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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Z-0816-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, anesthesia, labeled as: a) HEART ANESTHESIA BUNDLE NS, Kit Number LMHA01V; b) OR/Anesthesia Central Line Insertion Kit, Kit Number UIAN43L 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0833-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, Othopedic use, labeled as: a) HIP FRACTURE, kit number AHHF15C; b) HIP FRACTURE, kit number AHHF15D; c) Hand Pack, kit number BBHP10E; d) Lower E... 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0818-2024 - Procedural convenience kits and trays, cardiac, labeled as: a) EP LAB BI V IMPLANT PACK, kit number AGBI64J; b) LAB DEVICE IMPLANT, kit number AGDI40J; c) LAB DEVICE IMPLANT, kit number AGDI40K... 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0819-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, cardiac, labeled as: a) CENTRAL LINE INSERTION PACK, kit number LLCE52; b) Adult Central Line Insertion Supply Kit, kit number UICL44N; c) Pediatri... 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0820-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, ear, nose & throat, labeled as: a) T AND A PACK AGH ASC, kit number AGTA48J; b) OPSC EAR PACK, kit number LLEO66; c) T AND A PACK, kit number MMTA4... 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0821-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, gastroenterological & urological, labeled as: AHN BIOPSY STERILE, kit number AHBP12A 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0822-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, gastroenterological & urological, labeled as: a) LAP KIDNEY MODULE, kit number AGKD50L; b) ROBOTIC PROSTATE PACK - 264852, kit number ANPR34S; c) L... 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0823-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, urological, labeled as: a) UROLOGY DAVINCI PACK, kit number HGUR87G; b) CYSTO PACK, kit number LVCY20; c) URO ROBOTIC PACK, kit number LVUR44; 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0824-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, general & plastic surgery, labeled as: a) Breast Plastics Pack, kit number BBPL20D; b) MINOR PLASTIC, kit number WPMP16H 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.
Z-0825-2024 - Custom procedural convenience kits and trays, general & plastic surgery, labeled as: a) BRACHY THERAPY PROCEDURE PAC, kit number AGBR90E; b) BRACHY THERAPY PROCEDURE PAC, kit number AGBR90E; c)... 2 01/26/2024 American Contract Systems, Inc.