 B - - 07 Iron (Mineral)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

54 B - - 99 Mineral N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

61 X - - 99 Anti-Histaminic N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/01/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

64 H - - 05 Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate (Expectorant)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

66 Y - - 99 Exhibits - Other Drug Related Items N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Ferrol Compound Liquid Dietary Supplement
Notes: Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Product label does not declare Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate

Twins Manufacturing Chemists
Date Published : 03/02/2023
31 Industrial Estate , Ruimveldt, GY-NOTA GUYANA
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: vanilla essence
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 03/19/2008
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);


Jean Raphael Lamarque
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Rue 3 , Port-Au-Prince, ouest HAITI
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla Extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 10/19/2004
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Pharmacie Vital - Herne
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Rue Pavee No 104 , Port-Au-Prince, ouest HAITI
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 09/03/2008
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Date Published : 03/02/2023
Unknown , Port-Au-Prince, ouest HAITI
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla Essence
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 12/05/2012
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);


Date Published : 06/21/2022
G/F , Winsing Building; 5 Ko Shing Street , Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Island HONG KONG SAR
42 A - - 24 Cicadas
Date Published: 06/21/2022

Desc: Periostracum Cicadae (Chantui; Cicada Slough)
Notes: Cicada exoskeleton

42 R - - 99 Edible insect products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/21/2022

Desc: Periostracum Cicadae (Chantui; Cicada Slough)
Notes: Cicada exoskeleton

54 E - - 99 Herbals & Botanical Teas, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/21/2022

Desc: Periostracum Cicadae (Chantui; Cicada Slough)
Notes: Cicada exoskeleton

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/21/2022

Desc: Periostracum Cicadae (Chantui; Cicada Slough)
Notes: Cicada exoskeleton


Ayush Pharmaceuticals and Marketing Division
Date Published : 06/23/2023
30 31 32 Phase I, Industrial Area , Nagrota Bagwan, Himachal Pradesh INDIA
21 U - - 34 Amla, Subtropical and Tropical Fruit, Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Marmalades, Candied, Butters, Spread
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Amla Plex Enhanced Chavanprash
Notes: Ingredient “Heart-leaf sida,” or Sida cordifolia, is an unsafe food additive.

27 Y - - 99 Condiments, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Amla Plex Enhanced Chavanprash
Notes: Ingredient “Heart-leaf sida,” or Sida cordifolia, is an unsafe food additive.

28 Y - - 99 Spices, Flavors and Salt Not Mentioned Elsewhere, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Amla Plex Enhanced Chavanprash
Notes: Ingredient “Heart-leaf sida,” or Sida cordifolia, is an unsafe food additive.

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/23/2023

Desc: Amla Plex Enhanced Chavanprash
Notes: Ingredient “Heart-leaf sida,” or Sida cordifolia, is an unsafe food additive.

Chikoff Trading Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 10/06/2023
5 A Earle Street, Opposite Maddox Square , Kolkata, West Bengal INDIA
31 A - - 03 Coffee, Instant
Date Published: 10/06/2023

Desc: Ground Coffee Lions Mane & Chaga Mushrooms
Notes: The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that they are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because ashwagandha, lion’s mane mushrooms, and chaga mushrooms appear to be an unsafe food additives within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 A - - 03 Coffee, Instant
Date Published: 10/06/2023

Desc: Ground Coffee Ashwagandha & Lion's Mane
Notes: The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that they are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because ashwagandha, lion’s mane mushrooms, and chaga mushrooms appear to be an unsafe food additives within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 E - - 99 Coffee Substitutes, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/06/2023

Desc: Ground Coffee Lions Mane & Chaga Mushrooms
Notes: The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that they are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because ashwagandha, lion’s mane mushrooms, and chaga mushrooms appear to be an unsafe food additives within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 E - - 99 Coffee Substitutes, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/06/2023

Desc: Ground Coffee Ashwagandha & Lion's Mane
Notes: The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that they are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because ashwagandha, lion’s mane mushrooms, and chaga mushrooms appear to be an unsafe food additives within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 L - - 06 Tea, Scented, Decaffeinated
Date Published: 10/06/2023

Desc: Ground Coffee Lions Mane & Chaga Mushrooms
Notes: The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that they are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because ashwagandha, lion’s mane mushrooms, and chaga mushrooms appear to be an unsafe food additives within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 L - - 06 Tea, Scented, Decaffeinated
Date Published: 10/06/2023

Desc: Ground Coffee Ashwagandha & Lion's Mane
Notes: The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that they are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because ashwagandha, lion’s mane mushrooms, and chaga mushrooms appear to be an unsafe food additives within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

Dhariwal Industries PVT. LTD
Date Published : 12/06/2022
N.H No. 8 At Fazalpur, Post Rayka , Vadodara, Gujarat INDIA
28 E - - 99 Mixed Spice and Seaonings, Without Salt, N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/06/2022

Desc: Pan Masala RMD
Notes: Betel nut Product label declares “Betel Nut” an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]

54 K - - 11 Betel Nut (Herbal and Botanicals, not Teas II)
Date Published: 12/06/2022

Desc: Pan Masala RMD
Notes: Betel nut Product label declares “Betel Nut” an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]

Nestle India Limited
Date Published : 07/23/2024
Taluka Bicholim , Bicholim, Goa INDIA
04 C - - 07 Noodles, Instant
Date Published: 07/23/2024

Desc: Maggi; 2 Minute Noodles Masala
Notes: Product is labeled as containing potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

04 C - - 99 Noodles And Noodle Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/23/2024

Desc: Maggi; 2 Minute Noodles Masala
Notes: Product is labeled as containing potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

Pachranga Foods
Date Published : 03/20/2023
C - 3 , Panipat, Haryana INDIA
24 E - E 51 Peas, Bean and Pea Sprouts, Commercially Sterile
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Tenti Dela - green peas in oil
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 05/06/1998
Problems: LEAD;

24 E - E 99 Bean and Pea Sprouts, N.E.C. (Vegetable), Commercially Sterile
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Tenti Dela - green peas in oil
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 05/06/1998
Problems: LEAD;

24 E - I 51 Peas, Bean and Pea Sprouts, Acidified
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Tenti Dela - green peas in oil
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 05/06/1998
Problems: LEAD;

24 E - I 99 Bean and Pea Sprouts, N.E.C. (Vegetable), Acidified
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Tenti Dela - green peas in oil
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 05/06/1998
Problems: LEAD;

Date Published : 08/07/2023
C 12/3, Sector 85 , National Capital Region , Noida, Uttar Pradesh INDIA
31 K - - 01 Tea, Black
Date Published: 08/07/2023

Desc: Turmeric Ashwagandha Herbal Tea
Notes: Problem: Ashwagandha Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 K - - 01 Tea, Black
Date Published: 08/07/2023

Desc: Turmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea
Notes: Problem: Ashwagandha Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 K - - 06 Tea, Scented
Date Published: 08/07/2023

Desc: Turmeric Ashwagandha Herbal Tea
Notes: Problem: Ashwagandha Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 K - - 06 Tea, Scented
Date Published: 08/07/2023

Desc: Turmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea
Notes: Problem: Ashwagandha Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

31 P - - 04 Tea, Camomille, Chamomile (Tea Substitute)
Date Published: 08/07/2023

Desc: Turmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea
Notes: Problem: Ashwagandha Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 E - - 94 Ashwagandha (Herbal & Botanical Teas)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Turmeric Ashwagandha Herbal Tea
Notes: Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 E - - 94 Ashwagandha (Herbal & Botanical Teas)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Turmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea
Notes: Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 E - - 99 Herbals & Botanical Teas, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Turmeric Ashwagandha Herbal Tea
Notes: Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 E - - 99 Herbals & Botanical Teas, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Turmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea
Notes: Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 F - - 94 Ashwagandha (Herbal & Botanicals, not Teas)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Turmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea
Notes: Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 F - - 94 Ashwagandha (Herbal & Botanicals, not Teas)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Turmeric Ashwagandha Herbal Tea
Notes: Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because their use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.


Date Published : 01/29/2024
Jl Trans Kalimantan Km7 3 No 55-56 Sungai Ambawang Kuala , West Kalimantan, INDONESIA
41 Y - - 99 Dietary Conventional Foods, N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Sunrise
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

41 Y - - 99 Dietary Conventional Foods, N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Moonlight
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Sunrise
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Moonlight
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

54 K - - 12 Kratom (Herbal and Botanicals, not Teas II)
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Sunrise
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

54 K - - 12 Kratom (Herbal and Botanicals, not Teas II)
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Moonlight
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Moonlight
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Sunrise
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

66 V - - 99 Miscellaneous Patent Medicines, Etc.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Moonlight
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].

66 V - - 99 Miscellaneous Patent Medicines, Etc.
Date Published: 01/29/2024

Desc: Kratom E-Liquid Sunrise
Notes: The product contains kratom, an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)].


Emerald Freight Express
Date Published : 08/16/2022
Santryhall Industrial Estate , Dublin, IRELAND
52 A - - 26 Cups, Mugs (Foodware, Cookware & Tableware)
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Desc: Infant pewter cups shiny and antique finishes
Notes: Original DWPE date; 11/16/1994
Problems: LEAD;


Canary Express
Date Published : 03/20/2023
silwad , Ramallah, IL-TA ISRAEL
12 C - - 15 Cheese, Goat, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Goat Cheese
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 04/28/2010
Problems: LEAD;

21 G - - 11 Olives, Green, (Pit Fruit)
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Green Olives
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 04/28/2010
Problems: LEAD;

26 C - - 04 Olive Oil, Refined, Single Ingredient
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Olive Oil
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 04/28/2010
Problems: LEAD;


Rezekne Dairies And Canneries (Stock Company)
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Atbrivosanas Aleja 155/1 , Rezekne, LATVIA
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/22/1999
Problems: LEAD;


AB "Zemaitijos pienas"
Date Published : 03/28/2022
Sedos G. 35 , Telsiai, Telsiai County LITHUANIA
12 A - - 12 Cheese, Edam
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Palanga Cheese


Date Published : 09/06/2024
Guillermo Gonzalez Cama , Alvaro Obregon; Pueblo Santa Fe, Alvaro Obregon , Ciudad De Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico MEXICO
21 M - - 04 Mixed Fruit Flavored Imitation Fruit
Date Published: 09/06/2024

Desc: Viuda de Sanchez Beverage Base Mixer (Sangrita)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive, damar gum, within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]

21 V - - 99 Sutropical and Tropical Fruit, Juice, Milk, Creme, Drink or Nectar, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/06/2024

Desc: Viuda de Sanchez Beverage Base Mixer (Sangrita)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive, damar gum, within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]

29 B - - 99 Carbonated Soft Drink, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/06/2024

Desc: Viuda de Sanchez Beverage Base Mixer (Sangrita)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive, damar gum, within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]

30 K - - 99 Imitation Fruit Flavored Beverage Base, Liquid, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/06/2024

Desc: Viuda de Sanchez Beverage Base Mixer (Sangrita)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive, damar gum, within the meaning of section 409. [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]

D.M. Mexicana SA de CV
Date Published : 03/26/2024
Puerto Vallarta No. 604-A Colonia La Fe , San Nicolas De Los Garza, Nuevo Leon MEXICO
09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 16 Milk, Dried
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 16 Milk, Dried
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 16 Milk, Dried
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 16 Milk, Dried
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 16 Milk, Dried
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 27 Milk and milk products, lactose reduced
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 27 Milk and milk products, lactose reduced
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 27 Milk and milk products, lactose reduced
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 Y - - 99 Fluid/Dry Milk Products Not Elsewhere Mentioned, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 Y - - 99 Fluid/Dry Milk Products Not Elsewhere Mentioned, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 Y - - 99 Fluid/Dry Milk Products Not Elsewhere Mentioned, N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 Y - - 99 Fluid/Dry Milk Products Not Elsewhere Mentioned, N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 Y - - 99 Fluid/Dry Milk Products Not Elsewhere Mentioned, N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

40 P - - 07 Toddler Milk Based Formula/Drink Product (12-36 months), Powder Formula
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

40 P - - 07 Toddler Milk Based Formula/Drink Product (12-36 months), Powder Formula
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 A - - 12 Folic Acid (Vitamin)
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 A - - 12 Folic Acid (Vitamin)
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 A - - 12 Folic Acid (Vitamin)
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 A - - 12 Folic Acid (Vitamin)
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 A - - 12 Folic Acid (Vitamin)
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 12 Casein Protein Powder (Vit/Min/Protein/Unconventional Dietary Spec for Human/Animal, N.E.C.)
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Vanilla (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 12 Casein Protein Powder (Vit/Min/Protein/Unconventional Dietary Spec for Human/Animal, N.E.C.)
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Chocolate (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 12 Casein Protein Powder (Vit/Min/Protein/Unconventional Dietary Spec for Human/Animal, N.E.C.)
Date Published: 07/17/2024

Desc: S Nutrition Milk Protein Nutritional Shake Powder Lactose free Strawberry (Adult)
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the S-nutrition Lactose-free Nutritional Shake Powder products. Additionally, there is no basis to conclude that the use of folic acid in these products is GRAS.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 12 Casein Protein Powder (Vit/Min/Protein/Unconventional Dietary Spec for Human/Animal, N.E.C.)
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Vanilla
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 12 Casein Protein Powder (Vit/Min/Protein/Unconventional Dietary Spec for Human/Animal, N.E.C.)
Date Published: 03/26/2024

Desc: Sure Nutrition Kids Lactose-Free Nutritional Shake Powder Strawberry
Notes: Folic acid is not an approved food additive for use in the Sure Nutrition Kids Nutritional Shake Powder products.
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

Date Published : 04/24/2024
09 C - - 05 Milk, Flavored (Chocolate, Etc.)
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 11 Milk With Multivitamins Added
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 D - - 05 Milk, Flavored, Low Fat
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 D - - 05 Milk, Flavored, Low Fat
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

29 C - - 99 Nonalcoholic Beverages, n.e.c.
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

29 C - - 99 Nonalcoholic Beverages, n.e.c.
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

34 J - - 04 Imitation Chocolate and Cocoa Beverage Base
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/24/2024

Problems: FOLIC ACID;

Juan Miguel Anazaldua Gutierrez
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Juarez No. 1101-A , Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., MEXICO
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Danncy Pure Vanilla Brand
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 07/14/1998
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Date Published : 04/26/2022
Torre Sur Pb Granada , Avenida Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra 301; Col. Granada, Miguel Hidalgo , Ciudad De Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico MEXICO
09 C - - 07 Half And Half (Milk and Cream)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Nestle NIDO Kinder Milk Based Powder
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

09 C - - 16 Milk, Dried
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Nestle NIDO Kinder Milk Based Powder
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

40 P - - 01 Milk Base Infant Formula Product (0-12 months), Powder Formula
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Nestle NIDO Kinder Milk Based Powder
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 B - - 99 Foods with Supplemental Nutrients Added, with or without Artifical Sweetners
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Nestle NIDO Kinder Milk Based Powder
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

41 G - - 99 Medical Foods, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Nestle NIDO Kinder Milk Based Powder
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

Tresmontes Lucchetti Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Date Published : 10/24/2024
Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho No. 88 Piso 4 , Lomas de Chapultepec II Seccion , Mexico, Miguel Hidalgo MEXICO
02 H - - 02 Corn Starch
Date Published: 10/24/2024

Desc: Zuko Atole Corn Starch Mix To Prepare Atole Drink Chocolate Artificially Flavored
Problems: FOLIC ACID;

VANILLA MEX (Jose Fco. Mendoza Ordonez)
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Calle Sierra Morena 1001 C , Col. Las Puentes 8 Sector, San Nicolas De Los Garza , San Nicolas De Los Garza, Nuevo Leon MEXICO
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Artificial vanilla flavored concentrate
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 02/16/2005
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

28 M - - 04 Vanilla (Vanillin) Imitation Flavor
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Artificial vanilla flavored concentrate
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 02/16/2005
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);

Xiame S.A. De C.V.
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Calle Agustin Olachea Aviles No. 151 , Col. Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Venustiano Carranza , Ciudad De Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico MEXICO
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: vanilla extract
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 08/08/2002
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);


Date Published : 03/20/2023
km 11 Routedes Zenats , Casablanca, Casablanca MOROCCO
16 A - E 33 Sardines (Brisling, Sprats, Pilchards, Etc.), Commercially Sterile
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sardines
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE is only appropriate when the product from this firm is shipped by another firm; DWPE date; 06/06/1997
Problems: LEAD;


A-ware Packaging B.V.
Date Published : 03/28/2022
Handelsweg 3 , Zeewolde, Flevoland NETHERLANDS
12 A - - 19 Cheese, Hard (Chesire,Esrum,Fortina,Fortine,Kasseni,Mozzarella,Montasio,Pecarino,Port Salut, Etc)
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Maasdam Cheese
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);

12 A - - 60 Cheese, Swiss, Emmentaler
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Maasdam Cheese
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);

Visser Kaashandel B.V.
Date Published : 03/28/2022
Nijverheidsweg 20 , Huizen, Noord-Holland NETHERLANDS
12 A - - 12 Cheese, Edam
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Edam Cheese
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);


Industrias Alimenticias "Dona Tina"
Date Published : 03/02/2023
Las Brisas Casa No. H149 , Minsa No. 1321 , Managua, NICARAGUA
28 C - - 51 Vanilla, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 03/02/2023

Desc: Vanilla Flavoring
Notes: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL) illegal color DWPE date: 01/12/2000
Problems: COUMARIN CFR-189.130 (FLA/ILL);


Norwegian Dairies Association
Date Published : 03/28/2022
P.O. Box 9051 Vaterland , Oslo 1, NORWAY
12 A - - 19 Cheese, Hard (Chesire,Esrum,Fortina,Fortine,Kasseni,Mozzarella,Montasio,Pecarino,Port Salut, Etc)
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Desc: Part-Skim Spiced Cheese "Nokkel Skorpefri" Nokelost Brand
Problems: SODIUM NITRITE CFR-172.175/177 (PRE);


Date Published : 03/14/2024
L16 B4 Mountview Industrial Complex Phase 2 , Bancal Carmona , Cavite, Calabarzon PHILIPPINES
27 Y - - 99 Condiments, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Kare kare STEW MIX
Notes: Product is labeled as containing Butylated Hydroxyanisole. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

28 J - - 99 Mixed Spices and Seasoning With Salt, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Kare kare STEW MIX
Notes: Product is labeled as containing Butylated Hydroxyanisole. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

28 J - - 99 Mixed Spices and Seasoning With Salt, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 G - - 99 Gravies, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Kare kare STEW MIX
Notes: Product is labeled as containing Butylated Hydroxyanisole. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 07 Steak and Other Meat Sauce
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Andok's LITSON SAUCE (ALL PURPOSE SAUCE) 11.99 oz (340 g)
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 07 Steak and Other Meat Sauce
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 07 Steak and Other Meat Sauce
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Andok's LITSON SAUCE (ALL PURPOSE SAUCE) 19.75 oz (560 g)
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Andok's LITSON SAUCE (ALL PURPOSE SAUCE) 19.75 oz (560 g)
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Kare kare STEW MIX
Notes: Product is labeled as containing Butylated Hydroxyanisole. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Desc: Andok's LITSON SAUCE (ALL PURPOSE SAUCE) 11.99 oz (340 g)
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 03/14/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product.

Heinz UFC Philippines Inc.
Date Published : 08/13/2024
Centerpoint Bldg., Garnet St. , 12th Floor; Corner J. Vargas Ave., Ortigas Center , Pasig City, PHILIPPINES
37 J - - 03 Chili Sauce
Date Published: 08/13/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive; BHA, Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 08/13/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive; BHA, Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

Date Published : 07/05/2024
904 Angeles Road , Bulacan, Central Luzon PHILIPPINES
37 J - - 02 Barbecue Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 02 Barbecue Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

Nutri-Asia, Inc
Date Published : 05/08/2024
Jy Campos Centre, 9th Avenue Corner 30th , Tagiug City, PHILIPPINES
24 F - - 07 Pepper, Sweet (Fruit Used as Vegetable)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

24 F - - 08 Pepper, Hot, N.E.C. (Fruit Used as Vegetable)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: Hot & Spicy Mang Tomas All-Purpose Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

27 Y - - 06 Pepper Sauce (Hot, Mild, Etc.)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

27 Y - - 06 Pepper Sauce (Hot, Mild, Etc.)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: Hot & Spicy Mang Tomas All-Purpose Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

28 G - - 23 Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning, Liquid without Salt
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Filipino Style Spaghetti Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

37 J - - 02 Barbecue Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 02 Barbecue Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 03 Chili Sauce
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

37 J - - 08 Tomato Sauce (with Other Ingredients)
Date Published: 12/26/2024

Desc: Banana Sauce (Regular; Hot; Hot & Spicy)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Specifically, the use of potassium iodate for iodizing salt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

37 J - - 08 Tomato Sauce (with Other Ingredients)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Filipino Style Spaghetti Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 05/09/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 05/15/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 12/26/2024

Desc: Banana Sauce (Regular; Hot; Hot & Spicy)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Specifically, the use of potassium iodate for iodizing salt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 12/26/2024

Desc: Banana Sauce (Regular; Hot; Hot & Spicy)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Specifically, the use of potassium iodate for iodizing salt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 05/09/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Filipino Style Spaghetti Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 05/15/2024

Notes: Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Desc: Hot & Spicy Mang Tomas All-Purpose Sauce
Notes: Products are labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in these products.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

Nutri-Asia, Incorporated dba UFC Philippines
Date Published : 02/06/2024
Diezmo Road, Sitio IIaya , Barangy Diezmo , Laguna, Calabarzon PHILIPPINES
27 Y - - 06 Pepper Sauce (Hot, Mild, Etc.)
Date Published: 02/06/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product. Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 02 Barbecue Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 02 Barbecue Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 03 Chili Sauce
Date Published: 08/13/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive; BHA, Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 03 Chili Sauce
Date Published: 02/06/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product. Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 08 Tomato Sauce (with Other Ingredients)
Date Published: 12/26/2024

Desc: Banana Sauce (Regular; Hot; Hot & Spicy)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Specifically, the use of potassium iodate for iodizing salt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 02/06/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product. Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 12/26/2024

Desc: Banana Sauce (Regular; Hot; Hot & Spicy)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Specifically, the use of potassium iodate for iodizing salt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

37 J - - 13 Banana Sauce
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 07/05/2024

Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive/Iodized salt (potassium iodate)

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 02/06/2024

Desc: Jufran Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: Product is labeled as containing BHA. BHA appears to be an unsafe food additive as used in this product. Product is labeled as containing salt iodized with potassium iodate. This use of potassium iodate appears to be an unapproved food additive as used in this product.

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 12/26/2024

Desc: Banana Sauce (Regular; Hot; Hot & Spicy)
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Specifically, the use of potassium iodate for iodizing salt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

37 J - - 99 Sauces, n.e.c.
Date Published: 08/13/2024

Desc: UFC Sweet Chili Sauce
Notes: The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain an unsafe food additive within the meaning of section 409 (21 U.S.C. 348) of the Act, which renders the article adulterated within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(C)(i)]. Unsafe food additive; BHA, Iodized salt (potassium iodate)


Date Published : 09/21/2022
Ul. Vyatkina 33, A 1 , Abakan, Khakasiya Resp RUSSIA
03 A - - 09 Non-Standard Bread/Rolls/Buns
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

03 H - - 99 Plain Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 01 Bread Sticks (Flavored or Unflavored), Baked
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 07 Pretzels,Baked
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 99 Baked Snack Food, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 C - - 01 Bread Sticks (Flavored or Unflavored), Bread Snacks Baked
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

Aleshin E.O
Date Published : 06/14/2022
ul. Kravchenko 11-3 , Abakan, Khakasiya Resp RUSSIA
03 A - - 09 Non-Standard Bread/Rolls/Buns
Date Published: 06/14/2022

Desc: Bread Sticks Vanilla
Notes: Product label does not declare CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL), “Food containing any added or detectable level of cyclamate is deemed to be adulterated in violation of the act”
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

03 A - - 09 Non-Standard Bread/Rolls/Buns
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

03 H - - 99 Plain Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/14/2022

Desc: Bread Sticks Vanilla
Notes: Product label does not declare CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL), “Food containing any added or detectable level of cyclamate is deemed to be adulterated in violation of the act”
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

03 H - - 99 Plain Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 01 Bread Sticks (Flavored or Unflavored), Baked
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 01 Bread Sticks (Flavored or Unflavored), Baked
Date Published: 06/14/2022

Desc: Bread Sticks Vanilla
Notes: Product label does not declare CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL), “Food containing any added or detectable level of cyclamate is deemed to be adulterated in violation of the act”
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 07 Pretzels,Baked
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 A - - 99 Baked Snack Food, N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 C - - 01 Bread Sticks (Flavored or Unflavored), Bread Snacks Baked
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

07 C - - 99 Bread Snacks, n.e.c.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Desc: Sweet Bread Sticks 'For Daughter'
Problems: CYCLAMATES CFR-189.135 (NNS/ILL);

Astrahan Konservprom
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Slavinskaya Square 1 , Astrahan, RUSSIA
24 H E - 01 Egg Plant, Dried or Paste, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Eggplant paste
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Dalriba Fish Kombinat Oshrovnoy
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Unknown Street , Shikotan Island, RUSSIA
16 A E - -- Fish, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Saury in oil
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

J.S.C. Murmansk Trawl Fleet
Date Published : 03/20/2023
43 Shmidt Str Murmansk 183 038, Russia , ul. Shmidta 43 , Murmansk, Murmanskaya obl RUSSIA
16 A E - -- Fish, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Multiple products (Saury in own juice; Atlantic herring; cod liver)
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

16 Y E - 03 Fish Paste, Fishery Products, n.e.c., Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Cod liver
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Date Published : 03/20/2023
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed Milk (various flavors with cocoa; coffee or sugar)
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 D E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Low Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed Milk (various flavors with cocoa; coffee or sugar)
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 E E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Non Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed Milk (various flavors with cocoa; coffee or sugar)
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Kamchatneft Product
Date Published : 03/20/2023
3a Krasintsev Str , Kamchatsky, RUSSIA
16 Y E - 04 Fish Roe, Fishery Products, n.e.c., Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Salmon roe
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Ooo Ecopacific
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Kracincev Street 3a , Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky, RUSSIA
16 Y E - 04 Fish Roe, Fishery Products, n.e.c., Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Canned fish roe
Notes: Problem: Lead Solder; DWPE date: 10/29/2003
Problems: LEAD;

Po Dalmoreproduct
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Menginowska 53 , Vladivostok, Primorskiy kray RUSSIA
16 A E - -- Fish, Metal
Date Published: 08/09/2023

Desc: Multiple products (saury blanched in oil; crabmeat; salmon)
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

16 J E - -- Crustaceans, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Multiple products (saury blanched in oil; crabmeat; salmon)
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Rilolovetzky Kolhoz Imeni
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Krasnodar Region 2 , Primosko, RUSSIA
16 Y E - 03 Fish Paste, Fishery Products, n.e.c., Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Cod liver
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

24 T E - 08 Cabbage (Leaf & Stem Vegetable), Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Cabbage
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

24 T E - 18 Kale (Leaf & Stem Vegetable), Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sea Kale
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Zao Borodino (Borodinskoe Pole)
Date Published : 03/20/2023
143240 Moscow Obl. , Mozhaisk Rayon , Moscow, RUSSIA
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 03/21/2001
Problems: LEAD;


Date Published : 04/12/2022
A. Plavku 12 , Bratislava, Bratislava SLOVAKIA
54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/12/2022

Desc: Jack3d Pre-Exercise CNS Carnosine ATP Augmentor
Notes: Problem(s): 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl


Gamma Ltd
Date Published : 03/20/2023
23 Chekhova Street , Vinnitsa, UKRAINE
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/02/2005
Problems: LEAD;

09 D E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Low Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/02/2005
Problems: LEAD;

09 E E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Non Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/02/2005
Problems: LEAD;

Gamma Ltd.
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Lebedynskoho vul. 15 , Vinnytsya, Vinnytska UKRAINE
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/02/2005
Problems: LEAD;

09 D E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Low Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/02/2005
Problems: LEAD;

09 E E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Non Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Condensed milk; canned
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 11/02/2005
Problems: LEAD;

Izmail Fish Factory
Date Published : 03/20/2023
Kapikraiana 4 St. , Izmail, Odeska Oblast UKRAINE
16 A - - 21 Herring
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Canned herring
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 03/20/2006
Problems: LEAD;

16 A - - 32 Salmon (Humpback, Silver, King, Sockeye, Etc.)
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Canned salmon fillet
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 03/20/2006
Problems: LEAD;

Jsc Shostka Dairy Plant
Date Published : 03/28/2022
41103 , Shostka, UKRAINE
12 A - - 52 Cheese, Semisoft
Date Published: 03/28/2022

Problems: NITRATE;

Date Published : 03/20/2023
Kirov Str. 41 , Kerch, Avtonomna Respublika Krym UKRAINE
16 A E - 33 Sardines (Brisling, Sprats, Pilchards, Etc.), Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Kilka sprats in tomato sauce
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

16 A E - 99 Fish, N.E.C., Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Kilka sprats in tomato sauce
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Date Published : 03/20/2023
Academician Krymsky Street 4 A , Kyiv, Kyiv, City UKRAINE
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 D E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Low Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 E E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Non Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

Ukrexpo Pvt
Date Published : 03/20/2023
6 Bylika Treet , Zhitomir, UKRAINE
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor for LACF manufacturer Ukragroinvest (FEI 3004331576); DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 D E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Low Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor for LACF manufacturer Ukragroinvest (FEI 3004331576); DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 E E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Non Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor for LACF manufacturer Ukragroinvest (FEI 3004331576); DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;


Naturelle LLC
Date Published : 11/27/2023
Near Rak Ceramic Naturelle Dabur Building , Emirates Link Road , Ras Al Khaimah, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
20 B - - 08 Gooseberries, Dried or Paste
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Dabur Chyawanprash
Notes: Adulteration Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because the use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

20 B - - 99 Berries, Dried or Paste, N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Dabur Chyawanprash
Notes: Adulteration Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because the use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

25 F - - 99 Mixed Vegetables, Dried or Paste, N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Dabur Chyawanprash
Notes: Adulteration Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because the use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.

54 F - - 99 Herbals & Botanicals (not Teas), N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/27/2023

Desc: Dabur Chyawanprash
Notes: Adulteration Conventional food products containing Ashwagandha are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(2)(C)(i) of the Act because the use of ashwagandha in that product appears to be an unsafe food additive within the meaning of sections 201(s) and 409 of the Act.


Date Published : 03/15/2023
Craven House , 40/44 Uxbridge Road , London, EAL UNITED KINGDOM
54 Y - - 99 Vitamin, Mineral, Proteins and Unconventional Dietary Specialities For Humans and Animals, N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/15/2023

Notes: 1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCL (DMAA) is not an approved food additive and has not been affirmed as GRAS.
Problems: 1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCL (DMAA);

66 Y - - 99 Exhibits - Other Drug Related Items N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/15/2023

Notes: 1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCL (DMAA) is not an approved food additive and has not been affirmed as GRAS.
Problems: 1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCL (DMAA);

Prodium Inc
Date Published : 03/20/2023
12260 Willow Grove Roadbuilding 2 , County Of Kent, UNITED KINGDOM
09 C E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated and Condensed, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor for LACF manufacturer Ukragroinvest (FEI 3004331576); DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 D E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Low Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor for LACF manufacturer Ukragroinvest (FEI 3004331576); DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;

09 E E - 03 Milk, Concentrated, Evaporated, Condensed, Non Fat, Metal
Date Published: 03/20/2023

Desc: Sweetened condensed milk
Notes: Problem; Lead Solder; Distributor for LACF manufacturer Ukragroinvest (FEI 3004331576); DWPE date; 10/04/2004
Problems: LEAD;