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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Class 2 Device Recall CorVocet" Biopsy System

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 Class 2 Device Recall CorVocet" Biopsy Systemsee related information
Date Initiated by FirmAugust 03, 2022
Date PostedOctober 27, 2022
Recall Status1 Open3, Classified
Recall NumberZ-0137-2023
Recall Event ID 90804
Product Classification Instrument, biopsy - Product Code KNW
ProductCorVocet Biopsy System/Catalog Code: CORA1610/B, CORA1610S/B, CORA1615/B, CORA1810/A, CORA1810/B, CORA1810S/B, CORA1815/A, CORA1815/B, CORA1815S/A, CORA1815S/B, CORA1820/A, CORA1820/B, CORA1820S/A, CORA1825/A, CORA1825/B, CORA1825S/A, CORA2010/A, CORA2010/B, CORA2010S/A, CORA2015/A, CORA2015/B, CORA2015S/A, CORA2020/A, CORA2020/B, CORCA1410/A, CORCA1410/B, CORCA1415/A, CORCA1415/B, CORCA1610/A, CORCA1610/B, CORCA1610S/B, CORCA1615/A, CORCA1615/B, CORCA1615S/B, CORCA1810B/A, CORCA1810B/B, CORCA1810SB/A, CORCA1810SB/B, CORCA1815B/A, CORCA1815B/B, CORCA1815SB/A, CORCA1815SB/B, CORCA1820B/A, CORCA1820B/B, CORCA1820SB/A, CORCA1820SB/B, CORCA1825B/A, CORCA1825SB/B, CORCA2010B/A, CORCA2010B/B, CORCA2010SB/A, CORCA2010SB/B, CORCA2015B/A, CORCA2015B/B, CORCA2015SB/A, CORCA2015SB/B, CORCA2020B/A, CORCA2020B/B
Code Information Catalog Code-Lot/UDI: CORA1610/B-I2075805, I2093969, I2101330, I2124107, I2233501, I2286703, I2325899/00884450476192; CORA1610S/B-I2138037, I2352845/00884450476222; CORA1615/B-H1408433, H1462686, I1863888, I2127448, I2170247, I2259080/00884450476253; CORA1810/A-H1715532, H1756745, H1767115, H1771762, H1776067, H1784861, H1800979, H1808121, H1825693/00884450316405; CORA1810/B-I1781878, I1818817, I1837234, I1843704, I1855418, I1866359, I1952354, I1958525, I1971876, I1990075, I1998862, I2043630, I2070249, I2075810, I2093993, I2114550, I2116110, I2124108, I2127451, I2137798, I2155289, I2206046, I2243065, I2263876, I2263877, I2282032, I2291981, I2297372, I2385808/00884450476116; CORA1810S/B-I1877912, I1877916, I1902603, I1971867, I1998851, I2033178, I2070341, I2075809, I2124109, I2127455, I2170248, I2370120/00884450477625; CORA1815/A-H1733631, H1734003, H1739133, H1756746, H1771770, H1795481, H1800980, H1807701/00884450316412; CORA1815/B-I1821113, I1838444, I1855417, I1920169, I1920191, I1946564, I1952362, I1989173, I1990074, I2033176, I2070349, I2075808, I2093995, I2114555, I2116111, I2124110, I2127456, I2137805, I2170249, I2201366, I2233502, I2263885, I2269827, I2325901, I2349440/00884450477618; CORA1815S/A-H1756747, H1784863/00884450316528; CORA1815S/B-I1869477, I1874063, I2075806, I2114557, I2127463, I2325902/00884450477601; CORA1820/A-H1375632, H1382959, H1718587, H1734004, H1739135, H1756748, H1762731, H1771773, H1771881, H1784864, H1815597/00884450316429; CORA1820/B-I1823060, I1971866, I2114564, I2137809, I2170250, I2303053, I2385809/00884450477595; CORA1820S/A-H1739136, H1790841/00884450316535; CORA1825/A-H1749790, H1762724, H1808022, H1815598/00884450316436; CORA1825/B-I1843706, I1958504, I2234738, I2239042/00884450477571; CORA1825S/A-H1790845/00884450316542; CORA2010/A-H1784872, H1815600/00884450316443; CORA2010/B-I1863885, I2201378, I2206047, I2237417/00884450477557; CORA2010S/A-H1692834, H1776070/00884450316559; CORA2015/A-H1795483/00884450316450; CORA2015/B-I1823512, I1860367, I1962715, I2140223, I2243072, I2283710, I2303054, I2330668/00884450477526; CORA2015S/A-H1697709, H1771823, H1784884, H1795484/00884450316566; CORA2020/A-H1815606/00884450316467; CORA2020/B-I1781880, I1971845, I2007291, I2228365/00884450477496; CORCA1410/A-H1639707/00884450316580; CORCA1410/B-I2244480, I2384730/00884450476284; CORCA1415/A-, H1776075/00884450316597; CORCA1415/B-I2191846, I2286700, I2318838, I2325906/00884450476314; CORCA1610/A-H1428538, H1714401/00884450316603; CORCA1610/B-I1971855, I1998714, I2114620, I2170251, I2201382, I2233505, I2318858, I2343154/00884450476338; CORCA1610S/B-I1874064, I2010416/00884450476345; CORCA1615/A-H1703701/00884450316610; CORCA1615/B-I1845903, I1888547, I1920175, I1962716, I1998860, I2103685, I2137221, I2137223, I2170252, I2237426, I2286696, I2297374, I2303056, I2330680, I2385810/00884450476352; CORCA1615S/B-I2114626, I2246748/00884450476369; CORCA1810B/A-H1718595, H1734012, H1749798, H1756750, H1771846, H1776080, H1782158, H1790850, H1800985, H1808042/00884450316627; CORCA1810B/B-I1814729, I1838323, I1843705, I1845904, I1869474, I1877911, I1888548, I1902611, I1920161, I1946561, I1946566, I1958530, I1962714, I1990098, I1990104, I1998856, I2025072, I2070266, I2070374, I2093853, I2101369, I2104884, I2114628, I2114714, I2114715, I2116109, I2124195, I2127511, I2150947, I2150948, I2150949, I2159264, I2165513, I2165514, I2201386, I2221444, I2286695, I2303061, I2330685, I2343157, I2385811/00884450476376; CORCA1810SB/A-H1733634, H1800986/00884450316801; CORCA1810SB/B-I1862927, I1920180, I2033140, I2114634, I2233507, I2303065, I2330686/00884450476383; CORCA1815B/A-H1476238, H1608916, H1714408, H1734014, H1734016, H1743880, H1749800, H1749802, H1762717, H1771848, H1776082, H1782159, H1790847, H1795487, H1807720/00884450316634; CORCA1815B/B-I1827256, I1838326, I1843709, I1845905, I1860329, I1860365, I1877914, I1888549, I1902608, I1902609, I1920165, I1920186, I1946560, I1946567, I1952368, I1958533, I1962702, I1971860, I1971861, I1990097, I1990103, I2007293, I2058398, I2061959, I2062021, I2065393, I2075813, I2075839, I2094063, I2098053, I2102664, I2105077, I2114651, I2114652, I2124197, I2127514, I2127515, I2150950, I2150952, I2159275, I2159276, I2170253, I2201393, I2217616, I2281931, I2318869, I2330533, I2330692, I2336279, I2343163, I2349439, I2357134, I2385813, I2385814/00884450476390; CORCA1815SB/A-H1714409, H1743881, H1756752, H1762715/00884450316740; CORCA1815SB/B-I1838328, I1845906, I1877918, I1958536, I2061956, I2075811, I2093850, I2094072, I2233509, I2325909, I2330694, I2399997/00884450476406; CORCA1820B/A-H1718598, H1733635, H1734019, H1749803, H1756754, H1762714, H1771883, H1776084, H1790851, H1807721/00884450316641; CORCA1820B/B-I1827257, I1845907, I1902605, I1902607, I1920166, I1946562, I1971929, I1990094, I1998850, I1998858, I2007294, I2094075, I2103689, I2114708, I2124200, I2127516, I2150980, I2159282, I2159283, I2233510, I2286679, I2343166, I2352856/00884450476413; CORCA1820SB/A-H1733637/00884450316757; CORCA1820SB/B-I2137856, I2325911/00884450476437; CORCA1825B/A-H1718603/00884450316658; CORCA1825B/B-I1946563, I2137863, I2201410, I2265757, I2325913/00884450476451; CORCA1825SB/B-I2156607/00884450476468; CORCA2010B/A-H1445217, H1703705, H1708690, H1718606, H1718607, H1749806, H1762738, H1771884, H1807725, H1815614/00884450316665; CORCA2010B/B-I18210937/I1845908, I1862929, I1874055, I1877913, I1958538, I1971927, I1990070, I2075817, I2094080, I2114709, I2127519, I2170256, I2217622, I2325922/00884450476475; CORCA2010SB/A-H1749807/00884450316771; CORCA2010SB/B-I1874058, I1902604, I1998852, I2122957, I2233511/00884450477632; CORCA2015B/A-H1624841, H1639711, H1657959, H1697713, H1708691, H1714416, H1718609, H1733639, H1734020, H1743882, H1749810, H1771851, H1776086, H1784915, H1790853, H1807727/00884450316672; CORCA2015B/B-I1827258, I1855420, I1862900, I1873128, I1874060, I1888545, I1902614, I1920156, I1952374, I1990072, I1998863, I2070355, I2080473, I2094083, I2114711, I2116112, I2124201, I2127521, I2137868, I2159284, I2191857, I2246760, I2263980, I2287299, I2303068, I2352880, I2370145/00884450477649; CORCA2015SB/A-H1662694, H1733642, H1739148, H1771853, H1776087, H1807729, H1815615/00884450316788; CORCA2015SB/B-I1827270, I1845912, I1862899, I2080472, I2170257, I2201414/00884450477656; CORCA2020B/A-H1662697, H1692861, H1708693, H1718613, H1756755, H1771854, H1776088, H1790855, H1807731/00884450316689; CORCA2020B/B, I1827272, I1845913, I1869475, I1874065, I1877915, I1971882, I1990071, I2070361, I2075814, I2114712, I2151307, I2170259, I2201416, I2330716/00884450477663; CORCA2020SB/B-I2263985, I2297377/00884450477670;
Recalling Firm/
Merit Medical Systems, Inc.
1600 W Merit Pkwy
South Jordan UT 84095-2416
For Additional Information Contact
Manufacturer Reason
for Recall
Biopsy Systems have components that are misaligned due to an issue with the manufacturing assembly equipment, which may lead to the needle ejecting when triggered outside the body, which may result in user or patient needle stick injury.
FDA Determined
Cause 2
Process change control
ActionOn 8/3/2022, recall notices were mailed to customers who were asked to do the following: 1) Identify affected devices, quarantine, discontinue use and distribution, and return to the recalling firm. 2) If product was further distributed, share the recall notice with these customers/users. 3) Complete and return the customer response form. Customers with questions can contact Customer Service at 801-208-4381, 6AM-6PM, Mon-Fri.
Quantity in Commerce1822
DistributionWorldwide distribution - US National distribution including in the states of FL, IL, OH, PA, CA, WI, VA, AZ, AR, MS, TN, MO, MA, MI, NY, NE, TX, WA, MN, LA, DE, IN, AL, NJ, OR, MD, GA, CT, OK, UT, KS, NC, CO, KY, WV, AK, NV, RI, SC, ND, NH, MT and the countries of Finland, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Jordan, Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Chile, Reunion, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, South Africa, Qatar, Russian Federation, Hungary, Thailand, Namibia, Colombia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica, Oman, Cyprus, Slovenia, Croatia, China.
Total Product Life CycleTPLC Device Report

1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls.
2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall.
3 The manufacturer has initiated the recall and not all products have been corrected or removed. This record will be updated as the status changes.
510(K) Database510(K)s with Product Code = KNW