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Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2019 May;28(5):943-53

Biomarkers of exposure among U.S. adult cigar smokers: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study Wave 1 (2013-2014).

Chang CM, Rostron BL, Chang JT, Corey CG, Kimmel HL, Sosnoff CS, Goniewicz ML, Edwards KC, Hatsukami DK, Wang Y, Del Valle-Pinero AY, Yang M, Travers MJ, Arnstein S, Taylor K, Conway K, Ambrose BK, Borek N, Hyland A, Wang L, Blount BC, van Bemmel DM


BACKGROUND: Given the diverse cigar market and limited data on biomarker patterns by cigar type, we compared biomarkers of nicotine and tobacco toxicants among cigar smokers and other groups. METHODS: Using Wave 1 urinary biomarker data from 5,604 adults in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, we compared geometric mean concentrations among cigar-only smokers (all cigars and separately for traditional, cigarillo, and filtered cigars), cigarette-only smokers, dual cigar/cigarette smokers, and never users of tobacco. We calculated geometric mean ratios (GMR) comparing groups with never users adjusting for sex, age, race/ethnicity, education and creatinine. RESULTS: Some day cigar-only smokers had lower biomarker concentrations than every day cigar-only smokers but higher than never users. Every day cigar-only smokers (n=61) had lower TNE-2 (cotinine+trans-3'-hydroxycotinine) compared to every day cigarette-only (n=2217;p<0.0001) and dual cigar/cigarette smokers (n=601;p<0.0001). Several biomarkers, including NNAL (NNK metabolite) and CYMA (metabolite of acrylonitrile), were comparable in these groups. In exploratory analyses, every day filtered cigar-only (n=7) smokers had higher biomarker concentrations compared to every day traditional cigar-only smokers (n=12) and cigarillo-only smokers (n=24). Every day smokers of each cigar type were similar to exclusive cigarette smokers. For some biomarkers, particularly for every day filtered cigar-only smokers, concentrations were higher. CONCLUSIONS: For some biomarkers, every day cigar-only smokers were comparable to every day cigarette-only smokers. Exploratory analyses suggest that biomarkers vary by cigar type with every day filtered cigar-only smokers having the highest concentrations. IMPACT: High exposure to harmful constituents among cigar smokers is a continuing health issue.

Category: Journal Article
PubMed ID: #30733305 DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-18-0539
PubMed Central ID: #PMC6500461
Includes FDA Authors from Scientific Area(s): Tobacco
Entry Created: 2019-02-17 Entry Last Modified: 2019-09-01