It was reported that on (b)(6) 2022 a dragonfly opstar oct catheter was used in the left anterior descending (lad) coronary artery for pre-treatment imaging.A stent was implanted in the lad.A new dragonfly opstar oct catheter was used for post treatment imaging in the lad without incident.The physician noticed what appeared to be an extra marker on the dragonfly opstar.During removal, the suspected extra marker identified on fluoroscopy had become a loose marker and caught on the guide catheter.The loose marker then detached and embolized down the left circumflex coronary artery.The left circumflex was stented, but not in the area of the foreign body.No attempt was made to remove the foreign body.The patient was stable post procedure and was discharged from the hospital on (b)(6) 2022.No additional information was provided.
Abbott is initiating a field action for specific lots of dragonfly opstar imaging catheters.The proximal marker on devices from these lots may separate from the device.A dislodged marker may require additional intervention, including unplanned additional coronary intervention, or surgery.While no long-term adverse patient effects have been associated with this issue, marker embolization has occurred.Potential risks include cardiovascular injury and myocardial ischemia.Na.
Visual analysis was performed on the returned devices.The reported component misassembled and material separation was confirmed.A review of the lot history record identified no manufacturing nonconformities issued to the reported lot that would have contributed to this event.Additionally, a review of the complaint history identified no other similar complaints reported from this lot.The reported patient effect of embolism is listed in the dragonfly opstar instruction for use as a known complication that may occur as a consequence of intravascular imaging and catheterization procedures.Based on the reported information and analysis of the returned unit, the dislodgement of the proximal marker on the dragonfly catheter resulting in embolism, foreign body in patient and unexpected medical intervention appears to be related to a potential product quality issue.On march 30th, 2022 abbott vascular decided to initiate a voluntary field action for specific lots of dragonfly opstartm imaging catheters.Abbott vascular submitted medwatch # 2024168-2022-03432 on april 5, 2022 with notification of the voluntary recall in h7, (remedial action initiated).This action is being taken due to the proximal marker on devices from these lots may separate from the device.A dislodged marker may require additional intervention, including unplanned additional coronary intervention, or surgery.While no long-term adverse patient effects have been associated with this issue, marker embolization has occurred.Potential risks include cardiovascular injury and myocardial ischemia.