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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Exactech Alteon Hip XLE Liner, Catalog Numbers: a) 01-030-40-0636, b) 01-030-40-0640, c) 01-0... 2 01/18/2024 Exactech, Inc.
Exactech Acapella One Interbody Fusion Device Parallel. Orthopedic Spinal Surgery Device. Prod... 2 02/13/2016 Exactech, Inc.
Exactech 12/14 Biolox Alumina Femoral Head 28MM +3.5, hip prosthesis component, Exactech, Gainesvill... 3 03/12/2008 Exactech, Inc.
Exactech 1.5" Novation Calcar Planer Guide Tip To assist the surgeon in the implantation of Novat... 2 06/19/2017 Exactech, Inc.
ExactaMix, Model: H938905, EMPTY EVA DUAL CHAMBER CONTAINER With Screw Connectors, 250 ml/ 1250 ml,... 2 10/01/2019 The Metrix Company
ExactaMix, Model: H938901, EMPTY EVA DUAL CHAMBER CONTAINER With Screw Connectors, 500 ml/ 2500 ml,... 2 10/01/2019 The Metrix Company
ExactaMix EVA Container, Calibration Bag, REF: 735, Sterile R, Baxa Corporation, Englewood, CO 80112... 2 04/12/2011 Baxa Corporation
ExactaMix EVA Container, 500mL, REF: 738, Sterile R, Baxa Corporation, Englewood, CO 80112. A pl... 2 04/12/2011 Baxa Corporation
ExactaMix EVA Container, 3000mL, REF: 741, Sterile R, Baxa Corporation, Englewood, CO 80112. A p... 2 04/12/2011 Baxa Corporation
ExactaMix EVA Container, 250mL, REF: 737, Sterile R, Baxa Corporation, Englewood, CO 80112. A pl... 2 04/12/2011 Baxa Corporation