Import Alert 99-41

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 99-41
Published Date: 09/19/2024
Type: DWPE

Import Alert Name:

"Detention Without Physical Examination of Human and Animal Foods Imported from Foreign Suppliers by Importers Who Are Not in Compliance with the Requirements of the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) Regulation"

Reason for Alert:

NOTE: The revision of this Import Alert, dated 05/10/2024, updates the reason for alert section, and the guidance section to include standard language; an additional statement on products not covered under FSVP regulation, product description section and PAC codes. Changes are bracketed by asterisks (***).

Section 805 of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 384a) requires each importer of food to perform risk-based foreign supplier verification activities for the purpose of verifying that the food imported by the importer is produced in compliance with the requirements of section 418 (21 U.S.C. 350g) (regarding hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls) or section 419 (21 U.S.C 350h)(regarding standards for produce safety) of the FD&C Act, as appropriate; and that the food is not adulterated under section 402 or misbranded under section 403(w).

The Foreign Supplier Verification Programs for Food Importers (FSVP) regulation (21 CFR part 1 subpart L) defines "importer" as the "U.S. owner or consignee" of an article of food that is being offered for import into the United States. If there is no "U.S. owner or consignee" of an article of food at the time of U.S. entry, the importer is the U.S. agent or representative of the foreign owner or consignee at the time of entry, as confirmed in a signed statement of consent to serve as the importer for purposes of the FSVP regulation. (21 CFR 1.500)

The FSVP regulation defines "U.S. owner or consignee" as the person in the United States who, at the time of U.S. entry, either owns the food, has purchased the food, or has agreed in writing to purchase the food. (21 CFR 1.500)

If there is no "U.S. owner consignee" of an article of food at the time of U.S. entry, the article of food may not be imported into the United States unless the foreign owner or consignee has
appropriately designated a U.S. agent or representative as the FSVP importer. (21 CFR 1.509(b))

***The FSVP importer may or may not also be the importer of record. Within this import alert, the term "importer" refers to the FSVP importer as defined above.

FDA may refuse admission into the United States an article of food offered for import pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), if it appears that the importer is not in compliance with the FSVP requirements with respect to that food. (21 CFR 1.514(a))***


***Divisions may detain without physical examination, an article of human or animal food offered for import by an importer identified on the Red List of this import alert, for the food identified on the Red List.

This import alert does not apply to food to which exemptions from FSVP requirements apply (21 CFR 1.501), which include the following:

Exemptions for juice covered by HACCP part 120, and seafood, covered by HACCP part 123 (21 CFR 1.501(b));

Exemption for food imported for research or evaluation (21 CFR 1.501(c));

Exemption for food imported for personal consumption (21 CFR 1.501(d));

Exemption for alcoholic beverages (21 CFR 1.501(e));

Inapplicability to food that is transshipped or imported for processing and export (21 CFR 1.501(f));

Inapplicability to U.S. food returned (21 CFR 1.501(g));

Inapplicability to certain meat, poultry, and egg products (21 CFR 1.501(h))

Divisions may forward recommendations to the appropriate Center for additions to the Red List as follows:

Human food: Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), Office of Compliance, Division of Enforcement, Food Adulteration and Assessment Branch (FAAB)

Animal food: Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), Office of Surveillance and Compliance, Division of Food Compliance, Regulatory Policy and Programs Branch ***

The Center will evaluate each recommendation to determine if DWPE under this import alert is warranted.

An importer may be added to the Red List of this import alert, because it appears that the importer is not in compliance with FSVP requirements for one or more foods. The specific food or foods from a specific foreign supplier may be included on the Red List to identify the food or foods that are subject to DWPE when imported or offered for import by the identified importer. In some cases, an importer may be subject to DWPE for all food that the importer imports if it appears that the importer is in violation of FSVP requirements for all foods.

Even when an importer is not in compliance with FSVP requirements, the food and/or foreign supplier may nevertheless be in compliance with applicable requirements. Although the foreign supplier of the food may be identified on the Red List within this import alert, this import alert does not apply to all food produced by the foreign supplier. The only food that may be subject to DWPE under this import alert is the specified food when imported by the identified importer (but not when imported by other importers).

***Removal from Detention without Physical Examination (REMOVE FROM RED LIST):

To request removal from the Red List of this import alert, the importer or representative thereof should submit information supporting their request to the FDA Compliance Officer or office identified that issued the regulatory letter notifying the importer of their FSVP violations and placement on import alert #99-41. The importer should submit information to adequately demonstrate that the importer has resolved the conditions that gave rise to the appearance of the FSVP violation. Such information may include information relevant to the violations described in the regulatory letter. Submissions must be in English.

The purpose of this is to provide FDA with assurance that the importer is meeting the requirements of FSVP for future entries of the food from the foreign supplier. As appropriate, FDA may conduct a follow-up inspection of the importer to determine whether the appearance of the FSVP violation has been overcome.

Divisions should encourage importers to request removal from import alert #99-41 prior to attempting to import a specific food or all food from the specific foreign supplier listed on the Red List of this import alert.***

The Division may submit a recommendation to DIO to remove the importer from the Red List. DIO will consult with the appropriate Center and the Division.

Because the appearance of the importer's FSVP violations causes the food to be subject to DWPE, the foreign supplier is not responsible for demonstrating that the conditions that gave rise to the appearance of the violations have been resolved. Nevertheless, it is possible that foreign suppliers may contact FDA offices seeking information about removal from the Red List. If this occurs, the FDA offices should direct the foreign suppliers to contact the relevant importers.

For questions or issues relating to import operations, please contact ORA/Division of Import Operations at (301) 796-0356 or send an email to

***                                                                                                                                                                 ***

Product Description:

***Human and animal foods that are subject to the FSVP requirements.***


"The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) in that it appears that the importer (as defined in section 805 of
the FD&C Act) is in violation of section 805."


List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)


A.N.N. Imports LLC
Date Published : 10/18/2023
7915 Lankershim Blvd , North Hollywood, CA 91605-2525 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/18/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

ARYZ Trading LLC
Date Published : 01/04/2024
6470 Miller Rd , Dearborn, MI 48126-2364 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/04/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                     

Akshar Sales LLC
Date Published : 02/22/2022
4807 Davenport Pl , Fremont, CA 94538-6303 UNITED STATES
03 A - - 03 Biscuits
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

03 A - - 99 Bread/Rolls/Buns, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

03 H - - 06 Fruit Filled Plain Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

03 H - - 99 Plain Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

03 J - - 06 Fruit Filled Filled/Iced Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

03 M - - 06 Fruit Filled Cookie,Biscuit,Wafer Dough
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

03 M - - 99 Cookie,Biscuit,Wafer Dough, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Chai Biscuit; Fruit Biscuit

04 A - - 06 Vermicelli
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Savorit Vermicelli

04 C - - 07 Noodles, Instant
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Savorit Vermicelli

04 C - - 99 Noodles And Noodle Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Desc: Savorit Vermicelli

Alma Reserve
Date Published : 09/08/2021
138 Avenue U , Brooklyn, NY 11223-3653 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/08/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52); These products are excluded from DWPE: Fudge Candy 33L[][]05 34Y[][]99 Cookies 03H[][]99 Rice Cakes 07J[][]03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a)

Aman Kapoor In
Date Published : 10/25/2023
1125 Howard St , Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2209 UNITED STATES
23 B - - 03 Cashew, Shelled
Date Published: 10/25/2023


23 B - - 07 Peanut, Shelled
Date Published: 10/25/2023


31 K - - 01 Tea, Black
Date Published: 10/25/2023


Amin Trading Agency LLC
Date Published : 07/31/2024
3775 Park Ave Unit 5b , Edison, NJ 08820-2569 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Apna Foods Imports Co.
Date Published : 01/30/2023
360 S Lombard Rd , Addison, IL 60101-3024 UNITED STATES
03 A - - 03 Biscuits
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Apna Pineapple Candy (Biscuits)

05 A - - 03 Rice Flakes,Puffs,Krispies,Loops Ready To Eat
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Rice Puffs

21 F - - 07 Subtropical/Tropical, Mixed Fruit Purees
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Dried Tropical Fruit

21 T - - 05 Mango, Dried or Paste
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Amchur Powder

21 T - - 99 Subtropical and Tropical Fruit, Dried or Paste, N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Dried Tropical Fruit

26 C - - 08 Soybean Oil, Refined, Single Ingredient
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Vegetable Cooking Oil

26 C - - 99 Refined Vegetable Oil, Single Ingredient, N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Vegetable Cooking Oil

28 C - - 64 Mango, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 01/30/2023

Desc: Amchur Powder

Date Published : 07/05/2022
29091 Aztec Rd , Hayward, CA 94544-6026 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Date Published : 08/31/2023
1129 Northern Blvd Ste 404 , Manhasset, NY 11030-3022 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Desc: Wheat Flour
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                 

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Desc: Macaroni/Noodle Prod
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                   

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/31/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                         

Bella Mia Foods, Inc.
Date Published : 01/03/2024
99 Ellis St , Staten Island, NY 10307-1126 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/03/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                     

Bella Rosa Distribution Inc
Date Published : 09/21/2022
2500 E 25th St Ste 9 , Minneapolis, MN 55406-4125 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Bhan Kanom Thai Inc.
Date Published : 07/05/2022
3235 N San Fernando Rd Unit 2b , Los Angeles, CA 90065-1434 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/05/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

Brodt Zenatti Holdings LLC
Date Published : 10/18/2019
19311 Riverside Dr , Jupiter, FL 33469-2554 UNITED STATES
23 M - - 01 Sesame Seed Paste (e.g., Tahina), Edible Seed Prod.
Date Published: 10/18/2019

Desc: Sesame Paste Tahini
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 03/23/2022
6055 E Washington Blvd Ste 200 , Commerce, CA 90040-2423 UNITED STATES
25 P - - 11 Enokitake Mushrooms, Whole (Button) (Fungi)
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: Fresh Enoki mushrooms

25 P - - 15 Oyster Mushrooms, Whole (Button) (Fungi)
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: King Oyster mushrooms

25 P - - 99 Mushrooms and Other Fungi Products, Whole (button), N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: Fresh Seafood mushrooms

25 P - - 99 Mushrooms and Other Fungi Products, Whole (button), N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: Fresh Enoki mushrooms

25 Q - - 14 Enokitake
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: Fresh Enoki mushrooms

25 R - - 14 Enokitake
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: Fresh Enoki mushrooms

25 S - - 14 Enokitake
Date Published: 03/23/2022

Desc: Fresh Enoki mushrooms

Capital Imports LLC
Date Published : 06/25/2024
1409 Washington Ave N , Minneapolis, MN 55411-3421 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Desc: Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                  

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/25/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                

Date Published : 09/01/2021
1700 Oak Tree Rd , Edison, NJ 08820-2854 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/01/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

DF Global Inc.
Date Published : 04/29/2024
6221 Randolph St , Commerce, CA 90040-3514 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

DN Imports, Inc
Date Published : 12/14/2022
4114 Midstream Dr , Missouri City, TX 77459-1726 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

Date Published : 03/28/2024
18945 Amberly Pl , Rowland Heights, CA 91748-4887 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/28/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                          

Dara Food LLC
Date Published : 05/11/2023
10 Commerce Rd Unit 10d , Fairfield, NJ 07004-1602 UNITED STATES
12 C - - 11 Cheese, Ricotta
Date Published: 05/11/2023

Desc: Sheeps milk cheese

23 S - - 01 Sesame Seed Paste, Edible Seed Butters
Date Published: 05/11/2023

Desc: Sesame Paste (Tahini)

28 C - - 49 Turmeric, Natural Extract or Flavor (Spice)
Date Published: 05/11/2023

Desc: Turmeric

33 L - - 99 Soft Candy without Nuts and Fruit, N.E.C. (without Chocolate)
Date Published: 05/11/2023

Desc: Halvah

Daxa Foods, Inc. dba India Grocers
Date Published : 09/21/2022
1665 Oak Tree Rd , Edison, NJ 08820-2858 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/21/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

Dinamix Distribution, LLC.
Date Published : 05/13/2020
1704 S International Blvd , Hidalgo, TX 78557 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/04/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Eli's Manhattan Warehouse Inc
Date Published : 04/29/2022
1064 Madison Ave , New York, NY 10028-0242 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

Ethnic Specialties Inc.
Date Published : 02/12/2024
1907 S Quaker Ridge Pl , Ontario, CA 91761-8041 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

Euphoria Fancy Food Inc
Date Published : 10/04/2023
149 2nd Ave # 151 , Brooklyn, NY 11215-4615 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/04/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Date Published : 06/16/2022
24 Seedling , Irvine, CA 92618-8860 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Facema, LLC.
Date Published : 08/21/2023
9385 Washington Blvd N Ste H , Laurel, MD 20723-1336 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

Fatima Brothers Inc
Date Published : 07/31/2020
5601 56th Dr , Maspeth, NY 11378-1123 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/30/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

First Choice Importing Inc.
Date Published : 04/12/2023
90 Cannonade Dr , Marlboro, NJ 07746-1936 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/12/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

Fresno Valley Importing LLC
Date Published : 12/14/2022
1246 Vernon Way , El Cajon, CA 92020-1839 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/14/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           

Date Published : 10/15/2021
1435 51st St Ste 1a , North Bergen, NJ 07047-3100 UNITED STATES
03 A - - 99 Bread/Rolls/Buns, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/15/2021

Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 F - - 99 Crackers (Non Filled) N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/15/2021

Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 G - - 99 Filled Crackers N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/15/2021

Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 L - - 21 Garlic Bulb, Dried or Paste
Date Published: 10/15/2021

Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                      Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 A - - 02 Brown Sugar (Sucrose from Cane)
Date Published: 10/15/2021

Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 A - - 03 Cane Sugar (Sucrose)
Date Published: 10/15/2021

Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 06/06/2022
2770 Vail Ave , Commerce, CA 90040-2612 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/06/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 05/13/2024
10537 65th Ave Apt 3h , Forest Hills, NY 11375-1823 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 05/13/2024

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

Gourmet and More Inc.
Date Published : 11/06/2020
2976 Alvarado St Ste D , San Leandro, CA 94577-5731 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).; 10/20/2020

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).;10/20/2020

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

40 - - - -- Baby Food Products
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

Date Published: 11/06/2020

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations
Notes:                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).).;10/20/2020

Green City Distribution
Date Published : 01/25/2023
13250 Rotunda Dr , Dearborn, MI 48120-1230 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 01/25/2023

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Grupo Rm Usa, Inc.
Date Published : 12/04/2020
8436 Nw 72nd St , Miami, FL 33166-2395 UNITED STATES
03 F - - 06 Salted Crackers
Date Published: 12/04/2020

Desc: Toasted Crackers
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                   Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 B - - 07 Soft Drink, Subtropical or Tropical Fruit Flavored, Carbonated
Date Published: 12/04/2020

Desc: Tropical Banana Soft Drink
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 E - - 02 Caramel Candy Pieces, Hard, without Nuts or Fruit (without Chocolate)
Date Published: 12/04/2020

Desc: Milk Candy
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

H&C Food Inc.
Date Published : 02/22/2022
1300 Metropolitan Ave , Brooklyn, NY 11237-1104 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/22/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Handylee Enterprises (USA) Corp.
Date Published : 11/29/2021
5530 58th St , Maspeth, NY 11378-1153 UNITED STATES
25 P - - 03 Mushroom, Straw, Whole (Button) (Fungi)
Date Published: 11/29/2021

Desc: Canned Straw Mushroom
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                              Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.508(a) and 21 CFR 1.508(b).

Hindy Import Inc
Date Published : 05/27/2022
1246 Vernon Way , El Cajon, CA 92020-1839 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

ITC Global Trading, Inc.
Date Published : 10/12/2023
1505 Sawyer St Ste B , Houston, TX 77007-4425 UNITED STATES
21 S - - 48 Coconut, Subtropical and Tropical Fruit
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Coconut; Subtropical and Tropical Fruit

21 V - - 05 Mango, Juice, Milk, Creme, Drink or Nectar, Sub/Tropical Fruit
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Mango; Juice; Milk; Creme; Drink or Nectar; Sub/Tropical Fruit

21 V - - 12 Passion Fruit, Juice, Milk, Creme, Drink or Nectar, Sub/Tropical Fruit
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Passion Fruit; Juice; Milk; Creme; Drink or Nectar; Sub/Tropical Fruit

21 W - - 48 Coconut, Subtropical and Tropical Fruit, Toppings or Syrups
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Coconut; Subtropical and Tropical Fruit; Toppings or Syrups

21 X - - 48 Coconut, Subtropical and Tropical Fruit Pulp
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Coconut; Subtropical and Tropical Fruit Pulp

23 B - - 05 Coconut, Shelled
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Coconut; Shelled

29 C - - 99 Nonalcoholic Beverages, n.e.c.
Date Published: 10/12/2023

Desc: Nonalcoholic Beverages; n.e.c

Innovative Textiles, Inc.
Date Published : 02/12/2024
1907 S Quaker Ridge Pl , Ontario, CA 91761-8041 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/12/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                        

International General Trading Corp.
Date Published : 09/21/2021
566 7th Ave Rm 804 , New York, NY 10018-1868 UNITED STATES
03 F - - 99 Crackers (Non Filled) N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/27/2021

Desc: Kinder Wafers
Notes:                                                                                                                                                  Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 J - - 02 Chocolate Filled/Iced Cookies,Biscuits and Wafers
Date Published: 10/27/2021

Desc: Kinder Wafers
Notes:                                                                                                                                                  Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 C - - 01 Noodles, Chow Mein
Date Published: 09/21/2021

Desc: Chow Mein Noodles
Notes:                                                                                                                                      Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 F - - 01 Chocolate Candy Bar, without Nuts and Fruit
Date Published: 10/27/2021

Desc: Nutella Hazelnut Spread
Notes:                                                                                                                                                  Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 Y - - 99 Chocolate and Cocoa Products, N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/27/2021

Desc: Nutella Hazelnut Spread
Notes:                                                                                                                                                  Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Italfoods, Inc.
Date Published : 03/19/2021
205 Shaw Rd , South San Francisco, CA 94080-6605 UNITED STATES
12 A - - 19 Cheese, Hard (Chesire,Esrum,Fortina,Fortine,Kasseni,Mozzarella,Montasio,Pecarino,Port Salut, Etc)
Date Published: 03/19/2021

Desc: Pecorino Toscano DOP Stagionato Cheese
Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.504(d), 21 CFR 1.505, 21 CFR 1.506, 21 CFR 1.508, and 21 CFR 1.510(b)

12 A - - 19 Cheese, Hard (Chesire,Esrum,Fortina,Fortine,Kasseni,Mozzarella,Montasio,Pecarino,Port Salut, Etc)
Date Published: 03/19/2021

Desc: Pecorino Cacio Di Bosco Tartufo Stagio Cheese
Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.504(d), 21 CFR 1.505, 21 CFR 1.506, 21 CFR 1.508, and 21 CFR 1.510(b)

12 A - - 19 Cheese, Hard (Chesire,Esrum,Fortina,Fortine,Kasseni,Mozzarella,Montasio,Pecarino,Port Salut, Etc)
Date Published: 03/19/2021

Desc: Pecorino Brillo Formagio Cheese
Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.504(d), 21 CFR 1.505, 21 CFR 1.506, 21 CFR 1.508, and 21 CFR 1.510(b)

12 B - - 11 Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread
Date Published: 03/19/2021

Desc: Pecorino Cacio Di Bosco Tartufo Stagio Cheese
Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.504(d), 21 CFR 1.505, 21 CFR 1.506, 21 CFR 1.508, and 21 CFR 1.510(b)

12 B - - 11 Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread
Date Published: 03/19/2021

Desc: Pecorino Brillo Formagio Cheese
Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.504(d), 21 CFR 1.505, 21 CFR 1.506, 21 CFR 1.508, and 21 CFR 1.510(b)

12 B - - 11 Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread
Date Published: 03/19/2021

Desc: Pecorino Toscano DOP Stagionato Cheese
Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.504(d), 21 CFR 1.505, 21 CFR 1.506, 21 CFR 1.508, and 21 CFR 1.510(b)

J R Imports LLC
Date Published : 05/22/2024
5300 George Mcvay Dr , Suite 110 , McAllen, TX 78503-7449 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 05/22/2024

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 05/22/2024

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/22/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

J&R Produce, Inc.
Date Published : 09/13/2024
528 W 28th St , Houston, TX 77008-1914 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

Date Published : 05/08/2024
808 Summer Park Dr Ste 200 , Stafford, TX 77477-5569 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 05/08/2024

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

K & K Distribution, Inc.
Date Published : 02/17/2023
4720 San Fernando Rd , Glendale, CA 91204-1826 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: AAll Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: Vegetables/Vegetable Products                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/17/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

K D Singh Enterprises LLC
Date Published : 10/07/2021
3775 Park Ave Unit 5c , Edison, NJ 08820-2566 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                           Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/07/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Date Published : 11/16/2020
2615 Loma Ave , S El Monte, CA 91733-1419 UNITED STATES
28 B - - 11 Garlic, Ground, Cracked (Spice)
Date Published: 11/16/2020

Desc: Garlic Granules
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                      Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 B - - 31 Onion, Ground, Cracked (Spice)
Date Published: 11/16/2020

Desc: Onion Granules
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 B - - 54 Pepper, Black, Ground, Cracked (Spice)
Date Published: 11/16/2020

Desc: Black Pepper
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                      Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

KGR Distribution Corp.
Date Published : 12/12/2023
2 Brighton Ave Ste 1 , Passaic, NJ 07055-2071 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/12/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                      

Kari-Fresh LLC
Date Published : 09/17/2024
2501 Lott Rd , Donna, TX 78537 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/17/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52)                                                                                                                          

Kradjian Importing Company, Inc.
Date Published : 05/04/2021
5018 San Fernando Rd , Glendale, CA 91204-1114 UNITED STATES
24 C - - 70 Lentils, with Sauce
Date Published: 05/04/2021

Desc: Lentils with Sauce
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 G - - 20 Gravies Mixed with Vegetables, Etc. (Onion, Mushroom, Etc.)
Date Published: 05/04/2021

Desc: Lentils with Sauce
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 07/18/2024
618 Westfield Ave Apt 307 , Elizabeth, NJ 07208-1596 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/18/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

Date Published : 07/31/2024
2370 E 48th St , Vernon, CA 90058-2026 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: Vegetables/Vegetable Products                                                                                                                 

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/31/2024

Notes: All imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                       

Lucero Produce II Corp
Date Published : 07/02/2024
1250 Randall Ave , Bronx, NY 10474-6409 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                    

M & H Produce Inc
Date Published : 06/22/2023
2770 Vail Ave , Commerce, CA 90040-2612 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/22/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Date Published : 10/07/2020
7220 37th Ave , Jackson Heights, NY 11372-6222 UNITED STATES
28 B - - 08 Capsicums (Cayenne Chili, Hot Peppers), Ground, Cracked (Spice)
Date Published: 10/07/2020

Desc: Chili Powder
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 B - - 99 Spices, Ground, Cracked, Etc., N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/07/2020

Desc: Chili Powder
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Madras Groceries
Date Published : 07/27/2022
1187 W El Camino Real , Sunnyvale, CA 94087-1026 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Martinez Mexican Produce Llc
Date Published : 09/02/2021
5401 N Mccoll Rd , Mcallen, TX 78504-2206 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/02/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Maspeth Wholesale Corp
Date Published : 10/07/2020
5628 56th St , Maspeth, NY 11378-1132 UNITED STATES
28 B - - 08 Capsicums (Cayenne Chili, Hot Peppers), Ground, Cracked (Spice)
Date Published: 10/07/2020

Desc: Chili Powder
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 B - - 99 Spices, Ground, Cracked, Etc., N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/07/2020

Desc: Chili Powder
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Mena Produce L.L.C.
Date Published : 10/03/2023
2501 W Military Hwy Ste E6 , Mcallen, TX 78503-8952 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/03/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

Mina Global Trading Corp
Date Published : 10/19/2023
53 Idaho Ln , Matawan, NJ 07747-1530 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/19/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation;                                                                                                                                                                      

Mondimex, LLC
Date Published : 03/21/2023
3909 E Ramseyer Rd , Edinburg, TX 78542-0855 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

My Habitat Brands LLC
Date Published : 06/22/2021
601 Blossom Cir , Dayton, NJ 08810-2407 UNITED STATES
07 A - - 02 Corn Chips, Baked
Date Published: 06/22/2021

Desc: Botanas puffed snack
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 F - - 01 Chocolate Candy Bar, without Nuts and Fruit
Date Published: 06/22/2021

Desc: Chocolate Bar
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 F - - 03 Chocolate Covered Candy Bar, without Nuts and Fruit
Date Published: 06/22/2021

Desc: Chocolate Bar
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 H - - 02 Chocolate Dairy Mix
Date Published: 06/22/2021

Desc: Chocolate Dairy Mix
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 H - - 99 Chocolate and Cocoa Beverage Base, N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/22/2021

Desc: Chocolate Dairy Mix
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 06/14/2024
2501 W Military Hwy , Suite #12 , Mcallen, TX 78503-8955 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Desc: Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                  

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Desc: Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                             

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/14/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

Date Published : 03/21/2023
20551 Corsair Blvd Ste A , Hayward, CA 94545-1005 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 03/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Productos Bredy USA LLC
Date Published : 09/15/2022
7601 North Loop E , Houston, TX 77028-6017 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Promex Distribution LLC
Date Published : 09/21/2021
2501 W Military Hwy Ste B19 , Mcallen, TX 78503-8958 UNITED STATES
24 H - - 08 Pepper, Hot, Dried or Paste
Date Published: 09/21/2021

Desc: Dried Hot Pepper/Chile En Polvo
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                        Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502

Rash Catering Services, LLC
Date Published : 08/19/2024
11430 Bissonnet St Ste B9 , Houston, TX 77099-1965 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

Regino Produce LLC
Date Published : 04/10/2024
1842 Angeline St , Houston, TX 77009-1250 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: Soft Drinks/Water                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: Coffee/Tea                                                                                              

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums                                                                                                        

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Roal Produce Inc.
Date Published : 11/17/2022
2520 Airline Dr , Houston, TX 77009-1118 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/17/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Rong Shing Trading NY Inc
Date Published : 06/16/2022
47 Bridgewater St # 57 , Brooklyn, NY 11222-3820 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/16/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Ruth Special Food Store LLC
Date Published : 05/13/2024
95 Washington Ave , Belleville, NJ 07109-2928 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 05/13/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                          

Date Published : 11/29/2023
2180 Farallon Dr , San Leandro, CA 94577-6604 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Date Published : 11/29/2023
16025 Phoenix Dr , City Of Industry, CA 91745-1624 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

16 - - - -- Fishery/Seafood Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

32 - - - -- Alcoholic Beverages
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/29/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Date Published : 04/08/2024
18945 Amberly Pl , Rowland Heights, CA 91748-4887 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 04/08/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Sai Ram Imports Corporation
Date Published : 10/31/2022
501 Finnegan Ln , North Brunswick, NJ 08902-3498 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 10/31/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                       

Sayar Food Market
Date Published : 12/17/2021
3 Everett St Unit 3e , Revere, MA 02151-5934 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/17/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Shantaba LLC
Date Published : 06/24/2024
2506 W Parmer Ln Ste 170 , Austin, TX 78727-4337 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Desc: Vegetables Protein Products
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                              

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Desc: Fruit/Fruit Products
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                 

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                              

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 06/24/2024

Sunrise Distributors Inc
Date Published : 09/15/2021
2411 United Ln , Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-6818 UNITED STATES
02 D - - 07 Rice, Basmati, Processed (Packaged)
Date Published: 09/15/2021

Desc: Rice Basmati
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Sunrise International Group
Date Published : 08/09/2024
30860 San Clemente St , Hayward, CA 94544-7135 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Desc: Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 08/09/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52) All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation                                                                                                                                                                                     

Swagath Home Foods LLC
Date Published : 02/05/2021
18001 Ne 76th St Ste 120 , Redmond, WA 98052-5023 UNITED STATES
07 B - - 06 Potato Chips,Fried
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Potato Chips
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                 Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 Y - - 03 Chutney
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Spiced Chutney Powder
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 B - - 54 Pepper, Black, Ground, Cracked (Spice)
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Black Pepper
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 K - - 99 Spices and Seasoning, Ground, Cracked, With Salt, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Spiced Chutney Powder
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 K - - 01 Tea, Black
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Black Tea
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 K - - 99 Tea, N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/05/2021

Desc: Black Tea
Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 07/27/2022
1386 E Belt Line Rd , Richardson, TX 75081-3709 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 07/27/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                           

Titans Global Inc.
Date Published : 02/21/2023
15339 Don Julian Rd , City Of Industry, CA 91745-1034 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 02/21/2023

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

Transworld International Trading Corp.
Date Published : 09/15/2022
566 7th Avenue (Fashion Avenue), 8th Floor, Room 804 , New York, NY 10018-1868 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/15/2022

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                                                                       

Date Published : 02/02/2023
2130 Beaver Rd , Hyattsville, MD 20785-3206 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Desc: Whole Grain/Milled Grain Prod/Starch
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                            

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Desc: Macaroni/Noodle Prod
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Desc: Vegetables/Vegetable Product
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Desc: Vegetables/Vegetable Product
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Desc: Food Sweeteners (Nutritive)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 04/10/2024

Desc: Mult Food Dinner/Grav/Sauce/Special
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulation (excludes 16, 32, 52)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 12/21/2023

Desc: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16; 32; 52)
Notes: All imported products subject to the FSVP regulations                                                                                                                                                                                         

Ventura Terra Garden Inc.
Date Published : 04/29/2022
4440 Olivas Park Dr # A , Ventura, CA 93001-4310 UNITED STATES
25 P - - 11 Enokitake Mushrooms, Whole (Button) (Fungi)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Enoki Mushrooms

25 P - - 15 Oyster Mushrooms, Whole (Button) (Fungi)
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Oyster Mushrooms

25 Q - - 14 Enokitake
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Enoki Mushrooms

25 R - - 14 Enokitake
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Enoki Mushrooms

25 S - - 14 Enokitake
Date Published: 04/29/2022

Desc: Enoki Mushrooms

Vibrant Enterprise Llc
Date Published : 11/15/2021
501 Finnegan Ln , North Brunswick, NJ 08902-3458 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 11/15/2021

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulations; (excluding industry codes 16, 32, 52);                                                                                                                            Violations of FSVP Regulations; 21 CFR 1.502(a).

Date Published : 09/19/2024
15320 Park Row , Houston, TX 77084-2887 UNITED STATES
02 - - - -- Whole Grains/Milled Grain Products/Starches
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

03 - - - -- Bakery Products/Dough/Mixes/Icings
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

04 - - - -- Macaroni/Noodle Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

05 - - - -- Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Foods
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

07 - - - -- Snack Food Items
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

09 - - - -- Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

12 - - - -- Cheese/Cheese Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

13 - - - -- Ice Cream and related Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

14 - - - -- Filled Milk/Imitation Milk Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

15 - - - -- Eggs/Egg Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

17 - - - -- Meats, Meat Products and Poultry
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

18 - - - -- Vegetable Protein Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

20 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

21 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

22 - - - -- Fruit/Fruit Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

23 - - - -- Nuts/Edible Seeds
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

24 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

25 - - - -- Vegetables/Vegetable Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

26 - - - -- Vegetable Oils
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

27 - - - -- Dressing/Condiments
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

28 - - - -- Spices, Flavors And Salts
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

29 - - - -- Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Waters
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

30 - - - -- Beverage Bases/Concentrates/Nectars
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

31 - - - -- Coffee/Tea
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

33 - - - -- Candy W/O Chocolate/Candy Specialties/Chewing Gums
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

34 - - - -- Chocolate/Cocoa Products/Cocoa beans
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

35 - - - -- Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mixes/Pie Fillings
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

36 - - - -- Food Sweeteners/Nutritive syrups/honey/molasses
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

37 - - - -- Multiple food dinners/Gravies/Sauces/Specialties
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

38 - - - -- Soups
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

39 - - - -- Prepared Salad Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 A - - -- Baked Goods (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 B - - -- Cereal (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 D - - -- Veg (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 E - - -- Fruit/Juice/Drink (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 F - - -- Meat Prod/Comb Meat Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 G - - -- Poultry Prod/Comb Poultry Dinner (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 H - - -- High Meat Dinner/Cheese Food (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 I - - -- Fish-Seafood Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 J - - -- Egg Prod (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 K - - -- Pudding/Custard (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 L - - -- Soups/Soup Mix (Baby)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Q - - -- Pasta and Noodle Combination Dinners Without Meat
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 X - - -- Market Basket Sampling
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

40 Y - - -- Baby Food N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 A - - -- Whole Edible Insects (adults and immature stages)
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 B - - -- Milled Edible Insect Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 C - - -- Edible Insect Bars
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 D - - -- Edible Insect Bakery Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 E - - -- Edible Insect Candy With Chocolate
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 F - - -- Edible Insect Candy Without Chocolate
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 G - - -- Edible Insect Capsules
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 H - - -- Edible Insect Granola or Trail Mix
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 I - - -- Edible Insect Jerky
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 J - - -- Edible Insect Ice Cream and Related Products
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 K - - -- Edible Insect Oils
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 L - - -- Edible Insect Smoothies
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 M - - -- Edible Insect Soups
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 N - - -- Edible Insect Spreads And Pastes
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 O - - -- Edible Insect Beverages
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 P - - -- Edible Insect Protein: Simulated Meats and Tofu
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 Q - - -- Edible Insect Salts and Spices
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);                                                                                                                          

42 R - - -- Edible Insect Products N.E.C.
Date Published: 09/19/2024

Notes: All Imported Products Subject to the FSVP Regulation; GPI=FO (excluding industry codes 16, 32 and 52);