Date Initiated by Firm | July 05, 2017 |
Create Date | February 01, 2018 |
Recall Status1 |
Terminated 3 on April 30, 2019 |
Recall Number | Z-0499-2018 |
Recall Event ID |
78756 |
510(K)Number | K961481 |
Product Classification |
Analyzer, chemistry (photometric, discrete), for clinical use - Product Code JJE
Product | Roche / Hitachi MODULAR Analyzer Systems-Immunoassay Analyzer-Model/Catalog/Part Number: 11568248001/11568248692 - Elecsys 2010 analyzer (disk system) and 11804014001/11804014692 - Elecsys 2010 analyzer (rack system) Medical Device Listing number: D053244 - Elecsys 2010
Elecsys analyzer is a fully automated, random access, computer controlled analytical systems for quantitative and qualitative determinations of analytes in body fluids. |
Code Information |
none |
Recalling Firm/ Manufacturer |
Roche Diagnostics Corporation 9115 Hague Rd Indianapolis IN 46256-1025
For Additional Information Contact | Vince Wong 317-521-7259 |
Manufacturer Reason for Recall | A software malfunction can occur on the cobas e 411 and Elecsys 2010 analyzers in the Sample& Control data file which may lead to a potential data mismatch. |
FDA Determined Cause 2 | Software design |
Action | All consignees were notified by Urgent Medical Device Correction sent via UPS Ground (receipt required) on July 5, 2017.
The customer is advised to perform the following actions: cobas e 411: Until the software update is available, use the workaround outlined in the Urgent Medical Device Correction (UMDC). Elecsys 2010: Use the workaround outlined in this Urgent Medical Device Correction (UMDC). Non-responding accounts will be defined as users for which confirmation of receipt of the Urgent Medical Device Correction (UMDC) cannot be obtained. These accounts will be monitored on an ongoing basis and follow-up attempts will be made accordingly. Workaround for customers: he customer is advised to perform the following actions: cobas e 411: Until the software update is available, use the workaround outlined in the Urgent Medical Device Correction (UMDC). Elecsys 2010: Use the workaround outlined in this Urgent Medical Device Correction (UMDC). For further questions, please call (317) 521-7259 |
Quantity in Commerce | 255 instruments |
Distribution | Nationwide Distribution |
Total Product Life Cycle | TPLC Device Report |
1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls. 2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall. 3 For details about termination of a recall see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 §7.55.
510(K) Database | 510(K)s with Product Code = JJE