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522 Postmarket Surveillance Studies Database

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Celect IVC Filter

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Study Status Completed
522 Number / Requirement Number PS130005 / PSS001
Date Original Plan Accepted 01/23/2014
Date Current Plan Accepted 01/23/2014
Study Name Celect IVC Filter
Device Name Vena Cava Filter
Root Document Number K121057  K121629  K073374  K061815 
General Study Protocol Parameters
Study Design Prospective Cohort Study
Data Source New Data Collection
Comparison Group Objective Performance Criterion
Analysis Type Analytical
Study Population Transit. Adolescent B (as adults) : 18-21 yrs, Adult: >21
Detailed Study Protocol Parameters
Study Objectives Study suspended pending submission of the final IDE report.
Interim or Final Data Summary
Actual Number of Patients Enrolled 473 enrolled patients: 324 patients in the Celect stratum and 149 patients in the Günther Tulip stratum
Actual Number of Sites Enrolled 28 study sites in the U.S., U.K., and Australia
Patient Followup Rate 80.4% (78/97) of eligible patients were seen for 12-month follow-up 94.9% (318/335) of patients had their filters retrieved during the study
Final Safety Findings The primary safety hypothesis was the rate of 12-month freedom from MAEs in the Celect stratum. Among patients in the Celect stratum, the following MAEs were reported through 12 months: clinical perforation (defined as protrusion of the filter legs through the wall of the IVC causing hemorrhage or hematoma or touching, impressing, or perforating another organ; documented using CT) for 23 patients (7.1%, n=324), new symptomatic DVT while the filter was indwelling for 17 patients (5.2%, n=324), IVC thrombotic occlusion for 2 patients (0.62%, n=324), and clinical migration (defined as caudal or cranial movement of a filter resulting in surgical or endovascular intervention) for 1 patient (0.31%, n=324). When analyzed according to the study protocol, the Kaplan Meier estimate for the rate of 12-month freedom from MAEs was 81.5% ± 4.5% (95% CI: 72.6%, 90.4%), which exceeded but was not statistically greater than the PG of 80% (p=0.369). The high rate of censoring, associated largely with the high rate of filter retrieval over time (n=204 Celect filters were retrieved before 12 months), caused the 12-month estimate to be considered less precise than planned. Therefore, a supplementary analysis was completed using a one-tailed exact binomial test. This analysis demonstrated the rate of 12-month freedom from MAEs to be 86.7% (281/324; 95% CI: 82.5%, 90.2%), which was statistically greater (p < 0.001) than the PG of 80%.

Two secondary endpoints were specific to safety outcomes. The first was the rate of 12- month freedom from MAEs; the rate for the Celect stratum was 86.7% (281/324), therate for the Günther Tulip stratum was 90.6% (135/149), and the rate for the combined patient population was 87.9% (416/473). The second was the rate of 12-month freedom from Grade 2 or Grade 3 filter leg interaction with the IVC, filter migration, filter fracture, and filter embolization; the rate for the Celect stratum was 84.6% (274/324), the rate for the Günther Tulip stratum was 87.9% (131/149), and the rate for the combined patient population was 85.6% (405/473).
Final Effectiveness Findings The primary effectiveness hypothesis was the rate of technical placement success (i.e., deployment of filter in a location suitable to provide sufficient mechanical protection against PE with no filter deformation, fracture, premature release, or clinical migration) and 12-month rate of freedom from new symptomatic PE while the filter is indwelling. Technical placement failure was reported for 4 patients (1.2%, n=324) and new symptomatic PE while the filter was indwelling was reported for 3 patients (0.93%, n=324). The primary effectiveness rate at 12 months for the Celect stratum was 97.8% (317/324; 95% CI: 95.6%, 99.1%), which was statistically greater (p < 0.0001) than the PG of 90%.

The secondary endpoints specified the rate of technical placement success and freedom from new symptomatic PE while the filter is indwelling. The rate for the Celect stratum was 97.8% (317/324), the rate for the Günther Tulip stratum was 98.7% (147/149), and the rate for the combined patient population was 98.1% (464/473).
Study Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths of the study include its prospective nature and assessment of real-world device performance in a broad patient population reflective of the patient population treated with filters in contemporary medical practice. Additionally, study design strengths included the objective primary and secondary endpoints, pre-specified imaging follow-up with independent core laboratory assessment of imaging-based endpoints, and long-term follow-up for indwelling filters. The study enrolled a low percentage of ethnic minority patients (in particular, Asian or Hispanic or Latino), though this may reflect real-world treatment practices at the study sites.
Recommendations for Labeling Changes
Applicable safety and effectiveness findings reported in the final report for the IDE study should be added to the device labeling in a future submission.

Celect IVC Filter Reporting Schedule

Reporting Schedule
Date Due
FDA Receipt
Applicant's Reporting Status
6 month report 07/24/2014 07/17/2014 On Time
IDE Final report 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 On Time

Contact Us

Mandated Studies Program
Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Email: MandatedStudiesPrograms@fda.hhs.gov

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