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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Volt Resistance Heated Therapy Knee Wrap Deep penetrating heat garment and wraps 2 04/12/2017 2k Innovations Inc.
Gentrix Surgical Matrix Thick, 30 x 40cm, Catalog Number PSMT3040, Lot 013948 - Product Usage: Gentr... 2 03/21/2019 ACell, Inc
Gentrix Surgical Matrix Thick, 20 x 30cm, Catalog Number PSMT2030, Lot 013948 - Product Usage: Gentr... 2 03/21/2019 ACell, Inc
MatriStem® Plastic Surgery Matrix XS Intended for implantation to reinforce tissue where weaknes... 2 07/21/2011 ACell, Inc
Columbus Tibia Plateau (component of the Columbus REVISION Knee System) Product Usage - The Colum... 2 06/26/2015 Aesculap Implant Systems
ENDURO SPECIAL KEY TIB.LOCK.RING F1/10MM product code NP462R used with EnduRo Total Knee System. in... 2 07/15/2022 Aesculap Implant Systems LLC
Univation X System knee implant devices as follows: Catalog/Product: NL476 UNIVATION F MENISCAL C... 2 09/22/2021 Aesculap Implant Systems LLC
Univation X System knee implant devices as follows: Catalog/Product: NL488 UNIVATION F MENISCAL C... 2 09/22/2021 Aesculap Implant Systems LLC
Univation X System knee implant devices as follows: Catalog/Product: NO156Z AS UNIVATION XF TIBI... 2 09/22/2021 Aesculap Implant Systems LLC
Univation X System Tray Sysem knee implant devices as follows: Tray Number/Set Name/Set Number NM... 2 09/22/2021 Aesculap Implant Systems LLC

*   The maximium 500 devices meeting your search criteria returned. Please narrow your search.