Generic Name | Light adjustable lens (LAL) and light delivery device (LDD) |
Regulation Number | 886.3600 |
Applicant | RxSight, Inc. 100 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 |
PMA Number | P160055 |
Date Received | 12/09/2016 |
Decision Date | 11/22/2017 |
Product Code |
Docket Number | 17M-6614 |
Notice Date | 12/05/2017 |
Advisory Committee |
Ophthalmic |
Clinical Trials | NCT00845520
Expedited Review Granted? | No |
Combination Product | No |
Approval Order Statement Approval for The Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device system is indicated for the reduction residual astigmatism to improve uncorrected visual acuity after removal of the cataractous natural lens by phacoemulsification and implantation of the intraocular lens in the capsular bag, in adult patients: 1) With pre-existing corneal astigmatism of => 0.75 diopters; and 2) Without pre-existing macular disease. The system also reduces the likelihood of clinically significant residual spherical refractive errors. |
Approval Order | Approval Order |
Summary | Summary of Safety and Effectiveness |
Labeling | Labeling Labeling Part 2 |
Post-Approval Study | Show Report Schedule and Study Progress |
Supplements: |
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