Section No. |
Regulation Name Product Code-Device Name |
Class |
866.6050 |
Ovarian adnexal mass assessment score test system. |
ONX - Ovarian Adnexal Mass Assessment Score Test System |
II |
884.1050 |
Endocervical aspirator. |
HFC - Aspirator, Endocervical |
II |
PCF - Sampler, Endocervical |
II |
884.1060 |
Endometrial aspirator. |
HFF - Aspirator, Endometrial |
II |
884.1100 |
Endometrial brush. |
HFE - Brush, Endometrial |
II |
884.1175 |
Endometrial suction curette and accessories. |
HHK - Curette, Suction, Endometrial (And Accessories) |
II |
884.1185 |
Endometrial washer. |
HFD - Washer, Endometrial |
II |
884.1300 |
Uterotubal carbon dioxide insufflator and accessories. |
HES - Insufflator, Carbon-Dioxide, Uterotubal (And Accessories) |
II |
884.1560 |
Fetal blood sampler. |
HGW - Sampler, Blood, Fetal |
II |
884.1630 |
Colposcope. |
HEX - Colposcope (And Colpomicroscope) |
II |
MOK - Vaginoscope And Accessories |
II |
884.1660 |
Transcervical endoscope (amnioscope) and accessories. |
HEZ - Endoscope, Transcervical (Amnioscope)(And Accessories) |
II |
884.1690 |
Hysteroscope and accessories. |
HIH - Hysteroscope (And Accessories) |
II |
884.1700 |
Hysteroscopic insufflator. |
HIG - Insufflator, Hysteroscopic |
II |
884.1720 |
Gynecologic laparoscope and accessories. |
OCQ - Laparoscopic Bladder-Neck Suspension Instrument, Stress Urinary Incontinence |
II |
NMH - Laparoscope And Accessories, Gynecologic, Reprocessed |
II |
884.1730 |
Laparoscopic insufflator. |
NMI - Laparoscopic Insufflator And Accessories, Reprocessed |
I |
884.2225 |
Obstetric-gynecologic ultrasonic imager. |
HEM - Imager, Ultrasonic Obstetric-Gynecologic |
II |
HEN - Caliper, Fetal Head, Ultrasonic |
II |
HHJ - Locator, Intracorporeal Device, Ultrasonic, Obstetric-Gynecologic |
II |
HHX - Holograph, Fetal, Acoustical |
II |
884.2600 |
Fetal cardiac monitor. |
KXN - Monitor, Cardiac, Fetal |
II |
884.2640 |
Fetal phonocardiographic monitor and accessories. |
HFP - Monitor, Phonocardiographic, Fetal |
II |
884.2660 |
Fetal ultrasonic monitor and accessories. |
HEI - Monitor, Heart-Valve Movement, Fetal, Ultrasonic |
II |
HEJ - Monitor, Hemic Sound, Ultrasonic |
II |
HEK - Monitor, Heart Sound, Fetal, Ultrasonic |
II |
HEL - Monitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Ultrasonic |
II |
HEP - Monitor, Blood-Flow, Ultrasonic |
II |
HEQ - Monitor, Pressure, Arterial, Fetal, Ultrasonic |
II |
KNG - Monitor, Ultrasonic, Fetal |
II |
LXE - Doppler, Fetal, Ultrasound |
II |
MAA - Monitor, Fetal Doppler Ultrasound |
II |
884.2675 |
Fetal scalp circular (spiral) electrode and applicator. |
HGP - Electrode, Circular (Spiral), Scalp And Applicator |
II |
884.2700 |
Intrauterine pressure monitor and accessories. |
HFN - Transducer, Pressure, Intrauterine |
II |
HFO - Recorder, Pressure, Intrauterine |
II |
HGS - Catheter, Intrauterine And Introducer |
II |
KXO - Monitor, Pressure, Intrauterine |
II |
884.2720 |
External uterine contraction monitor and accessories. |
HFM - Monitor, Uterine Contraction, External (For Use In Clinic) |
II |
884.2740 |
Perinatal monitoring system and accessories. |
HGM - System, Monitoring, Perinatal |
II |
884.2960 |
Obstetric ultrasonic transducer and accessories. |
HGL - Transducer, Ultrasonic, Obstetric |
II |
884.3575 |
Vaginal pessary. |
HHW - Pessary, Vaginal |
II |
884.3900 |
Vaginal stent. |
HDX - Dilator, Vaginal |
II |
HFK - Mold, Vaginal |
II |
KXP - Stent, Vaginal |
II |
884.4120 |
Gynecologic electrocautery and accessories. |
HGI - Electrocautery, Gynecologic (And Accessories) |
II |
884.4150 |
Bipolar endoscopic coagulator-cutter and accessories. |
HIN - Coagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Bipolar (And Accessories) |
II |
884.4160 |
Unipolar endoscopic coagulator-cutter and accessories. |
HFG - Coagulator, Laparoscopic, Unipolar (And Accessories) |
II |
HFH - Coagulator, Hysteroscopic (And Accessories) |
II |
HFI - Coagulator, Culdoscopic (And Accessories) |
II |
KNF - Coagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Unipolar (And Accessories) |
II |
884.4260 |
Hygroscopic Laminaria cervical dilator. |
HDY - Dilator, Cervical, Hygroscopic-Laminaria |
II |
PFJ - Catheter, Balloon, Dilation Of Cervical Canal Prior To Labor |
II |
PKN - Dilator, Cervical, Synthetic, Osmotic |
II |
PON - Catheter, Balloon, Dilation Of Cervical Canal |
II |
884.4340 |
Fetal vacuum extractor. |
HDB - Extractor, Vacuum, Fetal |
II |
884.4500 |
Obstetric fetal destructive instrument. |
HDI - Hook, Destructive, Obstetrical |
II |
HFZ - Craniotribe |
II |
HGA - Cranioclast |
II |
HHN - Cleidoclast |
II |
KNB - Instrument, Destructive, Fetal, Obstetric |
II |
884.4530 |
Obstetric-gynecologic specialized manual instrument. |
HCZ - Forceps, Surgical, Gynecological |
II |
HDC - Tenaculum, Uterine |
II |
HDP - Elevator, Uterine |
II |
HDZ - Knife, Cervical Cone |
II |
HFX - Clamp, Circumcision |
II |
HHO - Screw, Fibroid, Gynecological |
II |
HHT - Spatula, Cervical, Cytological |
II |
LBX - Pelvimeter, Internal |
II |
LKF - Cannula, Manipulator/Injector, Uterine |
II |
MOV - Catheters, Salpingography |
II |
NMG - Forceps, Biopsy, Gynecological, Reprocessed |
II |
884.4550 |
Gynecologic surgical laser. |
HHR - Laser, Surgical, Gynecologic |
II |
LLW - Laser, Neodymium:Yag For Gynecologic Use |
II |
884.5070 |
Vacuum abortion system. |
HGF - Source, Abortion Unit, Vacuum |
II |
HGG - Controller, Abortion Unit, Vacuum |
II |
HGH - Cannula, Suction, Uterine |
II |
HHI - System, Abortion, Vacuum |
II |
884.5100 |
Obstetric anesthesia set. |
HEE - Set, Anesthesia, Paracervical |
II |
HEG - Set, Anesthesia, Pudendal |
II |
KNE - Set, Anesthesia, Obstetric |
II |
884.5160 |
Powered breast pump. |
HGX - Pump, Breast, Powered |
II |
884.5250 |
Cervical cap. |
HDR - Cap, Cervical |
II |
884.5300 |
Condom. |
HIS - Condom |
II |
MOL - Condom, Synthetic |
II |
MSC - Barrier, Std, Oral Sex |
II |
NUC - Lubricant, Personal |
II |
884.5310 |
Condom with spermicidal lubricant. |
LTZ - Condom With Nonoxynol-9 |
II |
884.5350 |
Contraceptive diaphragm and accessories. |
HDW - Diaphragm, Contraceptive (And Accessories) |
II |
884.5460 |
Scented or scented deodorized menstrual tampon. |
HIL - Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized |
II |
884.5470 |
Unscented menstrual tampon. |
HEB - Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented |
II |
884.6100 |
Assisted reproduction needles. |
MQE - Needle, Assisted Reproduction |
II |
NNB - Needle, Reproduction, Assisted, Reprocessed |
II |
884.6110 |
Assisted reproduction catheters. |
MQF - Catheter, Assisted Reproduction |
II |
884.6120 |
Assisted reproduction accessories. |
MQG - Accessory, Assisted Reproduction |
II |
884.6130 |
Assisted reproduction microtools. |
MQH - Microtools, Assisted Reproduction (Pipettes) |
II |
884.6140 |
Assisted reproduction micropipette fabrication instruments. |
MQI - Microtool Fabrication, Assisted Reproduction |
II |
884.6160 |
Assisted reproduction labware. |
MQK - Labware, Assisted Reproduction |
II |
884.6170 |
Assisted reproduction water and water purification systems. |
MTW - System, Water, Reproduction, Assisted, And Purification |
II |