Section No. |
Regulation Name Product Code-Device Name |
Class |
866.1620 |
Antimicrobial susceptibility test disc. |
JTN - Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial |
II |
- 7-243 CLSI M51-A (Replaces M51-P)
Method for Antifungal Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Nondermatophyte Filamentous Fungi; Approved Guideline ...
- 7-262 CLSI M45 3rd Edition
Methods for Antimicrobial Dilution and Disk Susceptibility Testing of Infrequently Isolated or Fastidious Bacteria ...
- 7-278 CLSI M27 4th Edition
Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts ...
- 7-280 CLSI M02 13th Edition
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests ...
- 7-287 CLSI M44-S3 (2018)
Zone Diameter Interpretive Standards, Corresponding Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Interpretive Breakpoints, and Qual ...
- 7-288 CLSI M24 3rd Edition
Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacteria, Nocardiae and other Aerobic Actinomycetes ...
- 7-292 CLSI M62 1st Edition
Performance Standards for Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacteria, Nocardia spp., and other Aerobic Actinomycetes ...
- 7-304 CLSI M23 5th Edition
Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control Parameters ...
- 7-312 CLSI M39 5th Edition
Analysis and Presentation of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data ...
- 7-314 CLSI M27M44S, 3rd Edition
Performance Standards for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts ...
- 7-317 CLSI M100 33rd, Edition
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing ...
- 7-319 CLSI M23 6th Edition
Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Test Methods, Breakpoints, and Quality Control Parameters ...
- 7-325 CLSI M02 14th Edition
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests ...
- 7-326 CLSI M24S 2nd Edition
Performance Standards for Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacteria, Nocardia spp., and Other Aerobic Actinomycetes ...
- 7-327 CLSI M100 34th Edition
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing ...
LTX - Discs, Elution |
II |
866.1640 |
Antimicrobial susceptibility test powder. |
JTT - Susceptibility Test Powders, Antimicrobial |
II |
JWY - Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems |
II |
LIE - Reagent/Device, Inoculum Calibration |
II |
LOP - Solution, Antimicrobial |
II |
LRG - Instrument For Auto Reader & Interpretation Of Overnight Suscept. Systems |
II |
LTT - Panels, Test, Susceptibility, Antimicrobial |
II |
LTW - Susceptibility Test Cards, Antimicrobial |
II |
MYI - System, Test, Genotypic Detection, Resistant Markers, Staphylococcus Colonies |
II |
866.1700 |
Culture medium for antimicrobial susceptibility tests. |
JSO - Culture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Excluding Mueller Hinton Agar |
II |
JTZ - Culture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Mueller Hinton Agar/Broth |
II |
LKA - Culture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test |
II |
MJD - Culture Media, Antimycobacteria, Susceptibility Test |
II |
MJE - Culture Media, Antifungal, Susceptibility Test |
II |
866.2050 |
Staphylococcal typing bacteriophage. |
OUS - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus/Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus Blood Culture Test Bt |
I |
866.2190 |
Automated image assessment system for microbial colonies on solid culture media. |
PPU - Microbial Colony Image Assessment System |
II |
866.2360 |
Selective culture medium. |
PQZ - Gbs Culture Media, Selective And Differential |
I |
866.2390 |
Transport culture medium. |
JSL - Culture Media, Anaerobic Transport |
I |
JSM - Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport |
I |
JSN - Culture Media, Propagating Transport |
I |
866.2410 |
Culture medium for pathogenic Neisseria spp. |
JTY - Culture Media, For Isolation Of Pathogenic Neisseria |
II |
866.2560 |
Microbial growth monitor. |
MDB - System, Blood Culturing |
I |
866.2850 |
Automated zone reader. |
KZK - Reader, Zone, Automated |
I |
866.2900 |
Microbiological specimen collection and transport device. |
JTW - System, Transport, Aerobic |
I |
JTX - Transport Systems, Anaerobic |
I |
LIO - Device, Specimen Collection |
I |
866.3040 |
Aspergillus spp. serological reagents. |
NOM - Antigen, Galactomannan, Aspergillus Spp. |
I |
866.3110 |
Campylobacter fetus serological reagents. |
GSP - Antiserum, Fluorescent, Campylobacter Fetus |
I |
LQO - Dna-Reagents, Campylobacter Spp. |
I |
LQP - Campylobacter Spp. |
I |
LYR - Helicobacter Pylori |
I |
MSQ - Test, Urea (Breath Or Blood) |
I |
OWF - Immunohistochemical Assay, Helicobacter Pylori |
I |
866.3120 |
Chlamydia serological reagents. |
GPT - Antiserum, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia Group) |
I |
GPW - Antigen, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia Group) |
I |
LJC - Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, (Chlamydiae Group) |
I |
LJP - Antiserum, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Trachomatis |
I |
LKH - Antisera, Immunoperoxidase, Chlamydia Spp. |
I |
LKI - Antisera, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Spp. |
I |
LSK - Dna-Reagents, Chlamydia |
I |
MGM - C. Trachomatis (Chlamydia Group) |
I |
MKZ - Dna Probe, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Chlamydia |
I |
866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus serological reagents. |
GQH - Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Cytomegalovirus |
II |
GQI - Antiserum, Cf, Cytomegalovirus |
II |
LIN - Antisera, Conjugated Fluorescent, Cytomegalovirus |
II |
LJO - Antigen, Iha, Cytomegalovirus |
II |
LKQ - Antibody Igm,If, Cytomegalovirus Virus |
II |
LSO - Dna-Reagents, Cytomegalovirus |
II |
866.3235 |
Epstein-Barr virus serological reagents. |
GNP - Antiserum, Cf, Epstein-Barr Virus |
I |
GNQ - Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Epstein-Barr Virus |
I |
JRY - Antiserum, Fluorescent, Epstein-Barr Virus |
I |
LJN - Antibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus |
I |
LLM - Test, Antigen, Nuclear, Epstein-Barr Virus |
I |
LSE - Epstein-Barr Virus, Other |
I |
LSF - Dna-Reagents, Epstein-Barr Virus |
I |
MCD - Antigen, Ebv, Capsid |
I |
866.3330 |
Influenza virus serological reagents. |
NIA - Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Influenza Virus |
I |
866.3370 |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunofluorescent reagents. |
GRT - Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis |
I |
LQF - Dna-Reagents, Mycobacterium Spp. |
I |
NDZ - Assay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Growth Identification, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis |
I |
NJO - System, Mycolic Acid Analysis, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis |
I |
866.3390 |
Neisseria spp. direct serological test reagents. |
GTH - Antiserum, Fluorescent (Direct Test), All Groups, N. Gonorrhoeae |
II |
GTI - Antisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, N. Meningitidis |
II |
GTJ - Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis |
II |
LIC - Antiserum, Coagglutination (Direct) Neisseria Gonorrhoeae |
II |
LIR - Antigen, Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae |
II |
866.3400 |
Parainfluenza virus serological reagents. |
NHZ - Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Parainfluenza Virus |
I |
866.3480 |
Respiratory syncytial virus serological reagents. |
NHY - Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Respiratory Syncytial Virus |
I |
866.3510 |
Rubella virus serological reagents. |
GOJ - Antisera, Neutralization, Rubella |
II |
GOK - Antisera, Hai (Including Hai Control), Rubella |
II |
GOL - Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Rubella |
II |
GOM - Antisera, Cf, Rubella |
II |
GON - Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Rubella |
II |
LFX - Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubella |
II |
LQN - Latex Agglutination Assay, Rubella |
II |
LSD - Rubella, Other Assays |
II |
LSJ - Antigen, Rubella, Other |
II |
OPL - Multiplex Immunoassay For Measles Virus, Mumps Virus, Rubella And Varicella Zoster Virus |
II |
866.3780 |
Toxoplasma gondii serological reagents. |
GLZ - Antigens, If, Toxoplasma Gondii |
II |
GMM - Antigens, Iha, Toxoplasma Gondii |
II |
GMN - Antigens, Cf, Toxoplasma Gondii |
II |
LGD - Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Toxoplasma Gondii |
II |
LJK - Antisera, If, Toxoplasma Gondii |
II |
LLA - Direct Agglutination Test, Toxoplasma Gondii |
II |
LYF - Pneumocystis Carinii |
II |
866.3820 |
Treponema pallidum nontreponemal test reagents. |
GMP - Antisera, Control For Nontreponemal Tests |
II |
GMQ - Antigens, Nontreponemal, All |
II |
866.3830 |
Treponema pallidum treponemal test reagents. |
GMR - Sera, Reactive And Non-Specific Control, Fta-Abs Test |
II |
GMS - Anti-Human Globulin, Fta-Abs Test |
II |
GMT - Antigens, Ha, Treponema Pallidum |
II |
GMW - Test, Sorbent, Fta-Abs |
II |
GMX - Antisera, Fluorescent Antibody For Fta-Abs Test |
II |
JWL - Antigen, Treponema Pallidum For Fta-Abs Test |
II |
866.3870 |
Trypanosoma spp. serological reagents. |
GND - Antigen, Iha, T. Cruzi |
I |
GNE - Antigen, Latex Agglutination, T. Cruzi |
I |
GNF - Antigen, Cf, T. Cruzi |
I |
LOO - Reagent, Leishmanii Serological |
I |
MIU - Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, T. Cruzi |
I |
MIV - Immunofluorescent Assay, T. Cruzi |
I |
PIT - Leishmania Spp. Antigen Detection Assay |
I |
866.3900 |
Varicella-zoster virus serological reagents. |
GQW - Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Varicella-Zoster |
II |
GQX - Antiserum, Cf, Varicella-Zoster |
II |
LFY - Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Varicella-Zoster |
II |
866.3920 |
Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays. |
PMN - Assayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays |
II |