Note: this medical device has supplements. The device description/function or indication may have changed. Be sure to look at the supplements to get an up-to-date information on device changes. The labeling included below is the version at time of approval of the original PMA or panel track supplement and may not represent the most recent labeling. |
Device | MiniMed 670G System |
Generic Name | Automated insulin dosing device system, single hormonal control |
PMA Number | P160017 |
Date Received | 06/16/2016 |
Decision Date | 09/28/2016 |
Product Code |
Docket Number | 16M-1972 |
Notice Date | 09/28/2016 |
Advisory Committee |
Clinical Chemistry |
Clinical Trials | NCT02130284
Expedited Review Granted? | Yes |
Combination Product | No |
Recalls | CDRH Recalls |
Approval Order Statement MiniMed 670G SystemThe Medtronic MiniMed 670G system is intended for continuous delivery of basal insulin (at user selectable rates) and administration of insulin boluses (in user selectable amounts) for the management of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in persons, fourteen years of age and older, requiring insulin as well as for the continuous monitoring and trending of glucose levels in the fluid under the skin. The MiniMed 670G System includes SmartGuard technology, which can be programmed to automatically adjust delivery of basal insulin based on Continuous Glucose Monitor sensor glucose values, and can suspend delivery of insulin when the sensor glucose value falls below or is predicted to fall below predefined threshold values.The Medtronic MiniMed 670G System consists of the following devices: MiniMed 670G insulin pump, the Guardian Link (3) Transmitter, the Guardian Sensor (3), One-Press Serter, and the Contour NEXT Link 2.4 Glucose Meter. The system requires a prescription.The Guardian Sensor (3) glucose values are not intended to be used directly for making therapy adjustments, but rather to provide an indication of when a finger stick may be required. All therapy adjustments should be based on measurements obtained using a home glucose monitor and not on values provided by the Guardian Sensor (3).Guardian Sensor (3)The Guardian Sensor (3) is intended for use with the MiniMed 670G system to continuously monitor glucose levels in persons with diabetes. It is intended to be used for detecting trends and tracking patterns in persons aged fourteen years and older, and to be used by the MiniMed 670G system to automatically adjust basal insulin levels. It is indicated for use as an adjunctive device to complement, not replace, information obtained from standard blood glucose monitoring devices. The sensor is intended for single use and requires a prescription. The Guardian Sensor (3) is indicated for 7 days of continuous use.One-press SerterThe One-press Serter is used as an aid for inserting the sensor. It is indicated for single-patient use and it is not intended for multiple-patient use.Guardian Link (3) Transmitter The Guardian Link (3) Transmitter is intended for use with the MiniMed 670G System. The Guardian Link (3) Transmitter powers the glucose sensor, collects and calculates sensor data, and wirelessly sends the data to the MiniMed 670G insulin pump. The Transmitter is intended for single-patient multi-use. Contour NEXT Link 2.4 Glucose MeterThe Contour Next Link 2.4 Wireless Blood Glucose Monitoring System is an over the counter (OTC) device utilized by persons with diabetes in home settings for the measurement of glucose in whole blood, and is for single patient use only and should not be shared. The Contour Next Link 2.4 wireless blood glucose monitoring system is indicated for use with fresh capillary whole blood samples drawn from the fingertip and palm only. The Contour NEXT Test Strips are intended for self-testing by persons with diabetes for the quantitative measurement of glucose in whole blood samples from 20 to 600 mg/dL. The Contour Next Link 2.4 wireless blood glucose monitoring system is intended to be used to transmit glucose values to the MiniMed 670G pump and facilitate transfer of information to Medtronic CareLink Software through the use of radio frequency communication. The Contour Next Link 2.4 Wireless Blood Glucose Monitoring System is not intended for the diagnosis of, or screening for, diabetes mellitus. It is not intended for use on neonates. |
Approval Order | Approval Order |
Summary | Summary of Safety and Effectiveness |
Labeling | Labeling
Post-Approval Study | Show Report Schedule and Study Progress |
Supplements: |
S001 S002 S003 S004 S005 S006 S007 S008 S010 S011 S012 S013 S014 S016 S017 S018 S019 S020 S021 S023 S024 S026 S027 S028 S029 S030 S031 S032 S033 S034 S035 S036 S037 S038 S039 S040 S041 S042 S043 S044 S045 S046 S047 S048 S049 S050 S051 S052 S053 S054 S055 S057 S058 S059 S060 S061 S062 S064 S065 S066 S067 S069 S070 S072 S073 S074 S075 S076 S077 S078 S079 S080 S081 S082 S083 S085 S086 S087 S088 S089 S090 S091 S092 S093 S094 S095 S096 S098 S099 S100 S102 S103 S105 S106 S108 S109 S110 S111 S113 S114 S115 S116 S117 S119 S120 S121 |