This HCTERS Public Query module may be used to review Human Cell and
Tissue registration information for registered, inactive, and
pre-registered firms.
These instructions will help you perform the following:
Search Establishment using Criteria
Display the Search Result
Display Details Of An Establishment
Use of Keyboard Keys
System Requirements
Javascript: You must have Javascript enabled.
Cookies: You must have cookies enabled.
Search Establishment using Criteria
To run a query, enter or select the desired criteria and then press the Continue button. Press the Clear button to clear criteria used in a previous query. Press the Exit button to return to the introduction page.
Running a query using the default criteria will return all registered, pre-registered, and inactive establishments. Select or enter additional criteria to filter your results and return fewer records.
If you want to search for an establishment by name, you may enter a full or partial name in Establishment Name text box.
If you want to search for establishments by the Function they perform, select one or more functions from the Establishment Function list. To select multiple functions, hold CTRL key on your keyboard and then select the functions.
By selecting multiple functions, the system will find establishments that perform at least one of the selected functions.
If you want to search for establishments by the Product they perform, select one or more products from the Product list. To select multiple products, hold CTRL key on your keyboard and then select the products.
By selecting multiple products, the system will find establishments that report at least one of the selected products.
If you want to search for establishments by status, select one from the Establishment Status drop down list.
The application allows you to search an establishment for any particular State,
Country and Zip Code. You may select those options from the State,
Country, and Zip Code fields respectively. To select
multiple states, hold CTRL key on your keyboard and then select multiple states.
To sort the search results based on the Establishment Name or State/Zip, select
either option from the Sort By drop down list.
To customize the number of records displayed on the Query Results page, select an
option from Records Per Page drop down list.
Query Results – If only one establishment is found, the
system will display the Detailed Record page for that establishment. If
more than one establishment is found, the results will display on the Query
Results page.
Display the Search Result
If more than one establishment is found the results will display on the Query Results page.
This screen will display all the establishments matching the query criteria along with establishment
name, City, State/Zip,FDA Establishment Identifier number (FEI), and the Status of each establishment.
Click on an establishment name to display the detailed record for that establishment.
If query results don’t fit on one page, use the Display Next button to navigate to the next page of the results.
Display Details Of An Establishment
If only one establishment is found or you have selected
an establishment from the Query Results page, the system will display the
detailed record for that establishment. The detailed record will show the Establishment Name,
Address, Phone Number, Status, Functions, and HCT/P Listing.
- You may print all the details by pressing the Print This Page button.
- You may go to the search screen by pressing Back To Query Criteria Screen button.
- You may go to the search results screen by pressing Back To Query Results Screen button.
- You may exit the application by pressing Exit button.
Use of Keyboard Keys
Each page is accessible by the keyboard. To navigate through the application the user can use the keys as mentioned below or use the Tab and then press Enter.
Action |
The Keys |
Continue |
Alt+C |
Exit |
Alt+E |
Clear |
Alt+L |
Back To Query Criteria Screen |
Alt+B |
Back To Query Results Screen |
Alt+R |
Display Next |
Alt+N |
Display Previous |
Alt+P |
Print This Page |
Alt+T |