Import Alert 66-79

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 66-79
Published Date: 09/17/2024
Type: DWPE

Import Alert Name:

"Detention Without Physical Examination of Drugs From Foreign Establishments Refusing FDA Inspection"

Reason for Alert:

As part of FDA's activities intended to protect the health and safety of US consumers, FDA often conducts establishment inspections of foreign drug manufacturers who produce FDA-regulated articles intended for sale in the US.

As part of FDA's foreign inspection process, the Agency may contact the foreign drug manufacturer and schedule the establishment inspection; however, there is no such requirement to do so. Access to these facilities is a critical aspect of protecting the health and safety of US citizens from unsafe products of foreign origin.

The Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) was signed into law on July 9, 2012. Section 707 of FDASIA added a new section 501(j) to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), making a drug adulterated if it has been manufactured, processed, packed, or held in any factory, warehouse, or establishment and the owner, operator, or agent of such factory, warehouse, or establishment delays, denies, or limits an inspection, or refuses to permit entry or inspection. Articles of drug that have been manufactured, processed, packed, or held in any factory, warehouse, or establishment of which the owner, operator, or agent has delayed, denied, or limited an inspection, or refused to permit entry or inspection, appear to be adulterated and are subject to refusal of admission under section 801(a)(3) of the FD&C Act.


Divisions may detain without physical examination shipments of drugs from firms listed on the Red List of this Import Alert under Section 801(a)(3) as being adulterated under Section 501(j).

Drugs imported from the firm(s) listed on the Red List to this Import Alert should remain subject to detention without physical examination until an FDA inspection is completed. In order to secure release of an individual shipment subject to detention without physical examination under this Import Alert, the importer and/or another responsible party to the shipment should provide evidence that the shipment does not contain drugs that appear to be adulterated. CDER/OC/ODSIR/DGDDP/ICB will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.

Removal from Detention without Physical Examination (REMOVE FROM RED LIST):

To remove a firm's product from the Red List, information should be provided to the Agency to adequately demonstrate that the firm has resolved the condition (refusal of FDA inspection) that gave rise to the appearance of the violation so the agency will have confidence that future entries will be in compliance with the FD&C Act. For guidance on removal from detention without physical examination, refer to FDA's Regulatory Procedures Manual, Chapter 9-8, "Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE)".

If a firm and/or a representative thereof would like to petition for removal from detention without physical examination under this Import Alert, submit a request (which may include copies of inspection reports for inspections performed by third parties only to assist FDA in prioritizing inspection requests) to schedule an FDA inspection to the following address:

Food and Drug Administration
Division of Import Operations
12420 Parklawn Drive
ELEM 3109
Rockville, MD 20857

Or via email:

Requests for removal from detention without physical examination will be referred to CDER/OC/ODSIR/DGDDP/ICB for evaluation.

Questions or issues involving import operations should be addressed to ORA/Division of Import Operations at (301) 796-0356 or

Questions or issues involving OASIS or PREDICT screening should be addressed to ORA/DSS/Import Systems Branch at

Questions or issues involving import policy of drugs subject to this Import Alert should be addressed to CDER/OC/ODSIR/DGDDP/ICB at

Product Description:

Various Drugs (refer to Red List)


The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that the article of drug appears to be adulterated under Section 501(j) because it has been manufactured, processed, packed, or held in any factory, warehouse, or establishment and the owner, operator, or agent of such factory, warehouse, or establishment delays, denies, or limits an inspection, or refuses to permit entry or inspection. [Adulteration, Section 501(j)]

OASIS Charge Code – DRG REF EI

List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)


Date Published : 09/29/2023
42 Barkly St , St Kilda, Victoria AUSTRALIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Unibeleza Industria E Comercio De Cosmeticos Ltda
Date Published : 10/18/2022
Rua Salomao Camargos 2611 , Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais BRAZIL
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

95 R - - GI Hand Washing Sanitizer, Ultraviolet Hygiene Products, Non-Medical
Date Published: 10/18/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products


Beattie's Distillers Inc
Date Published : 08/02/2023
6673 13th Line , Alliston, Ontario CANADA
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Anfei Technology Co., Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
B, 5/F, Bldg E , Gongming Street; Guanchengditan Ind. District , Shenzhen, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

Anhui Province Yifan Spice Co.,Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Section B , Taihe Industrial District , Taihe, Anhui CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/31/2020

Baoying County Fukang Medical Appliance Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Guangyang Road, Huangcheng , Baoying , Yangzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/20/2016

Beijing Shunxin Meihua Bio-technical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No 7 Fuqiandongjie , Shunyizhen , Shunyi, Beijing CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; Firm refused FDA inspection DWPE Date; 07/22/2014

Beijing Taiyang Pharmaceutical Industry Company Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No 1 Shuangqiao E. Road , Chaoyang , Beijing, Beijing CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/28/2016

Beyond Technology Corporation Nanchang
Date Published : 10/13/2022
NO 162 Kejidadao , Qingshanhu , Nanchang, CHINA
53 I - - 01 Dentifrices (Aerosol, Liquid, Toothpastes, Toothpowders), without Fluoride (Oral Hygiene Products)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For product codes 53I[][]01 and 53I[][]99, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

53 I - - 99 Other Oral Hygiene Products, without Fluoride, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For product codes 53I[][]01 and 53I[][]99, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/19/2016

Bluebay Shandong Co., Ltd
Date Published : 04/08/2024
Room 1010 , 270 Tailiu Road , Qingdao, Shandong CHINA
54 - D - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Human N/Rx 1 Ingr
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

54 - E - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Human N/Rx Comb Ingr
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

54 - F - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Hum Rx 1 Ingr
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

54 - G - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Hum Rx Comb Ingr
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

54 - I - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Investigational
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

54 - N - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Animal N/Rx Drug
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

54 - R - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Anml Rx Drug
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products Human drug products and animal drugs products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

Chengdu Aiying Bio-Technology Co.,Ltd
Date Published : 12/19/2022
Room 201, 2nd Fl., Bldg 11 High Tech Zone , 88 Keyuan South Rd , Chengdu, Sichuan CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/19/2022

Notes: All Drug Products

Chengdu KeCheng Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 06/08/2023
Chengdu High Floor 9 , 18 Chuangye Road; Tech. District , Chengdu, Sichuan CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Chifeng Wanze Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Hongshan High , No. 3 Wedge Avenue , Chifeng, Neimengguzizhiqu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/21/2018

Dongguan Chunzhen Biological Technology Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Room 107 , No.372 Qishi Huanzhen Road, Qishi Town , Dongguan, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/26/2020

Dongguan Mingyi Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 01/05/2023
Room 102, Building 1 , No.187 Tianheng Road, Changping Town , Dongguan, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Foshan Meixin Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Date Published : 04/24/2023
Wucun , Chancheng Economic Development Zone , Foshan, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Foshan Nanhai Jiachun Biology Engineering Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
88 Nanhai , Bichong Industrial Zone , Foshan, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2019

Date Published : 10/13/2022
B, Dongsheng Industrial Zone , District , Meizhou, Yandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 2 Technology Park, Xiashan, Chaonan , Beihuan South Rd; Yiyingxiang Xiashanzhen Chaonan , Shantou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Gauke Healthcare Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
82 Tuanfeng Avenue , Tuanfeng County , Huanggang, Hubei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/28/2017

Guangdong Junbao Industry Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
6 Longxin West Street 2, Long Hu , Shantou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangdong Theaoson Technology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Jingxihuagong Base, Nanxiong, Shaoguan , Nanxiong, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangdong Yawei Bioscience Co Ltd
Date Published : 06/28/2023
Laimei Industrial , Yawei Bldg, Xiushui Rd E; District, Chenghai , Shantou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou Baiyunshan Guanghua Pharmacy Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 1 Nan Shi Road , Haizhu District , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products, and Dietary Supplements; DWPE Date; 08/22/2016

Guangzhou Cikang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/03/2023
Huadu Dist. , No. 3 Longhui Gongye Rd.; Huashan Town , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou Da'ao Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 06/26/2023
52 Zhenhua N. Road , Conghua Jianggao Town , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/26/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou Ertiantang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Lizhi Street , 39 Yushatan; Tianhe , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

Guangzhou Gotdya Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 07/19/2023
Airport Huadu)19-7 Tuanjie Road , Xinya Street ; Tuanjiecun; Xinhuazhen Huadou , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou HuaShi Cosmetics Technology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
106 Guodao , Hua Du District Pingshan Industrial Area , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
53 G - - -- Makeup Prep(Not For Eyes)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 53, only drug and drug products (e.g. SPF sunscreens) are subject to DWPE. DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

53 L - - -- Skin Care Prep
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 53, only drug and drug products (e.g. SPF sunscreens) are subject to DWPE. DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/21/2020

Guangzhou Meiyichen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Blk. E, Jintai Creative Industry Centre F 2 , No. 28 Helong Road , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/01/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou Meizi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/03/2023
Building B 5th Floor , No. 161 Junhe Street; Baiyun , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou Orchard Aromatherapy & Skin Care Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No.38 Liansheng Industrial Pack , Hongqi Village, Qinghong RD , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
53 J - - 99 Other Personal Cleanliness Products (not Antiperspirant), N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

80 N - - IH Disinfectant, Subsystem, Water Purification
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

95 R - - GI Hand Washing Sanitizer, Ultraviolet Hygiene Products, Non-Medical
Date Published: 05/16/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

Guangzhou St Eva Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Bldg. 2-4 , No. 28 Chimi Lu; Huadou , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/20/2019

Guangzhou Topwork Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Building 1 Lidaocuiyuan Room 601 , Lijiang Garden, Panyu , Guangzhou, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/06/2018

Guangzhou Yilong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/05/2023
New Industrial Zone Bldg. 3 , No. 11 Society, Xiamao, Baiyun , Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Guizhou Xinzihong Pharmaceutic Adjuvant Co., Ltd
Date Published : 06/30/2023
Jinzhong , Economic Development Zone , Qiandongnan, Guizhou CHINA
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Haining Twowell Daily Commodity Co., Ltd
Date Published : 05/22/2023
Room 2406 , No. 273 Haining Avenue, Haizhou , Haining, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 05/22/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Hangzhou Beitai Daily Commodity Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/06/2023
Building 3, 5th Floor, Hangzhou Yuhang Economic And Technological Development Zone , 108 Changda Road; Yuhang , Hangzhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/06/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Hangzhou HETD Industry Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Sandun , 8 Xiyuan No. 1 Road , Hangzhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/01/2013

Hubei Merryclin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Yunmeng , 8 Heping Road; Economic Development Zone , Xiaogan, Hubei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/28/2017

Hubei Oukeda Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Tianhai Complex Bldg , 48 South St; Xiangcheng District , Xiangyang, Hubei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

Jiangsu Baosheng Longcheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Chemical Industry Park , Duigougang; Town, Guannan , Lianyungang, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 09/04/2019

Jiangsu Hanhe Daily Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 01/18/2024
Weichai Road , Hanjiang District , Yangzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Jiangsu Lingyun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
4 Bailongdang Industrial Park, Area B , Jincheng Town , Jintan, Changzhou CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/23/2018

Jiangsu Longliqi Bioscience Co Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Longliqi Biological Ind. Park , Changnan Village, Xinzhuang , Changshu, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/20/2016

Jiangsu Sincere Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Boshi Innovation Park, Bld. 8 , 101 Nanhai Road; , Qidong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 03/23/2020

Jiangsu Terra Medical Technology Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No 2 Huimin East Rd. , Rugao , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/11/2017

Jiangsu Xinheyuan Plastic Daily Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
1 East Zhaizhuang Road Hangji , Hangji Town , Yangzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
53 J - - -- Personal Cleanliness
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For 53J[][][]; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice. DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/16/2018

Jiangsu Yongda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
5 N. Gangqu Road , Chunjiang Township , Changzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/08/2019

Jiangxi Dongfeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Leping Industrial Park , 1 Dongfeng Road; Leping , Jingdezhen, Jiangxi CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 02/22/2021

Jiangxi Hengxiang Pharmaceutical Technology Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Zibu Fine Chemical Industry Park , Wannian County , Shangrao, Jiangxi CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/27/2017

Jiangxi Xinganjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 36 Yunzhang Road, Ji'Zhou Distict , Ji'An, CHINA
50 - - - -- Color Additiv Food/Drug/Cosmetic
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Codes 50 & 54; only drug and drug products (i.e. USP grade materials; etc.) are subject to DWPE under this notice.; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Codes 50 & 54; only drug and drug products (i.e. USP grade materials; etc.) are subject to DWPE under this notice.; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/17/2019

Jiangxi Yuneng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Jinggangshan Economic & Technology Development Zone , Jian, Jiangxi CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/08/2016

Jiebao Daily Chemical (Xiangxi) Co., Ltd
Date Published : 12/27/2023
Building A Floor , 1 Standard Workshop; Industrial Development Zone , Xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou, Hunan CHINA
53 J - - 99 Other Personal Cleanliness Products (not Antiperspirant), N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Juxin (Jiangsu) New Material Packing Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 06/30/2023
Xiancheng Industrial Park , No 86 Jiang Ping Road; Jiangdou , Yangzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Kunshan Sanyou Pharmaceutical Material Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
159 Luoni Road , Qiandengzhen Kunshan , Suzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/31/2020

Date Published : 09/14/2023
198 Yintai East Road , Changtai County , Zhangzhou, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Liangshan Bangda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Seat Of Heihumiao Town Government , Jining, Shandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

88 P - - PM General purpose reagent
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For 88P[][]PM; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice.; DWPE Date; 08/30/2018

MC Group Development Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
1095 Duanmei Rd , Yingzhou District , Ningbo, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/12/2016

Date Published : 04/18/2023
Industrial Park , No. 199 Jiaxi Road , Jinhua, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/18/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

Maanshan Yisen Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Yushan , No. 1369 Jiu Hua Xi Road; Economic Development Zone , Maanshan, Anhui CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/17/2021

Nanjing Clasien Pharmaceutical & Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 12/01/2023
5 Xinmofan Road , Nanjing, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/01/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Nanjing Licheng Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 01/03/2024
Room 410 393 , 116 Mufu West Road; Gulou , Nanjing, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Ningbo Gooey Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 166 Xinghailu , Ninghaixian , Ningbo, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/17/2016

Ningbo Pasco United Industry Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Yuyao Industrial Zone , 2, Xiangling Road , Yuyao, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Pinghu Youkang Pharmaceutical C & D Center
Date Published : 10/13/2022
988 Xinxing Ii Road , Economic Development Zone , Pinghu, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

Qihe Hitech Pharmchem Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Xuanzhang Cotton Mill , Xuangzhang Street, Dezhou , Qihe, Shandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/29/2019

Qingdao Jinfeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
NO 3 Yantai Road , Laixi, Qingdao CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/21/2016

Shaanxi Dasheng Pharmaceutical Tech Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Fengjing Industrial Park , 8 Zhenxing Road , Xian, Shanxi CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

76 N - - TO Rinse, Oral, Antibacterial (by Physical Means)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 02/11/2020

Shandong Oushile Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Date Published : 06/30/2023
Industrial 1 Road ,South 700 Meters West, Machanghu , Town, High-T , Linyi, Shandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Shandong Xinhua & Longxin Chemical Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
NO. 299 Yixi Road , Linzi District , Zibo, Shandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/25/2016

Shanghai Kejing Cleaning Products Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Building A Room 703 , 1500 Longwulu; Xuhui , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/20/2017

Shanghai Kenta Biotechnology Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Building 10 Room 821 , 26 Hexuan East Rd , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/12/2019

Shanghai Maxam Company Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 1829 Jinsha Jiang Road , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
53 I - - -- Oral Hygiene Prod
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For 53I[][][]; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice. DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2018.

Shanghai Mengna Personal Care Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 168 Huaji Road , Shanghai, Shanghai CHINA
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 53, only drug and drug products (e.g. sunscreens, etc.) are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/29/2019

Shanghai Renqu Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 12/27/2023
Donghu High Tech Zone , No.390, Gaoxin 2nd Road , Wuhan, Hubei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 12/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Shanghai ZhongHua Pharmaceutical Nantong Co. Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Yinhe Industry Park , No. 1, No. 6 Area, Rudong , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/18/2021

Shenyang Funing Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 1 Lianhua Street Chang Shun Alley , Dadong , Shenyang, Liaoning CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 08/24/2018

Shenzhen Happy Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
NO. 8 Xingfu Road Gudi , Industrial Zone , Weifang, Shandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2016

Shenzhen Shierjie Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 03/05/2024
Dongchuang Intelligent Technology Industrial Park, 1-4 Fl. Bldg. 5 , No.2, Linghai Road, Kuichong Street , Dapeng, Shenzhen, Guangdong CHINA
54 - D - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Human N/Rx 1 Ingr
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - E - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Human N/Rx Comb Ingr
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - F - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Hum Rx 1 Ingr
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - G - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Hum Rx Comb Ingr
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - I - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Investigational
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/05/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Shijiazhuang Kangxi Biotech Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 02/22/2024
Hongsam Square Building A Room 1218. , No. 52 Zhaiying South Street; Yuhua District , Shijiazhuang, Hebei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/22/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Shijiazhuang Polee Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Industrial Park Xinzhaidian Town , Shijiazhuang, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/27/2017

Suzhou Qianyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 11/03/2023
No. 1 Yangguang Road , Qionglai , Chengdu, Sichuan CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Taisan City Chemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 98 Longzhou Road , Taishan , Jiangmen, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/19/2015

Taizhou Xinyou Pharmaceutical & Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Jiaojiang District , 258 Waisha Industrial Zone , Taizhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/25/2016

Tianjin Zhongan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Xiqing , 188 Fukang Road , Tianjin, Tianjin CHINA
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug, Drug Products and Dietary Supplements DWPE Date; 02/09/2016

Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Group Corp., Ltd. Longshunrong Pharmaceutical Factory
Date Published : 10/13/2022
NO. 21 10th Avenue, Teda , Tianjin, CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/19/2017

Tongzhou Deqi Medical Products Factory
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 1 Qibei Village , Tongzhou District , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

80 L - - KB Pad, alcohol, device disinfectant
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 05/06/2019

Tongzhou Ruihong Medical Products Factory
Date Published : 10/13/2022
NO. 28 Anxi Village , Tongzhou District , Nantong, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

73 - - - -- Anesthesiology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

74 - - - -- Cardiovascular
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

75 - - - -- Chemistry
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

76 - - - -- Dental
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

77 - - - -- Ear,Nose And Throat
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

78 - - - -- Gastroenterological & Urological
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

81 - - - -- Hematology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

82 - - - -- Immunology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

83 - - - -- Microbiology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

84 - - - -- Neurological
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

85 - - - -- Obstetrical & Gynecological
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

86 - - - -- Ophthalmic
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

87 - - - -- Orthopedic
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

88 - - - -- Pathology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

89 - - - -- Physical Medicine
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

90 - - - -- Radiology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

91 - - - -- Toxicology
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

92 - - - -- Molecular Genetics
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Medical Device Products DWPE Date; 02/15/2018

Wendeng Jinye Industrial Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 7 Baode Road , Wendeng , Weihai, Shandong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/02/2017

Wuhan Fortuna Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Dengyue Mansion Room 403 , 314 Xinhua Xiao Road , Wuhan, Hubei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/28/2020

Wuhan Fulai Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Wuhuan Industrial Park, Xinji , Wuhan, Hubei CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/26/2017

Date Published : 10/13/2022
Guanglingxincheng Building Floor No.9 , Guangling District , Yangzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/14/2020

Date Published : 06/12/2023
No. 5 Wuhan Road , Shangxizhen Yiwu , Jinhua, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Date Published : 07/25/2023
Langjia Road No.4 Renhevillage Xiaocao Town Yuyan , Zhejiang, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/25/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Yancheng Youhua Pharmaceutical and Chemical Tech. Co. Ltd.
Date Published : 02/09/2024
Binhai Yanhai Chemical Industrial Park , No. 8 Yuehai Road , Yancheng, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/09/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Yangzhou Holyshine Industrial Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 15 Taoyuan Road , Guangling , Yangzhou, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/17/2018

Yiwu Dieyuan Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/10/2023
No. 199 Wulian Road , Yiting Town, Yiwu , Jinhua, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Yixing City Xingyu Medicine Chemicals Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Fufeng Industrial Zone , Fangqiao Town , Yixing, Jiangsu CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

Yunnan Baiyao Group Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
No. 3686 Yunnan Baiyao Street , Chenggong , Kunming, Yunnan CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2017

Yuyao Chengze Medical Supplies Factory
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Fengdongcun , Yuyao , Ningbo, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

79 - - - -- General & Plastic Surgery
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: First Aid Kits with Alcohol Prep Pads and/or Bandages containing Benzalkonium Chloride
Notes: For Industry 79 and 80 codes; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice. These codes are included as the firm has shipped first aid kits containing combination device/drug products. DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

80 - - - -- General Hospital/Personal Use
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: First Aid Kits with Alcohol Prep Pads and/or Bandages containing Benzalkonium Chloride
Notes: For Industry 79 and 80 codes; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice. These codes are included as the firm has shipped first aid kits containing combination device/drug products. DWPE Date; 04/04/2018

Date Published : 08/29/2023
No. 20 Yingbin Avenue , Gaoxin District , Zhaoqing, Guangdong CHINA
53 I - - -- Oral Hygiene Prod
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/29/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Date Published : 10/13/2022
Bldg. 4 Fl. 3 , Sanxing Road; Renhezhen Yuhang , Hangzhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Zhangzhou Chongfo Kisen Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Date Published : 09/17/2024
Building 2 Xincheng International Room 1805 , 1029 Jiulong Avenue; Xiangcheng , Zhangzhou, Fujian CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Zhangzhou Meituosi Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Room 709 , Block 1, Business Square No. 6; Xiangcheng District , Zhangzhou City, Fujian CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/22/2020

Zhejiang Bangli Medical Products Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Huachuan Block, Zhengjia Village , 118 South Of Yuegui Road; Xiangzhu Town , Yongkang, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/07/2016

Zhejiang Davi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
818 Xinzhu Road , Yangjia Buzhen Wuxing , Huzhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/05/2018

Zhejiang Enchant Cosmetic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/20/2023
105 Kaiyuan North Street , Yidong Industrial District , Yiwu, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/20/2023

Notes: All Drug Products

Zhejiang Gafle Auto Chemical Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 09/15/2023
619 Shenze Road, Bailongqiao , Dongxi Industrial Zone , Jinhua, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/15/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Zhejiang Shenying Technology Co., Ltd. Jiaojiang Branch
Date Published : 07/19/2023
2018 Haicheng Road, Jiaojiang , Taizhou, Zhejiang CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/19/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Zhongshan Dermey Commodity Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 03/27/2023
Area A Of 4/F & 5/F & 6/F, Building 1, No.1, Yongyi 6th Road, Henglan Town , Zhongshan, Guangdong CHINA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/27/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Date Published : 08/03/2023
Calle Orquidea No. 38 Prado Oriental , Santo Domingo Este, Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (THE)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Lung Choy Shung Five Photos Brand Medicine Fty
Date Published : 10/13/2022
13/F, Room E2, Tsing Yi Industrial Center Phase 2 , 1-33 Cheung Tat Road , Tsing Yi, New Territories HONG KONG SAR
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/26/2018

Sunbow Biotech Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Rooms 1318-19, 13/F, Hollywood Plaza , 610 Nathan Rd , Mong Kok , Kowloon HONG KONG SAR
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/27/2014


CF Pharma Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Ken utca 5 , Budapest IX, Budapest HUNGARY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/08/2015


AG International
Date Published : 01/03/2023
Po Thana Baddi , Village Kondi , Solan, Himachal Pradesh INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Aadivighnesh Chemicals Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
304 Riddhi Siddhi Complex , M G Road Sukar Wadi , Mumbai, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ; DWPE Date: 04/30/2015

Aarambh Life Science
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Unit No. 1, Building No. 3 , Manish Compound, Anjur Phata, Rehnal Village, , Thane, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 12/02/2020

Aavishkar Oral Strips Pvt., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Ida Phase 2 , 109/3 Sector 2; Lane 6 , Hyderabad, Telangana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

Alcon Biosciences Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot A1, 2104 , Phase III, GIDC , Vapi, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/02/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/21/2017

Alex Industries
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No 9109/4-5 Gidc Industrial Estate , Nr. Ion Exchange, Kanoria Chemical Road , Ankleshwar, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date: 09/13/2017

Anugraha Chemicals
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Yelahanka New Town , No6, Sfs 208, Opp. Mother Dairy , Bengaluru, Karnataka INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/12/2019

Basic Pharma Life Science Private Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No.146/B GIDC Estate , Opp. New Fire Station , Ankleshwar, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2017

Century Pharmaceuticals Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
103 - 106 Gidc , Halol, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/28/2016

Cheryl Laboratories Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No: 328,329,330 , TTC Indl. Area, M.I.D.C. , Mahape , Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/13/2016

DK Pharma Chem Pvt
Date Published : 10/13/2022
F-32/W-5,6,7 M. I. D. C. , Thane District , Badlapur, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/06/2018

DNS Fine Chemicals & Laboratories (P) Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
W-15 MIDC-Badlapur , near BSNL Telephone exchange , Badlapur(e) Thane, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

Danopharm Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
C-1/7131,7132,7133, Gidc Estate , Dist. Bharuch , Ankleshwar, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2021

Daxal Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd.
Date Published : 01/18/2023
347 Mahagujarat Ind Estate , Sarkhej Bawla Road; N H 8a , Moraiya, Ahmedabad, Gujarat INDIA
53 I - - 01 Dentifrices (Aerosol, Liquid, Toothpastes, Toothpowders), without Fluoride (Oral Hygiene Products)
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/18/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Divis Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
7 - 1 - 77 E 1 303 Divi Towers , Hyderabad, Telangana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/29/2016

Divis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Survey No. 10 Khazipally IDA, , Gaddapotharam Village , Jinnaram Mandal, Medakdist, Telangana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

Dy - Mach Pharma
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot C-1, 2344 3rd Phase, GIDC , Vapi, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/05/2018

Elite Chemicals
Date Published : 10/13/2022
94/5 Chitra Industrial Estate , Bhavnagar, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/27/2021

Flavorchem India Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot 15-B4 1st Phase, Jigani Industrial Area , Road No. 10 , Bangalore, Karnataka INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/10/2019

G. Amphray Laboratories
Date Published : 10/13/2022
10/1 Midc Industrial Area , West , Ambernath, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/30/2016

Gennex Laboratories Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
4th Floor , 144 , Hyderabad, Telangana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

Gennex Laboratories Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Sy No. 133 Ida Bollaram , Jinnaram Mandal , Medak District, Andhra Pradesh INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/10/2018

Harika Drugs Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Gummadiala Village , Medak District, Andhra Pradesh INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

Harika Drugs Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
5th Floor , 36/A Bhanu Enclave , Hyderabad, Telangana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 07/01/2016

Himachal Pharmaceuticals
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Kandrori, Distt Kangra , Kandrori, Himachal Pradesh INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 06/01/2020

Jayco Chemical Industries
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Kashimira , W.E. Higway , Thane, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 12/18/2019

Kronox Lab Sciences Private Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
284 AT Dabhasa TAL Padra , Vadodara, Gujarat INDIA
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For Industry Code 54, only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice.; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 11/17/2017

Laxachem Organics Private Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
D-2 MIDC Industrial Area , Amravati, INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 08/11/2016

Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
10 12 13 Trimul Estate , Khatraj , Gandhinagar, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/17/2018

Mahrshee Laboratories Private Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No 3014/3015, G I D C , Industrial Estate , Bharuch, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/22/2017

Medchem Labs
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Sy. No. 168, Ida Bollaram , Jinnaram Mandal , Sangareddy, INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/27/2020

N.S. Chemicals
Date Published : 01/02/2024
601 Devavrata , Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/02/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No. 307/2-3, Opposite Bus Stop , Mehsana, Gujarat INDIA
53 I - - -- Oral Hygiene Prod
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 03/02/2020

Date Published : 10/13/2022
710/711 Modern Industrial Estate , Bahadurgarh, Haryana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

67 - - - -- Type A Medicated Articles
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

68 - - - -- Animal Devices and Diagnostic Products
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

69 - - - -- Medicated Animal Feeds
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

Raj Pioneer Laboratories India Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
94-A, 95-B & 96-A Industrial Area , No. 1 A.B. Road , Dewas, Madhya Pradesh INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/30/2019

Silverline Chemicals
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Shingla Carpets Building , G T Road , Panipat, Haryana INDIA
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For industry code 53, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/29/2016

Skylark CMC Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Odhav Road, Near Electric Sub Station , Ahmedabad, Gujarat INDIA
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For industry codes 53[][][][] and 54[][][][]; only products found to be drugs are subject to DWPE DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For industry codes 53[][][][] and 54[][][][]; only products found to be drugs are subject to DWPE DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/08/2018.

Skyline Herbals Private Limited
Date Published : 01/05/2023
10 Mahagujarat Ind Estate , opposite Zydus Cadila Research Center, Moraiya , Ahmedabad, Gujarat INDIA
53 I - - 01 Dentifrices (Aerosol, Liquid, Toothpastes, Toothpowders), without Fluoride (Oral Hygiene Products)
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/05/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Sricure Herbs India Private Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
326 Industrial Area, Phase 1 , Panchkula, Haryana INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

Suchem Laboratories
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No. 10/13, Phase-I, Gidc, Vatva , Ahmedabad, Gujarat INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/30/2015

Suprima Cosmo Tech
Date Published : 10/13/2022
26/A, Osiya Mata Compound , Reti Bunder Road, Kalher Village , Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra INDIA
53 D - - -- Fragrance Prep
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: The firm has a history of shipping apparent drug products (i.e. petroleum jelly) under Industry Code 53. Any products determine to be drug products shipped under Industry Code 53 are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

53 L - - -- Skin Care Prep
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: The firm has a history of shipping apparent drug products (i.e. petroleum jelly) under Industry Code 53. Any products determine to be drug products shipped under Industry Code 53 are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2016.

Ultratech India Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
113 J K Chambers Sector - 17 , Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/13/2017

Unidrug Innovative Pharma Technologies Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Plot No 84 , Sector E; Sanwer Road , Indore, Madhya Pradesh INDIA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/01/2019

Universal Esters Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
1088/B Manjusar Village , Lamdapura Road, Savli , Vadodara, Gujarat INDIA
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry code 53[][][][]; only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/13/2016

Vikshara Trading & Investment Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
B/H Shyam Chemicals , Odhav Road , Ahmedabad, Gujarat INDIA
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 53, only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice DWPE Date; 02/09/2017.

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/09/2017


Salf Spa Laboratorio Farmacologico
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Via Guglielmo Marconi 2 , Trescore Balneario, Bergamo ITALY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/18/2015


Blue Power Group Limited
Date Published : 10/13/2022
4 Victoria Avenue , Kingston, JAMAICA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 01/14/2021


Sukhtian-HTM (Households & Toiletries Mfg. Co.)
Date Published : 08/23/2023
Amman Abu Aland Alhizam Street , Amman, The Capital JORDAN
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/23/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Date Published : 10/13/2022
79 Baekseokgongdan 1-Ro, Seob Uk , Cheonan, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/04/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Apexel Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
97-87 Daejeon-Ri , Buk-Gu, Songna-Myeon , Pohang, Kyongbuk KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
50 M - - 07 Calcium Carbonate
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: Calcium Carbonate
Notes: DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

54 B - - 01 Calcium (Mineral)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: Calcium (Mineral)
Notes: DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 05/07/2019

BL Cosmetic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/13/2023
14-6 Gajangsaneopdong-Ro , Osan, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/13/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Bon Cosmetics Co., Ltd
Date Published : 10/13/2022
38 Ideun1-ro , , Seo, Incheon KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Date Published : 10/13/2022
225 Wangsan-Ro , Dongdaemun, Seoul KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 I - - 01 Dentifrices (Aerosol, Liquid, Toothpastes, Toothpowders), without Fluoride (Oral Hygiene Products)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For 53I[][]01; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice.; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/24/2018

DHP Korea Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Heung, Heunddeok , Heungdeok; 50 Osongsaengmyeong6-Ro; Heungdeok , Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2018

Date Published : 06/28/2023
23-54 Powolsaemal-Gil , Yangyang-Eup , Yangyang, Gangwon KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Ella Cosmetic Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 04/10/2023
10 Namdongdong-Ro 33beon-Gil, Namdong-Gu , Incheon, Incheon KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/10/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Eyesome Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
309 Gieopdanji-Ro , Wongong-Myeon , Anseong, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/12/2021

GDK Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
100 Eunbong-Ro , Namdong, Incheon KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 53, only drug and drug products (e.g. whitening products, topical pain relief product, etc.) are subject to DWPE under this listing DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

Date Published : 07/07/2023
22 Gajwaro29beon-Gil , Seo, Incheon KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Date Published : 06/07/2023
121 Pyeongtaekhangro268beon-Gil , Poseung-Eup , Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/07/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Korea CandB
Date Published : 10/13/2022
211 Oksan-Ro , Bucheon, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/09/2020

Korea Dermal Research Center Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
38 Samseongro168beon-Gil , Yeongtong , Suwon, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 54, only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice.                                                                                                                                        DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/30/2019

Korea Life Science Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 06/08/2023
683 Cheondeoksan-Ro , Wongok-Myeon , Anseong, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 06/08/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Labisco Corp.
Date Published : 04/14/2023
38 Ganghwa-Daero 967beon-Gil , Hajeom-Myeon , Ganghwa, INCHEON KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/14/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Lydia Co Ltd.
Date Published : 02/29/2024
646-30 Hosu-Ro , Ilsandong , Goyang, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
54 - D - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Human N/Rx 1 Ingr
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - E - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Human N/Rx Comb Ingr
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - F - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Hum Rx 1 Ingr
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - G - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Hum Rx Comb Ingr
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

54 - I - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human), Investigational
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 02/29/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Date Published : 10/13/2022
616 Tapcheon-Ro , Seosu-Myeon , Gunsan, Jeonrabuk KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 53; only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice.                                                                                        DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 05/22/2019

Orye Life Science Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Rm. 902, Bumil-Dong , 11 Jaseong-Ro 141beon-Gil, Donggu , Pusan, PUSAN KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
54 F - - 12 Ginseng (Herbal & Botanicals, not Teas)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes:                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products                                                                                                                                                    DWPE Date; 05/14/2019

Plworks Co, Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
#12-18 Hanil-Ro, Giheung , Yongin-Shi, Gyeonggido KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 12/28/2018

S ONE pharmaceutical inc.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
1073 Jeonyeong-Ro , Changsu-Myeon , Pocheon, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 L - - 01 Cleansing (Cold Creams, Cleansing Lotions, Liquids, Pads) (Skin Care Preparations)
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

53 L - - 06 Moisturizing (Skin Care Preparations)
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/12/2024

Notes: ll Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 07/12/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products For product codes 53L--01 and 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

Saindang Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
137 Gwajeong-Ro, Yeonje-Gu , Pusan, Pusan KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
54 - - - -- Vitamins/Minerals (Human/Animal); Proteins/Unconv Dietary Supp (Human)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For Industry Code 54, only drug and drug products are subject to DWPE under this notice.                                                                DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/12/2024

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 06/06/2019

Sangleaf Pharm., Co Ltd
Date Published : 03/30/2023
4 Sagimakgollo62beon-Gil; Jungwon , Seongnam, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 I - - -- Oral Hygiene Prod
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/30/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; For product code 53I[][][], only fluoride containing toothpaste products are subject to DWPE under this listing.

Seoul Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
12 Namdongdongro63beon-Gil , Namdong, Incheon KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 - - - -- Cosmetics
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 02/14/2019

Skin Farm
Date Published : 10/13/2022
72 Aegibongro456beon-Gil , Wolgoj-Myeon , Gimpo, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 L - - 06 Moisturizing (Skin Care Preparations)
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For product code 53L--06, only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/02/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Sungwon Cosmetic Inc
Date Published : 10/13/2022
1075 Jeonyeong-Ro , Changsu-Myeon , Pocheon, Gyeonggi KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/22/2017

Tamnamo Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Arail-Dong 284 Aewolhaean-Ro, Aewol-Eup Jeju-Si , Jeju, KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
53 E - - -- Hair Preps(Non-Coloring)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: For industry code 53E; only products found to be drug products are subject to DWPE under this listing. DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 07/24/2018

Venice Cosmetic
Date Published : 10/13/2022
242 , Namdong-Daero, Namdong, INCHEON KOREA (THE REPUBLIC OF)
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/09/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Alquimia Najulam S de RL de CV
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Avenida Allende #63 Ote Int 3 , Col. Torreon Centro, Torreon , Torreon, Coahuila de Zaragoza MEXICO
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products; DWPE Date; 04/24/2020

Farmaqro, S.A. de C.V.
Date Published : 11/29/2022
Calle 2 No. 42 , Parque Industrial Benito Juarez, Queretaro , Santiago De Queretaro, Queretaro MEXICO
53 L H - 04 Foot Powders and Sprays (Skin Care Preparations), Powder
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/29/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Innovaciones Tecnologicas Concar, S.A. de C.V.
Date Published : 03/03/2023
Palenque No. 591 Letran Valle , Benito Juarez , Mexico, Estado de Mexico MEXICO
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 03/03/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Date Published : 08/31/2023
Km.11.3 Carretera Masaya , Managua, NICARAGUA
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Absolut Distillers, Inc.
Date Published : 10/02/2023
Barrio Malaruhatan , Lian, Batangas PHILIPPINES
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/02/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Torf Corporation Sp. z.o.o.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Ul. Fabryczna 11 , Katy Wroclawskie, Dolnoslaskie POLAND
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 10/09/2019


Panco Cosmetic Corp
Date Published : 10/13/2022
79 Kung Yeh Road , Toliu, Yunlin TAIWAN
53 A - - 02 Lotions, Oils, Powders and Creams (Baby Products)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

53 K - - 03 Men's Talcum (Shaving Preparations)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

53 L - - -- Skin Care Prep
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

53 Y - - 99 Other Cosmetic and Cosmetic Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

Panco Cosmetics Corp.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
9 Fl., Sec. 3 , 27 Jhongshan N. Rd , Taipei City, TAIWAN
53 A - - 02 Lotions, Oils, Powders and Creams (Baby Products)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

53 K - - 03 Men's Talcum (Shaving Preparations)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

53 L - - -- Skin Care Prep
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

53 Y - - 99 Other Cosmetic and Cosmetic Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products
Notes: DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 09/25/2019

Tung Chun Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
95 Fude Rd. , Wujie Township , Yilan County, TAIWAN
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 04/03/2020


Amata Life Plus Co., Ltd.
Date Published : 08/31/2023
29/59 Bangbuathong , Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi THAILAND
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Mei Lan (Thailand) Company, Ltd.
Date Published : 09/16/2024
35/252-253 Moo 2 , Muang Samut Sakhon, Samut Sakhon THAILAND
55 R - - -- Pharm Nec (Mfr)
Date Published: 09/16/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code: DRG REF EI as firm refused FDA inspection. DWPE date: 01/18/2024. Firm/product previously listed on Import Alert 55-03.

61 L - - -- A-Coagulant
Date Published: 09/16/2024

Desc: Heparin and Heparin-Related Products
Notes: Use charge code: DRG REF EI as firm refused FDA inspection. DWPE date: 01/18/2024. Firm/product previously listed on Import Alert 55-03.

Monkey Holding Peach Brand Company Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
4 Soi Bangna-Trad-15 , Bang Na, Bangkok THAILAND
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 11/21/2017


Cosmolive Kozmetik Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.
Date Published : 11/24/2023
No.8 Aosb Mahallesi , Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Bulvari , Cigli, Izmir TURKEY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Cosmolive Kozmetik Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.
Date Published : 11/24/2023
No.8 Aosb Mahallesi , Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Bulvari , Cigli, Izmir TURKEY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Endeks Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.
Date Published : 01/17/2023
No.13 Adnan Kahveci Mahallesi , Istanbul, TURKEY
53 J - - 01 Bath Soaps and Detergents (not Antiperspirant) (Personal Cleanliness)
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

53 J - - 99 Other Personal Cleanliness Products (not Antiperspirant), N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 01/17/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Fulya Kozmetik Islak Mendil Imalat Ve Pazarlama Ltd.
Date Published : 10/13/2022
17 Osmangazi Mahallesi , Kucuk Ayazma Cadde No. 17 , Esenyurt, Istanbul TURKEY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/15/2022

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Naturel Medikal Ilac Sanayi Ticaret Ltd Sirketi
Date Published : 10/13/2022
Yakuplu Mahallesi , Birlik Caddesi 12 Beysan Sanayi Sitesi , Beylikduzu, Istanbul TURKEY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 05/26/2022

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 10/28/2021

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products DWPE Date; 01/04/2019

Taha Kimya Kozmetik Ve Tuketim Urunleri Sanayi
Date Published : 11/24/2023
No. 4 Baspinar (Organize) Osb Mahallesi , Osb 1 Bolge Nolu Cadde , Sehitkamil, Gaziantep TURKEY
53 J - - 99 Other Personal Cleanliness Products (not Antiperspirant), N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Desc: All Drug and Drug Products

55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 11/24/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

Yesililgaz Kozmetik Kimya Insaat Otomotiv Ve Gida Sanayi
Date Published : 09/28/2023
Kucuk Sanayi Sitesi 11.Blok, No:46 Esentepe Mahallesi , Istanbul, TURKEY
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/28/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Afnan Perfumes LLC
Date Published : 04/12/2023
Jurf Industrial Zone 1 , Ajman, Ajman UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products


Date Published : 08/11/2023
7 Street 4, Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park, Binh Hoa Ward , Thuan An City , Binh Duong Province, Binh Duong Province VIETNAM
55 - - - -- Pharm Necess & Ctnr For Drug/Bio
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

56 - - - -- Antibiotics (Human/Animal)
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

58 - - - -- Human and Animal Therapeutic Biologic and Biosimilar Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

60 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

61 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

62 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

64 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

65 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products

66 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 08/11/2023

Notes: All Drug and Drug Products